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Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.

Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration.
In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.

We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.

We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.

If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.

Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, ‘If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’.
Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.

marriot puzzle pg 10 - aug 18 - aTHE MARRIOT PUZZLE PG - b











Dear Reader, For an enlarged view of ‘The Marriott Puzzle’ image above, check the online paper on the home page – pg 10 and 11.

Also, if you are in possession of any useful information please forward same to us via comments below.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good series by KN. The academics have written on this but KN is taking it to the people. Professor Clive Thomas calls the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime the criminalised state. Professor Tarron Khemraj labels Jagdeo/Ramotar the elected oligarchy. Call it what you may KN is doing a good deed here. 

Originally Posted by JB:

Good series by KN. The academics have written on this but KN is taking it to the people. Professor Clive Thomas calls the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime the criminalised state. Professor Tarron Khemraj labels Jagdeo/Ramotar the elected oligarchy. Call it what you may KN is doing a good deed here. 

WATA WASH KANTA PROF Khemraj??? EH?? Is he yut talkin bout????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Good series by KN. The academics have written on this but KN is taking it to the people. Professor Clive Thomas calls the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime the criminalised state. Professor Tarron Khemraj labels Jagdeo/Ramotar the elected oligarchy. Call it what you may KN is doing a good deed here. 

WATA WASH KANTA PROF Khemraj??? EH?? Is he yut talkin bout????


Dear God! Ignorance knows no bounds. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Good series by KN. The academics have written on this but KN is taking it to the people. Professor Clive Thomas calls the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime the criminalised state. Professor Tarron Khemraj labels Jagdeo/Ramotar the elected oligarchy. Call it what you may KN is doing a good deed here. 

WATA WASH KANTA PROF Khemraj??? EH?? Is he yut talkin bout????


Dear God! Ignorance knows no bounds. 

Then how come you are so popular with Ignorance. WATAK!!! Meh coffee liked it gat too much sugar thia marnin.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Good series by KN. The academics have written on this but KN is taking it to the people. Professor Clive Thomas calls the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime the criminalised state. Professor Tarron Khemraj labels Jagdeo/Ramotar the elected oligarchy. Call it what you may KN is doing a good deed here. 

WATA WASH KANTA PROF Khemraj??? EH?? Is he yut talkin bout????


Dear God! Ignorance knows no bounds. 

Then how come you are so popular with Ignorance. WATAK!!! Meh coffee liked it gat too much sugar thia marnin.


Maxwell house and folgers can't be that good. Come again!

Originally Posted by Observer:

Who spiked Neroo's caffee tea?  

There is an IDIOT born every minute. The problem is JB/Warrion is the Captain of the IDIOTS. WATAK. Sweet, Sweet Kaffee

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Who spiked Neroo's caffee tea?  

There is an IDIOT born every minute. The problem is JB/Warrion is the Captain of the IDIOTS. WATAK. Sweet, Sweet Kaffee

Indeed you are a model Hindu and PPP representative. Enjoy your Sunday beef binge and rum. 


Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Who spiked Neroo's caffee tea?  

There is an IDIOT born every minute. The problem is JB/Warrion is the Captain of the IDIOTS. WATAK. Sweet, Sweet Kaffee

Indeed you are a model Hindu and PPP representative. Enjoy your Sunday beef binge and rum. 


Thank you, I will ENJOY. You are doing a great job at ensuring I enjoy.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Who spiked Neroo's caffee tea?  

There is an IDIOT born every minute. The problem is JB/Warrion is the Captain of the IDIOTS. WATAK. Sweet, Sweet Kaffee

Indeed you are a model Hindu and PPP representative. Enjoy your Sunday beef binge and rum. 


Thank you, I will ENJOY. You are doing a great job at ensuring I enjoy.


I am not surprised. After all you are the model supporter Dr Jagan, Mrs Jagan and Ramotar/Jagdeo desire and moulded over the years. Ignorance and darkness are seen as enjoyment. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Who spiked Neroo's caffee tea?  

There is an IDIOT born every minute. The problem is JB/Warrion is the Captain of the IDIOTS. WATAK. Sweet, Sweet Kaffee

Indeed you are a model Hindu and PPP representative. Enjoy your Sunday beef binge and rum. 


Thank you, I will ENJOY. You are doing a great job at ensuring I enjoy.


I am not surprised. After all you are the model supporter Dr Jagan, Mrs Jagan and Ramotar/Jagdeo desire and moulded over the years. Ignorance and darkness are seen as enjoyment. 

Being an AHOLE seems to give you ultimate pleasure.!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Who spiked Neroo's caffee tea?  

There is an IDIOT born every minute. The problem is JB/Warrion is the Captain of the IDIOTS. WATAK. Sweet, Sweet Kaffee

Indeed you are a model Hindu and PPP representative. Enjoy your Sunday beef binge and rum. 


Thank you, I will ENJOY. You are doing a great job at ensuring I enjoy.


I am not surprised. After all you are the model supporter Dr Jagan, Mrs Jagan and Ramotar/Jagdeo desire and moulded over the years. Ignorance and darkness are seen as enjoyment. 

Being an AHOLE seems to give you ultimate pleasure.!!!!!

You speak well like your kind. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Observer:

JB is Mitwa.   


Are you one of Nehru's many handles? 

You don't know anything about Uncle Nehru, there is a reason his nick name is BIG WALLABA!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Observer:

JB is Mitwa.   


Are you one of Nehru's many handles? 

You don't know anything about Uncle Nehru, there is a reason his nick name is BIG WALLABA!!!

You must mean big mouth. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Observer:

JB is Mitwa.   


Are you one of Nehru's many handles? 

You don't know anything about Uncle Nehru, there is a reason his nick name is BIG WALLABA!!!

You must mean big mouth. 

Your opinion is not important ask others.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Observer:

JB is Mitwa.   


Are you one of Nehru's many handles? 

You don't know anything about Uncle Nehru, there is a reason his nick name is BIG WALLABA!!!

You must mean big mouth. 

Your opinion is not important ask others.


I would not know your associates of your kind. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Observer:

JB is Mitwa.   


Are you one of Nehru's many handles? 

You don't know anything about Uncle Nehru, there is a reason his nick name is BIG WALLABA!!!

You must mean big mouth. 

Your opinion is not important ask others.


I would not know your associates of your kind. 

Yuh really not too bright.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Observer:

JB is Mitwa.   


Are you one of Nehru's many handles? 

You don't know anything about Uncle Nehru, there is a reason his nick name is BIG WALLABA!!!

You must mean big mouth. 

Your opinion is not important ask others.


I would not know your associates of your kind. 

Yuh really not too bright.


Your associates are ignorant just like you. 


Opposition leaders say…Document “The Heist of Guyana”

October 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Members of the Joint Opposition are urging the public to carefully file the series of articles that are being published in Kaieteur News called, “The Heist of Guyana.” The full-page column details in a sequential format how Guyana has been “parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Bharat Jagdeo.”

Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge

The series unveils the “rampant corruption, preferential treatment and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration.” It also explained that it will reveal how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends and what we have today, is an economy that is controlled by a small group of influential persons with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. Members of the Joint Opposition have supported the cause and they are strongly suggesting that members of the public “keep these reports of unbelievably poignant and accurate accounts of the truth which bring to light – The Jagdeo deception.” Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Volda Lawrence, has said, “I believe that the team involved in this process at Kaieteur News is doing an exceptional job. The Publisher Glenn Lall is brave in stepping up to the plate to do this and it is an extremely commendable act and I look forward to it. However, we must not lose sight of what these articles mean. These articles on the heist of Guyana are not only informative, but expose in no uncertain terms, how the Jagdeo regime is trying to control the economy and it is important for the people of Guyana not to be fooled by the  structures being built all over. It is all a deception.  It is upon this background, I am urging members of the public to keep these copies for reference so that they can be armed with the truth.” Carl Greenidge, the Shadow Minister of Finance for the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, also believes that it is critical that citizens pay attention to the “Heist of Guyana” series. The Member of Parliament said, “It is natural for there to be comments on performance of any Government for they collect our monies and how they spend it, can adversely affect our lives.” “Guyana faces some serious problems of morality and state lawlessness and this makes it imperative that civil society and political parties address the problems which give rise to such behaviour.” “The press has a key role in this regard and as responsible citizens we have to recognize and protect them in this pursuit.” Greenidge asserted that there has been a massive upsurge of corruption under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). He noted too, that the regime and its reaction to that development, “is special” because almost uniquely in this region, the Government instead of making an effort to bring it down; “works hand in hand with those very criminals once they are prepared to fund the PPP because it sees white and blue collar crime as acceptable just as it sees a Minister having a right to have his wife audit the books of the entities overseen by the Minister.” “Instead of fighting corruption, the Government viciously attacks those who dare to highlight the problem. One of the main features in Guyana which has allowed these phenomena to gain such a foothold is a weak civil society and a consequential inability to force Governments to live by an acceptable standard. Part of that weakness has been reflected in the fact that outcries and complaints about outrageous behavior are raised and quickly forgotten and patterns of behaviours are not traced or brought to the public’s attention in any systematic manner.” “However, the attempt by Kaieteur News to publish its perception of what is happening under the rubric of “Heist” is most welcomed for its continuity and persistence even in the face of unacceptable Government and PPP retaliation and defamation, and for its investigative work.   I would encourage them to continue which is necessary in defense of our fundamental rights.”


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