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August 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.
Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration.
In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.
We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.
We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.
If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.
Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, β€˜If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’.
Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:


August 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.
Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration.
In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.
We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.
We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.
If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.
Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, β€˜If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’.
Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.

 Another katahar loser seeking sunlight!

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Jagdeo is poised for a comeback in the next election.

The aim is to control the party. That way, every presidential candidate and ministers is his approval. Guyana now has a monarch. 

At the last CONgress, the results has shown that he is threat to Ramotar and a warning to the other underlings.


Thanks to diligent investigative journalism by Kaieteur News, Guyanese and others have learned about the corrupt undercurrents that have driven many PPP/C government "initiatives."

To a lesser extent Stabroek News has also played a watchdog role in monitoring government policies and programs and pinpointing irregularities and intrigues.

We must not blame these newspapers as President Ramotar and Co have done.

KN and SN are merely performing functions that characterize the free press in any democracy.

I look forward to the analyses KN is promising its readers.



That's what the propaganda media is feeding you guys about Jagdeo. Jagdeo is an asset to Guyana's developments and he's no threat to Ramotar or anyone. We're happy to have him around with his experience and expertise in government. Jagedo is hoping to fulfill a dream for all Guyanese by a ripple effect of Hydro-electricity, LCDS initiatives, and Eco-tourism. When you blend the three areas of investments you will get a blooming economy that will eventually put Guyana into a second world-class status. 

Originally Posted by Prince:


That's what the propaganda media is feeding you guys about Jagdeo. Jagdeo is an asset to Guyana's developments and he's no threat to Ramotar or anyone. We're happy to have him around with his experience and expertise in government. Jagedo is hoping to fulfill a dream for all Guyanese by a ripple effect of Hydro-electricity, LCDS initiatives, and Eco-tourism. When you blend the three areas of investments you will get a blooming economy that will eventually put Guyana into a second world-class status. 

This is the real propaganda crap being fed to the people but this time around the people are watching them, the PPP themselves are to be blamed for their demise.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:


That's what the propaganda media is feeding you guys about Jagdeo. Jagdeo is an asset to Guyana's developments and he's no threat to Ramotar or anyone. We're happy to have him around with his experience and expertise in government. Jagedo is hoping to fulfill a dream for all Guyanese by a ripple effect of Hydro-electricity, LCDS initiatives, and Eco-tourism. When you blend the three areas of investments you will get a blooming economy that will eventually put Guyana into a second world-class status. 

This is the real propaganda crap being fed to the people but this time around the people are watching them, the PPP themselves are to be blamed for their demise.



You know when big man talking you should shut you patakeke. Can you add something relevant to what I am talking about?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Jagdeo is poised for a comeback in the next election.

The aim is to control the party. That way, every presidential candidate and ministers is his approval. Guyana now has a monarch. 

At the last CONgress, the results has shown that he is threat to Ramotar and a warning to the other underlings.

Ramotar do not have what it takes to be an independent thinker. If anything, Ramotar serves Jagdeo very well. When the time comes, Ramotar will be relieved of the General Secretary position and put to pasture. By the next general elections, Ramotar will make some excuse not to seek a second term.
Ramotar was just a fill-in.

Originally Posted by Prince:


That's what the propaganda media is feeding you guys about Jagdeo. Jagdeo is an asset to Guyana's developments and he's no threat to Ramotar or anyone. We're happy to have him around with his experience and expertise in government. Jagedo is hoping to fulfill a dream for all Guyanese by a ripple effect of Hydro-electricity, LCDS initiatives, and Eco-tourism. When you blend the three areas of investments you will get a blooming economy that will eventually put Guyana into a second world-class status. 

u should visit the country.

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:


That's what the propaganda media is feeding you guys about Jagdeo. Jagdeo is an asset to Guyana's developments and he's no threat to Ramotar or anyone. We're happy to have him around with his experience and expertise in government. Jagedo is hoping to fulfill a dream for all Guyanese by a ripple effect of Hydro-electricity, LCDS initiatives, and Eco-tourism. When you blend the three areas of investments you will get a blooming economy that will eventually put Guyana into a second world-class status. 

This is the real propaganda crap being fed to the people but this time around the people are watching them, the PPP themselves are to be blamed for their demise.



You know when big man talking you should shut you patakeke. Can you add something relevant to what I am talking about?

I did Mr Patacake (check the correct spelling of the word here) face.


Unnamed investor to own 67% of company with US$8M



NICIL is only investor in US$58M Marriott Hotel

…moderator limits media on questions

The Guyana Government is to date the sole investor in the Georgetown Marriott Hotel given that Atlantic Hotels Inc. (AHI) is yet to have financial closure for US$39M of the US$58.5M required for its completion.

AHI/NICIL Chairman Winston Brassington addressing the media yesterday

AHI/NICIL Chairman Winston Brassington addressing the media yesterday

This was among the revelations made yesterday by AHI’s Chairman, Winston Brassington, during a special media briefing held at the NCN studios in Georgetown. Earlier, moderator, Kit Nascimento, attempted to limit the number of persons that could represent a media house.
When this failed, Nascimento then limited each reporter to two questions.
Brassington told media operatives that while the AHI would have executed a number of agreements with Republic Bank and the private investor, who he is still to name, there is no financial closure.
He said that AHI is looking to have this aspect of the deal concluded by year end, so that the hotel can be completed and opened toward the end of next year.
β€œWe haven’t closed but we have every confidence it will close soon,” said Brassington.
The private investor, he said, is expected to put in US$8M in the project and will have majority ownership of AHI.
The unnamed private investor will own 67 per cent shares in the company while government will own 33 per cent.
Brassington said that the equity for the project will be coming from the unnamed private investor. Another US$4M is to be invested by the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL).
The remainder of the money will be in the form of debt equity and loans.
Republic Bank has been asked to solicit a total of US$31M, to be repaid at an interest rate of 8.9 per cent, while NICIL will be lending US$15.5M with zero per cent return.
According to the Feasibility Study undertaken for the project, the Senior Debt, solicited by Republic Bank will receive payment before the preferred equity, the NICIL equity, and the NICIL debt.
As it relates to the US$15.5M lent to the project by NICIL, this will be repaid interest β€œwhen cash flows enable.”
Rate of Return
Brassington was asked to defend the fact that the unnamed private investor will only put US$8M of the US$58.5M for the hotel, and own 67 per cent of the shares.
He told media operatives that the projections in the feasibility study do not represent a guarantee and as such the rate of the return for the investor has not been guaranteed as yet.
Regarding the levels of money that Government has had to put into the project, Brassington said that the administration put the money to serve as a catalyst.
He conceded that Government would not have been able to secure the total amount required privately.
β€œWe are participating here as a catalyst to basically crowd in an additional US$40M in investments.”


Not unusual
He said while the 22.2 per cent return for the private investor is not guaranteed, commercial banks would earn in excess of 20 per cent β€œso these returns are not unusual.”
Brassington further defended the rate of return to be paid to the private investor pointing to the β€œgreat deal of risk involved…It is not an attractive investment from a cash flow perspective.”

The Marriott Hotel under construction this past week.

The Marriott Hotel under construction this past week.

Asked about the source of the investor if he was not willing to provide a name, Brassington told media operatives, β€œWe are limited by what we can say until we reach financial close…We will make those details available once we reach financial close.”
He did say that the investor has been vetted by Marriott International and by Republic Bank.

Asked about an independent risk analysis, apart from the actual stakeholders in the project, Brassington said that there was none and that AHI is using the various feasibility studies provided by some of the entities involved in the project.
The media was provided with β€˜an extract’ of the feasibility study for the Marriott done by HVS Consulting & Valuation. There was no price tag affixed for report.
That document was dated September 2012. The contract to construct the hotel was executed with Shanghai Construction Inc, the previous year.


Opposition leaders say…Document β€œThe Heist of Guyana”

October 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Members of the Joint Opposition are urging the public to carefully file the series of articles that are being published in Kaieteur News called, β€œThe Heist of Guyana.” The full-page column details in a sequential format how Guyana has been β€œparceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Bharat Jagdeo.”

Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge

The series unveils the β€œrampant corruption, preferential treatment and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration.” It also explained that it will reveal how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends and what we have today, is an economy that is controlled by a small group of influential persons with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. Members of the Joint Opposition have supported the cause and they are strongly suggesting that members of the public β€œkeep these reports of unbelievably poignant and accurate accounts of the truth which bring to light – The Jagdeo deception.” Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Volda Lawrence, has said, β€œI believe that the team involved in this process at Kaieteur News is doing an exceptional job. The Publisher Glenn Lall is brave in stepping up to the plate to do this and it is an extremely commendable act and I look forward to it. However, we must not lose sight of what these articles mean. These articles on the heist of Guyana are not only informative, but expose in no uncertain terms, how the Jagdeo regime is trying to control the economy and it is important for the people of Guyana not to be fooled by the  structures being built all over. It is all a deception.  It is upon this background, I am urging members of the public to keep these copies for reference so that they can be armed with the truth.” Carl Greenidge, the Shadow Minister of Finance for the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, also believes that it is critical that citizens pay attention to the β€œHeist of Guyana” series. The Member of Parliament said, β€œIt is natural for there to be comments on performance of any Government for they collect our monies and how they spend it, can adversely affect our lives.” β€œGuyana faces some serious problems of morality and state lawlessness and this makes it imperative that civil society and political parties address the problems which give rise to such behaviour.” β€œThe press has a key role in this regard and as responsible citizens we have to recognize and protect them in this pursuit.” Greenidge asserted that there has been a massive upsurge of corruption under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). He noted too, that the regime and its reaction to that development, β€œis special” because almost uniquely in this region, the Government instead of making an effort to bring it down; β€œworks hand in hand with those very criminals once they are prepared to fund the PPP because it sees white and blue collar crime as acceptable just as it sees a Minister having a right to have his wife audit the books of the entities overseen by the Minister.” β€œInstead of fighting corruption, the Government viciously attacks those who dare to highlight the problem. One of the main features in Guyana which has allowed these phenomena to gain such a foothold is a weak civil society and a consequential inability to force Governments to live by an acceptable standard. Part of that weakness has been reflected in the fact that outcries and complaints about outrageous behavior are raised and quickly forgotten and patterns of behaviours are not traced or brought to the public’s attention in any systematic manner.” β€œHowever, the attempt by Kaieteur News to publish its perception of what is happening under the rubric of β€œHeist” is most welcomed for its continuity and persistence even in the face of unacceptable Government and PPP retaliation and defamation, and for its investigative work.   I would encourage them to continue which is necessary in defense of our fundamental rights.”


Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Volda Lawrence, has said, β€œI believe that the team involved in this process at Kaieteur News is doing an exceptional job. The Publisher Glenn Lall is brave in stepping up to the plate to do this and it is an extremely commendable act and I look forward to it. However, we must not lose sight of what these articles mean. These articles on the heist of Guyana are not only informative, but expose in no uncertain terms, how the Jagdeo regime is trying to control the economy and it is important for the people of Guyana not to be fooled by the  structures being built all over. It is all a deception.  It is upon this background, I am urging members of the public to keep these copies for reference so that they can be armed with the truth.”

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.

 Another katahar loser seeking sunlight!

You got it wrong. It is a disinfecting of the PPP crony capitalism in the light of day. PPP family and friends inc is not what we signed on for with this democracy thing.


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