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The Heroes Who Uncovered the NYPD's Muslim Surveillance

Posted: 03/ 5/2012 11:32 am

I am talking about the Associated Press's Matt Apuzzo, Adam Goldman, Chris Hawley and Eileen Sullivan, who together sifted through hundreds of pages of New York Police Department documents  wrote some 40 stories on the agency's shameful monitoring of law-abiding Muslims.andNYPD's devious surveillance tactics included, as reported by the AP: developing detailed maps on Muslim houses of worship, restaurants, home schools; sending in "rakers" and "mosque crawlers" to spy on innocent Muslims; affixing cameras to light poles to monitor mosque activities; focusing on Muslim student groups in areas out of their jurisdiction; keeping track of Muslims who began to use more Americanized names; and using White House funds reserved for fighting drug trafficking for surveillance of Muslims' First Amendment activities.

The White House wants to avoid the issue altogether. Janet Napolitano is tight-lipped. Attorney General Eric Holder for months side-stepped the issue of investigating NYPD's intelligence-gathering techniques before finally saying his office will look into it, in response to a question by Rep. Mike Honda. Mayor Michael Bloomberg summed up his erroneous sentiments this way (even as Jewish businesses became a target of NYPD monitoring): "The police department goes where there are allegations. And they look to see whether those allegations are true. ... Remind yourself when you turn out the light tonight."

The subject -- monitoring of Muslims -- isn't news. Worse, it isn't exactly jaw dropping for Americans.

Day in and day out, citizens of the free world -- that's us -- hear about this subject and grow more accustomed to the idea of sacrificing freedoms to protect freedoms. That is, sacrificing someone else's freedoms to somehow protect their own.

This complacent attitude suggests that our Constitutional principles of freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are so fragile that they can only be held up during peacetime, but not during war.


The AP team has done an amazing job in its months-long investigation of the NYPD, reminiscent of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's investigative reporting of the Watergate scandal, which ultimately resulted in President Nixon's resignation and other subsequent action.

The revelations involving the NYPD come at a critical time when we, as a nation, cannot afford to waste resources or implement ineffective measures in counter-terrorism efforts to protect the homeland. Absent the AP articles, there has rarely been a sustained, in-depth and independent scrutiny of the NYPD or most other counter-terrorism efforts across the nation.

Moreover, the AP reporters' work emanates from loyalty to the truth, ensuring government transparency and protection of the public's right to know, and not necessarily from sympathy for the Muslim community. They know well that a free press is the hallmark of a free society.

But sadly, for doing their job, their news organization has been slammed by some from within the profession.

New York Post's Michael A. Walsh wrote that the AP "for months now has been waging a journalistic jihad against the NYPD and its counter-terrorism tactics in the name of 'civil rights.'"

"Was the AP born yesterday?" Walsh asked.

No, it wasn't.

Were you, Mr. Walsh?

The Post carried on with its attacks, including publishing a cartoon which stereotypically depicted hook-nosed terrorists calling up the AP to complain about NYPD's surveillance of them. The cartoonist, Sean Delonas, previously depicted President Obama as a chimpanzee.

The New York Daily News joined in by asking in its editorial pages: "What is the matter with New Jersey politicians that they are raising a stink because the NYPD keeps an eye out for terrorists on their turf?"

Both the Post and the Daily News don't want to recognize that Raymond Kelly's NYPD actually evokes memories of the "red scare" and Japanese American internment. History will show just how Kelly will be remembered.

In the meantime, questions remain about the effectiveness of NYPD's methods to catch the bad guys (in the absence of agency oversight), how resources were diverted from another program only to be wasted on spying on the legal activities of Americans and the ability of New York's Muslim community to report suspicious activity after having been betrayed by Kelly.

Back in 1954, a distinguished journalist stated: "We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason ... and remember that we are not descended from fearful men."

The subject was Joseph McCarthy, and the addressor was Edward R. Murrow.

Let's take a moment to thank the AP for raising critical questions about whether all Americans, including American Muslims, can safely turn out the light at night in our post-9/11 society?




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The AP is just doing their job to make news that sells. You on the other hand is angry that good and decent Muslims support the cause to profile neemakaram Muslim. Now we know WHO you support and that is the destructive Muslims like your self. I will share this info with Al-Abidin Mosque that you support terrorist.


F.B.I. Official Faults Police Tactics on Muslims

<h6 class="byline">By </h6><h6 class="dateline">Published: March 7, 2012</h6>

The New York Police Department’s surveillance of Muslims in New Jersey has undermined efforts by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to build relationships there since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to the head of the agency’s Newark division.


Michael B. Ward, the special agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Newark office, said on Wednesday that the New York surveillance tactics were not an effective form of intelligence gathering and, in effect, were harming the fight against terrorism by fomenting distrust among New Jersey’s Muslims.

“When people pull back, when people pull back cooperation, it creates additional risk, it creates blind spots, it hinders our ability to have our finger on the pulse of what’s going on around the state,” Agent Ward said at a news briefing in Newark. “It makes the job of the Joint Terrorism Task Force much, much harder.”

The legal authority of the New York police to carry out surveillance outside the city has been questioned. The New York police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, has vigorously defended his agency’s right to do such work.

But Agent Ward focused less on the legality of the practice than on its efficacy, drawing a distinction between effective intelligence gathering and the kind that has no specific relationship to counterterrorism.

“People are concerned that they are being followed,” he said. “People are concerned that they can’t trust law enforcement, and it’s having a negative impact.”

Some F.B.I. officials said privately that they were happy to see Agent Ward speak so frankly, but were surprised that he would risk making comments that were such a striking departure from what is usually offered: deferential remarks about the relationship between the F.B.I. and the New York Police Department, even when the relationship itself is more complicated.

Indeed, Agent Ward noted examples of the agency’s cooperation with the Police Department.

Not long after Agent Ward spoke, Robert S. Mueller III, the director of the F.B.I., offered a rosier perspective to the House Appropriations Committee.

“Let me start by saying, at the outset, that Ray Kelly and the New York Police Department have done a remarkable job in protecting New York,” said Mr. Mueller, responding to Representative Mike Honda, a Democrat from California, who asked about the surveillance tactics.

“The fact of the matter is New York has been and will continue to be a target,” Mr. Mueller said. “And we have worked closely — very closely — together with them.”

Mr. Mueller noted that the F.B.I. and the New York police operated under different guidelines for investigations.


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