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Former Member

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

Skelly, shortly after I began reading this thing, I was thinking: Skelly is writing an essay like Billy. I have to evaluate it with due seriousness.

So, sentence after sentence I was formulating an opinion. Until I neared the end and saw the real writer's name: Ted King.

Well, Skelly, I'll spare you my wrath.

Who de rass is Ted King? Another PPP coolie hack using an Englishfied nickname?

Lemme save de blows fo Conscience and yuji.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

i wonder how much kick back TED KING is getting 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

Skelly, shortly after I began reading this thing, I was thinking: Skelly is writing an essay like Billy. I have to evaluate it with due seriousness.

So, sentence after sentence I was formulating an opinion. Until I neared the end and saw the real writer's name: Ted King.

Well, Skelly, I'll spare you my wrath.

Who de rass is Ted King? Another PPP coolie hack using an Englishfied nickname?

Lemme save de blows fo Conscience and yuji.



yuji is taking it easy.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, You "claim" to be a Journalist but I have strong doubts. What difference does it make to the content of the letter???

I happen to know that Gilly was a Journalist.


Skelly, you caught me too.  Who is Ted King?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

when the ppp lose the election i hope ted king is not one of the ppp that have to go into hiding

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

Skelly, shortly after I began reading this thing, I was thinking: Skelly is writing an essay like Billy. I have to evaluate it with due seriousness.

So, sentence after sentence I was formulating an opinion. Until I neared the end and saw the real writer's name: Ted King.

Well, Skelly, I'll spare you my wrath.

Who de rass is Ted King? Another PPP coolie hack using an Englishfied nickname?

Lemme save de blows fo Conscience and yuji.

I could not make heads or tails of this stream of consciousness rant. I understood the schizophrenic Ronald Arjune ( from the other thread better) because I knew he was talking with guidance from the various people in his head.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, You "claim" to be a Journalist but I have strong doubts. What difference does it make to the content of the letter???

Look, Nehru, I know what a propaganda factory is.

For a number of years I was a member of the PPP's Propaganda Committee [correct name]. Other members were Janet Jagan, Moses Nagamootoo, Clinton Collymore, Kellawan Lall, etc.

Members were encouraged, even asked, to write letters to editors in response to some issue or the other. I don't want to disclose the pen names used because some of these people are alive. Even Mrs Jagan had two pen names.

Your question is: what difference does it make to the content of the letter?

Well, the difference lies in origin and purpose. An unsuspecting reader will naturally get the impression that a certain letter writer is an ordinary citizen with a heartfelt and genuine point of view when, in fact, the letter represents the position of a political party.

I understand that the PPP still upholds the tradition of having a pool of letter writers with assumed names.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

Skelly, shortly after I began reading this thing, I was thinking: Skelly is writing an essay like Billy. I have to evaluate it with due seriousness.

So, sentence after sentence I was formulating an opinion. Until I neared the end and saw the real writer's name: Ted King.

Well, Skelly, I'll spare you my wrath.

Who de rass is Ted King? Another PPP coolie hack using an Englishfied nickname?

Lemme save de blows fo Conscience and yuji.



yuji is taking it easy.

That's right, yuji. Tek it easy. After a while we do suffer from battle fatigue.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, You "claim" to be a Journalist but I have strong doubts. What difference does it make to the content of the letter???

Look, Nehru, I know what a propaganda factory is.

For a number of years I was a member of the PPP's Propaganda Committee [correct name]. Other members were Janet Jagan, Moses Nagamootoo, Clinton Collymore, Kellawan Lall, etc.

Members were encouraged, even asked, to write letters to editors in response to some issue or the other. I don't want to disclose the pen names used because some of these people are alive. Even Mrs Jagan had two pen names.

Your question is: what difference does it make to the content of the letter?

Well, the difference lies in origin and purpose. An unsuspecting reader will naturally get the impression that a certain letter writer is an ordinary citizen with a heartfelt and genuine point of view when, in fact, the letter represents the position of a political party.

I understand that the PPP still upholds the tradition of having a pool of letter writers with assumed names.

You did a very good and simple explanation but trust me even this is above Nehru level of comprehension.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King

Skelly, shortly after I began reading this thing, I was thinking: Skelly is writing an essay like Billy. I have to evaluate it with due seriousness.

So, sentence after sentence I was formulating an opinion. Until I neared the end and saw the real writer's name: Ted King.

Well, Skelly, I'll spare you my wrath.

Who de rass is Ted King? Another PPP coolie hack using an Englishfied nickname?

Lemme save de blows fo Conscience and yuji.


Ted King(whatever his real name is, I don't know) is a letter writer in Chronicle. I have seen his articles often. Like most letter writers in Guyana's newspapers, they use aliases. I bet Ted King is a coolie man.

I think the statements below makes some sense though. It's politics a usual.


Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.


I do not see a third party winning an election. The PPP and PNC have dominated Guyana's politics since the 1950's. Dick Morris once predicted that the AFC will win a majority and form the new government. Guess what? He took the money and ran. The rest is history.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I do not see a third party winning an election. The PPP and PNC have dominated Guyana's politics since the 1950's. Dick Morris once predicted that the AFC will win a majority and form the new government. Guess what? He took the money and ran. The rest is history.

PPP rule will continue indefinitely.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I do not see a third party winning an election. The PPP and PNC have dominated Guyana's politics since the 1950's. Dick Morris once predicted that the AFC will win a majority and form the new government. Guess what? He took the money and ran. The rest is history.

PPP rule will continue indefinitely.

Base, tell us yuh mek joke hey.


Base, you remember the PPP's godfather party? It was called Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU]. We all thought that the CPSU and the Soviet Union would last indefinitely. They conked out at age 74.

Impermanence is a law of life, base. Nothing lasts forever.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I do not see a third party winning an election. The PPP and PNC have dominated Guyana's politics since the 1950's. Dick Morris once predicted that the AFC will win a majority and form the new government. Guess what? He took the money and ran. The rest is history.

PPP rule will continue indefinitely.

Gilly bakka:


did you not know that Baseman has always been the CLASS CLOWN?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I do not see a third party winning an election. The PPP and PNC have dominated Guyana's politics since the 1950's. Dick Morris once predicted that the AFC will win a majority and form the new government. Guess what? He took the money and ran. The rest is history.

PPP rule will continue indefinitely.

Gilly bakka:


did you not know that Baseman has always been the CLASS CLOWN?

Like you and the AFC 35%.  The election will speak for itself and the clowns will surface, just like in 2011.

Originally Posted by Chief:

It's about time for a change of Government and just like Kamla in Trinidad Mr Nagamootoo and his team will restore some decency to the Guyanese people.

It's about time for excitement, destruction, decay and decadence.  It's time for the PNC.


BTW, how things with you and your Brooklyn Settler class friends these days, alyuh kiss and made up?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

It's about time for a change of Government and just like Kamla in Trinidad Mr Nagamootoo and his team will restore some decency to the Guyanese people.

It's about time for excitement, destruction, decay and decadence.  It's time for the PNC.


BTW, how things with you and your Brooklyn Settler class friends these days, alyuh kiss and made up?

PNC cannot win the next elections.  They have much house cleaning to do, first off, they have to hold FREE and FAIR elections in CONGRESS Place.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I do not see a third party winning an election. The PPP and PNC have dominated Guyana's politics since the 1950's. Dick Morris once predicted that the AFC will win a majority and form the new government. Guess what? He took the money and ran. The rest is history.

PPP rule will continue indefinitely.

Dream on azzhole. Dr Baseman.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I AM very sure that only a handful of Guyanese really want the PNC to rule them again, but they must do it through the ballot box in free, fair and transparent elections. In relation to the AFC submitting its ‘No-Confidence Motion’ to the Clerk of the National Assembly on August 9, 2014, and the toothless poodle PSC consulting with members on the impact of passage of the motion, the time is up for consulting with anyone or any group. Guyanese should demand that the Speaker extend the life of the Parliament and let them debate and take their vote of “no confidence” immediately and not wait for October.
The AFC called it…..The PNC joined it….The PPP/C said bring it on, so let us get on with it right now.
Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo do not have to threaten PPP/C with anything.
Most Guyanese know what these men are trying to do, and that is to rile up the people against the PPP/C, but it is not going to work in their favour.
The PPP/C is not blocking them…the PPP/C is not stopping them…. Why are they getting on the media to tell the public they will do this, they will do that, they will do the other if the PPP/C does this, that or the other? So far as the public knows, the PPP/C said they welcome it, but GECOM must be transparent.
The PNC is very happy with GECOM these days, since the U.S. Ambassador set the stage for PNC and Elections.
The people of Guyana – all they want, and all they are asking for is fairness in electing the Government of their choice, not the choice of a handful of people, organisations and media operatives that are against the present Government.
Simply put, those who want PNC rule must let PNC win it through the ballot box, in free, fair, transparent, intimidation-free, non-violent elections.

Ted King





from Kwambe.


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