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Former Member

The United States hits China with a new list of an additional $200 billion on Chinese products to be hit with tariffs. To discuss the new tariffs, Afshin Molavi, a senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins University Foreign Policy Institute; Michael Johns, the Co-founder of the National Tea Party movement; Jessica Stone, CGTN's White House Correspondent; Victor Gao, the director of the China National Association of International Studies.

I hope Guyana understands the implications of this, goes way beyond a trade war I believe. The bias in this video is certainly interesting!
Victor Goa's statement that the USA is becoming a banana republic, very interesting. Pot calling the kettle burned, possibly.
I don't know why yet, but the guy Afshin Molavi creeps me out. Kind of guy that puts grease on the cricket ball, I think.

Its open for chats, be interesting to see Guyanese opinions, anyone else for that matter. I have a feeling that the truth may be too bizarre to tell.
Certainly a world changing event in play...

Replies sorted oldest to newest

China will capitulate.  Their Stock Market is down 40%, DOW down 1%, their currency has collapsed, supply chain is shifting to Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, etc.  Investors are dumping Chinese asset and buying US assets.  Their options are getting less and less!

Trump has exposed, and deflated, the Chinese air balloon!  Trump understands his advantage and riding the horse hard!  The Dragon turning out to be an Iguana!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

China will capitulate.  Their Stock Market is down 40%, DOW down 1%, their currency has collapsed, supply chain is shifting to Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, etc.  Investors are dumping Chinese asset and buying US assets.  Their options are getting less and less!

Trump has exposed, and deflated, the Chinese air balloon!  Trump understands his advantage and riding the horse hard!  The Dragon turning out to be an Iguana!

I have no sides, I'm a typical engineer looking at the system and trying to see if I can fix it, not easy with all the garbage spewing forth from the main stream media.

I don't think Trump is a bad guy, I think he is genuinely trying to find a way to make globalization work, without a war, and he knows he has to try bring manufacture back to the US, decouple.

If China or India dumps the dollar, and they doing that eagerly, Trump knows its not only the end of the USA, the whole world will stop, yet they insist, and there is only one end game to that, nuclear war and both Putin and Trump know it. They got together and stopped it once, whether they can do that again, is doubtful.

There are going to be no winners in what has started.
Unfortunately for China when they decided to join globalization, they have signed their death warrants and probably ours.
The Earth simply cannot support another 3 billion people moving to the middle class.
The competition for resources is going to turn China into enemy number one, they fighting back now, along with the BRICS and that puts humanity on a collision course with firstly, the greatest depression the world has ever seen, and then a global war like no other, one that will kill 6 billion people.

Guyana can be saved if these politicians woke up, its a unique Oasis, but they sleeping, in fact they getting into the middle of the Dollar Euro war, behind the facade of racism and religion, and what they don't realize, is they writing George Town onto a nuke. People hate before thinking, and they so goddamn stupid they going to get everyone killed.

What one has to do is show the globalists another way and how Guyana can help them, the primal economy I call it, another discussion later.

Both Putin and Trump are good men, when they fail, nukes are going to fly, that is all people have to know. In terms of what has happened, the crime is not happening now, the crime was these World Bank bankers getting the earth into a goddamn terrible unsustainable place.

I cant see how Trump and Putin can fix it, humanity is consuming 2x what the earth has, soon oil is gone, then coal, that means war.

The IMF and W.B. seems to be doing nothing for Guyana, in spite of the 300 billion US in new oil wealth, so I assume there is a nuke with our name on it.
No need to fix what you going to wipe out, right?

Something is wrong, this is the biggest thing happening in world history, and the politicians do not even talk about it... we dead or they as thick as bricks.

So far that's how I make sense of all the lies and hate out there.
The hate is there to blind people, so they don't see the gorilla with a nuke in the room.

When I think like this, what we should be seeing in Guyana is billion dollar projects, every man and woman working like crazy preparing for the fall of globalization, green cities, alternative cheap power, frenzied activity, we not, so I assume the politicians and World Bank, European Central Bank, and the New Develop Banks, have already sold Guyana down the river.

They want the trees, the oil... not the people, it seems, and our politicians have not been smart enough to show them a way that does work.

In today's world a stupid politician will get people killed... black power, vs super Islam, vs Christians... its something out of the stone age, and they have blinded their people. We are in a lot of trouble, and no one even talks about it... makes me ill.

Guyana can be saved. The USA is lucky to have Trump, but I don't know how he is going to do it, that country is at the center of chaos.
As for China, Russia, India or the USA winning, no one will win this war.

Say something like this in the main stream media, its censored, I actually do that to test my theories, if its censored, I know I'm getting close to the truth.

There is a lot to be said for saying it as it is... then people can try make a plan, possibly one someone has not thought of... in Guyana that is true, it can be saved. The first world countries, only war will fix it, I think.

This USA vs China vs Russia thing... a smoke screen for culling 7 billion people... so keep hating people. The truth is certainly ugly.

Last edited by Former Member
Robert Spar posted:
Baseman posted:

China will capitulate.  Their Stock Market is down 40%, DOW down 1%, their currency has collapsed, supply chain is shifting to Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, etc.  Investors are dumping Chinese asset and buying US assets.  Their options are getting less and less!

Trump has exposed, and deflated, the Chinese air balloon!  Trump understands his advantage and riding the horse hard!  The Dragon turning out to be an Iguana!

I have no sides, I'm a typical engineer looking at the system and trying to see if I can fix it, not easy with all the garbage spewing forth from the main stream media.

I don't think Trump is a bad guy, I think he is genuinely trying to find a way to make globalization work, without a war, and he knows he has to try bring manufacture back to the US, decouple.

If China or India dumps the dollar, and they doing that eagerly, Trump knows its not only the end of the USA, the whole world will stop, yet they insist, and there is only one end game to that, nuclear war and both Putin and Trump know it. They got together and stopped it once, whether they can do that again, is doubtful.

There are going to be no winners in what has started.
Unfortunately for China when they decided to join globalization, they have signed their death warrants and probably ours.
The Earth simply cannot support another 3 billion people moving to the middle class.
The competition for resources is going to turn China into enemy number one, they fighting back now, along with the BRICS and that puts humanity on a collision course with firstly, the greatest depression the world has ever seen, and then a global war like no other, one that will kill 6 billion people.

Guyana can be saved if these politicians woke up, its a unique Oasis, but they sleeping, in fact they getting into the middle of the Dollar Euro war, behind the facade of racism and religion, and what they don't realize, is they writing George Town onto a nuke. People hate before thinking, and they so goddamn stupid they going to get everyone killed.

What one has to do is show the globalists another way and how Guyana can help them, the primal economy I call it, another discussion later.

Both Putin and Trump are good men, when they fail, nukes are going to fly, that is all people have to know. In terms of what has happened, the crime is not happening now, the crime was these World Bank bankers getting the earth into a goddamn terrible unsustainable place.

I cant see how Trump and Putin can fix it, humanity is consuming 2x what the earth has, soon oil is gone, then coal, that means war.

The IMF and W.B. seems to be doing nothing for Guyana, in spite of the 300 billion US in new oil wealth, so I assume there is a nuke with our name on it.
No need to fix what you going to wipe out, right?

Something is wrong, this is the biggest thing happening in world history, and the politicians do not even talk about it... we dead or they as thick as bricks.

So far that's how I make sense of all the lies and hate out there.
The hate is there to blind people, so they don't see the gorilla with a nuke in the room.

When I think like this, what we should be seeing in Guyana is billion dollar projects, every man and woman working like crazy preparing for the fall of globalization, green cities, alternative cheap power, frenzied activity, we not, so I assume the politicians and World Bank, European Central Bank, and the New Develop Banks, have already sold Guyana down the river.

They want the trees, the oil... not the people, it seems, and our politicians have not been smart enough to show them a way that does work.

In today's world a stupid politician will get people killed... black power, vs super Islam, vs Christians... its something out of the stone age, and they have blinded their people. We are in a lot of trouble, and no one even talks about it... makes me ill.

Guyana can be saved. The USA is lucky to have Trump, but I don't know how he is going to do it, that country is at the center of chaos.
As for China, Russia, India or the USA winning, no one will win this war.

Say something like this in the main stream media, its censored, I actually do that to test my theories, if its censored, I know I'm getting close to the truth.

There is a lot to be said for saying it as it is... then people can try make a plan, possibly one someone has not thought of... in Guyana that is true, it can be saved. The first world countries, only war will fix it, I think.

This USA vs China vs Russia thing... a smoke screen for culling 7 billion people... so keep hating people. The truth is certainly ugly.

China cannot bring down the USA.  They cannot dump American investments as you think, ever heard "too big to fail"?  They can diversify away in a controlled way, but it will not be dramatic.  Doing  so, they will depress the dollar, make America more competitive and boost American exports.

The Chinese invest in US assets for a reason, they have little alternative!

Baseman posted:

China cannot bring down the USA.  They cannot dump American investments as you think, ever heard "too big to fail"?  They can diversify away in a controlled way, but it will not be dramatic.  Doing  so, they will depress the dollar, make America more competitive and boost American exports.

The Chinese invest in US assets for a reason, they have little alternative!

You right... but you still thinking someone is going to win... no one will.
China and the USA are like Siamese Twins joined at the spine, trying to beat each other to death...

A better question is why does China and the USA hate each other?
Why does the USA continuously antagonize Russia, that is Russian Roulette, except its a nuclear missile. The hatred is illogical, as Spock in Star Trek would say... it does not compute, but that is what everyone thinks is normal. I cannot understand the stupidity of humanity, its like Base Jumping without a parachute, that's what I'm trying to show you.
And now that its started... only bad shit is going to happen.
I cant stop that... but we could certainly save little Guyana.


Why so many will die in this war, is because unlike wars that people now watch on TV almost like a video game, if someone puts a nuke in the air, the other side does not know who put it there, was it India, was it China, was it Pakistan, was it Israel, the USA, the UK or some unknown entity... the response will be to take out every major city on the planet. When those people see the nukes coming, they do the same... its almost extinction.
It certainly will not be just China and the USA, or USA and Russia, if it starts... its near extinction. And they seem to be determined to send us all down that road. We got news stations out there cheering for a side, like its a basket ball game... does not compute!
Its not just Guyana, in Argentina, the people cant wait for the USA to fall, in Colombia, same thing... they have no idea what they wishing for... they think its a video game.

Last edited by Former Member
Robert Spar posted:

... in Argentina, the people cant wait for the USA to fall, in Colombia, same thing... they have no idea what they wishing for... they think its a video game.

Good, let them keep wishing while they toggle between just enough and beggar bowl status. 

The USA will have colonies in space while dem duh still picking up fowl egg every morning for breakfast.

Bunch of fools.  

Robert Spar posted:
Baseman posted:

What is the objective regarding China?   So yes, the USA will likely win given the stated narrow objective.

Just look after Guyana... I think the course the USA and China have taken is irreversible. If you live in the USA, get these blind politicians in Guyana to fix it, then come live here.

My personal and kids' interests does not lie with Guyana, but the USA and Switzerland!

Leonora posted:

Airport-man has his billions stashed away in Swiss accounts! 

Gyal, as long as they keep that CHF/USD stable my pension fund is safe.  Billions means it has to go the way of Swaziland!

But it also had to do with my daughter!

And you know Ms Acid breath, well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member

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