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De Honorable....

Signing the Corbin-Jagdeo Accord...

Agreeing to

(1) Move all Black House of Israel Thugs

and Ballot Box Riggers out of the PNC

and Permanently  to Freedom House & Office of the President

and make them Advisors to the PPP 


(2) Clean up the PNC so any future leader do not carry

Burnham Thuggery & Rigging Baggage and Record.


(3) Like a Coo-noo-moo-noo

Turn PPP into a Permanent Minority Party.


(4) Agree to destroy the PPP....


ksazma posted:
Jalil posted:

Jagdeo & the thiefmen

Scratching Balls

Jagdeo prappa uncouth. But he doesn't let anyone bully him around. Burnham walked all over Jagan. Jagdeo first bought out Corbin dogs then set them on him to keep him at bay.  That is brilliance.

Turning the PPP into a Minority party can never be Brilliant.

Jalil posted:

De Honorable....

Signing the Corbin-Jagdeo Accord...

Agreeing to

(1) Move all Black House of Israel Thugs

and Ballot Box Riggers out of the PNC

and Permanently  to Freedom House & Office of the President

and make them Advisors to the PPP 


(2) Clean up the PNC so any future leader do not carry

Burnham Thuggery & Rigging Baggage and Record.


(3) Like a Coo-noo-moo-noo

Turn PPP into a Permanent Minority Party.


(4) Agree to destroy the PPP....




Speaking about balls, the way people talk nowadays would be scandalous in the past. The Marlins have a hitter name Stanton. He is so good that not so long ago he signed  a $325M contract. Now the Dolphins former player Jason Taylor has a sister name Joy Taylor who is on a morning sports talk show here. She is always talking of how much love Stanton's big dongs (home runs).

ksazma posted:

Then after Jagdeo, Ramotar let the entire Opposition walk over him. Then Jagdeo came back and looked the former Opposition now Government in the eyes and tell them that they cannot bully him. Maybe the man got no use for them but he surely got balls.

Jagdeo will scratch forever

PPP is a Minority....


Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:
Jalil posted:

Jagdeo & the thiefmen

Scratching Balls

Jagdeo prappa uncouth. But he doesn't let anyone bully him around. Burnham walked all over Jagan. Jagdeo first bought out Corbin dogs then set them on him to keep him at bay.  That is brilliance.

Turning the PPP into a Minority party can never be Brilliant.

Jalil posted:

De Honorable....

Signing the Corbin-Jagdeo Accord...

Agreeing to

(1) Move all Black House of Israel Thugs

and Ballot Box Riggers out of the PNC

and Permanently  to Freedom House & Office of the President

and make them Advisors to the PPP 


(2) Clean up the PNC so any future leader do not carry

Burnham Thuggery & Rigging Baggage and Record.


(3) Like a Coo-noo-moo-noo

Turn PPP into a Permanent Minority Party.


(4) Agree to destroy the PPP....



Jalil bai, he didn't turn the PPP into a minority party. That was done by Ramotar's seeming weakness. Now that Jagdeo is back, the coalition government is so busy wondering what he will do next that they have rendered themselves hapless. The PPP will be the government in 2020 unless the riggers come back to Guyana. The man is brilliant. After leaving office in 2011 and with all the thiefing that the Coalition spoke about and after they have been in government for nearly a year and even after the stupid racial incitement lawsuit brought by Christopher Ram (my guess is that Ram would like to take that lawsuit back) Jagdeo is still freely enjoying life as he have the government chasing their tails. That indeed is brilliance.

Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:

Then after Jagdeo, Ramotar let the entire Opposition walk over him. Then Jagdeo came back and looked the former Opposition now Government in the eyes and tell them that they cannot bully him. Maybe the man got no use for them but he surely got balls.

Jagdeo will scratch forever

PPP is a Minority....


Looks like you got the Jagdeo Itch.

Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:

Then after Jagdeo, Ramotar let the entire Opposition walk over him. Then Jagdeo came back and looked the former Opposition now Government in the eyes and tell them that they cannot bully him. Maybe the man got no use for them but he surely got balls.

Jagdeo will scratch forever

PPP is a Minority....


They coming back in 2020. This government don't have the goods. Every day that goes by is another miserable one for them. My guess is that they can't wait to leave office in 2020. Unless they can't stop themselves from their rigging ways.

No hard feelings bai.

ba$eman posted:

Jalil is a very perverted [funny] fella.  He seems always infatuated by what's under people's underclothes, both men and women!!

Baseman I do not think Walla is a you come to that conclusion.

Jagdeo scratching De Balls.... and according to Baseman..... De other one scratching Poke..... Baseman vex because Chat-3 tek Guyana Govt money and buy sperm in Jamaica.....and eee get caught.

Baseman cannot deal with the Truth..... Chat-3 is he family.

Jalil posted:
ba$eman posted:

Jalil is a very perverted [funny] fella.  He seems always infatuated by what's under people's underclothes, both men and women!!

Baseman I do not think Walla is a you come to that conclusion.

Jagdeo scratching De Balls.... and according to Baseman..... De other one scratching Poke..... Baseman vex because Chat-3 tek Guyana Govt money and buy sperm in Jamaica.....and eee get caught.

Baseman cannot deal with the Truth..... Chat-3 is he family.

You are actually an amusement on this site!!

ksazma posted:
Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:

Then after Jagdeo, Ramotar let the entire Opposition walk over him. Then Jagdeo came back and looked the former Opposition now Government in the eyes and tell them that they cannot bully him. Maybe the man got no use for them but he surely got balls.

Jagdeo will scratch forever

PPP is a Minority....


They coming back in 2020. This government don't have the goods. Every day that goes by is another miserable one for them. My guess is that they can't wait to leave office in 2020. Unless they can't stop themselves from their rigging ways.

No hard feelings bai.

Bhai we go far back.... and even if we disagree or see things differently we will not knowingly support corruption or thiefing like Baseman.

My position is simple... PPP is a minority.... how will they get back in govt.

De House of Israel Thugs cant Help them...that was a Mistake....

De Ballot Box Thieves and Riggers cant Help them...that was a Mistake....


Chat-3 get caught redhanded

thiefing and plotting with Kurshid Sattaur & Jagdeo.....

and breaking the Guyana Revenue Authority Law

when they share Glen Lall Tax Files.


PPP is a Minority.....

I cannot support a Donkey to win the Triple Crown..

only Cobra, Baseman, Yuji. BB, Nuhru

and those who do not know better will tell us differently.

Last edited by Former Member
Jalil posted:

Bhai we go far back.... and even if we disagree or see things differently we will not knowingly support corruption or thiefing like Baseman.

My position is simple... PPP is a minority.... how will they get back in govt.

De House of Israel Thugs cant Help them...that was a Mistake....

De Ballot Box Thieves and Riggers cant Help them...that was a Mistake....


Chat-3 get caught redhanded

thiefing and plotting with Kurshid Sattaur & Jagdeo.....

and breaking the Guyana Revenue Authority Law

when they share Glen Lall Tax Files.


PPP is a Minority.....

I cannot support a Donkey to win the Triple Crown..

only Cobra, Baseman, Yuji. BB, Nuhru

and those who do not know better will tell us differently.

No doubt all your observation above are valid. However, the PPP can still make improvements to compete in the 2020 elections. Trust me, I am not banking on the Coalition's haplessness to put the PPP back in office although that seem almost certain. My position even before the 2011 elections is for Guyana to have a government that represents all of Guyana not the supporters of the party in power. The PPP needs to prove that they can include everyone because that is what the Coalition is preaching although they are not practicing it. Plus you have the other element where the AFC would become discouraged by APNU. Moses can't forever be happy with Harmon being his boss when he though the Prime Minister position was autonomous. Although Carib bai thinks the AFC usefulness to the Coalition is over.


Granger is a public figure and as such is open to any description,  figuratively or metaphorically.  When those on this site and social commentators and others were calling former president a variety of disrespectful names, we did not have this garbage. What? Is he a religious icon, prophet or something else that puts him above being called a jackass. 

I Was tempted to call him one just to show that I can  do so. However, my mom will turn over in her grave if I behaved like that.

These people need to get over themselves. Seems like they have the support of the president who has made a statement on this issue and members of the ruling coalition. It is people like the protesters who make politicians feel that they are better than the electors who elected them and all Guyanese in whose name they govern.

ba$eman posted:
Jalil posted:
ba$eman posted:

Jalil is a very perverted [funny] fella.  He seems always infatuated by what's under people's underclothes, both men and women!!

Baseman I do not think Walla is a you come to that conclusion.

Jagdeo scratching De Balls.... and according to Baseman..... De other one scratching Poke..... Baseman vex because Chat-3 tek Guyana Govt money and buy sperm in Jamaica.....and eee get caught.

Baseman cannot deal with the Truth..... Chat-3 is he family.

You are actually an amusement on this site!!

Spermgate is no joke.

Zed posted:

Granger is a public figure and as such is open to any description,  figuratively or metaphorically.  When those on this site and social commentators and others were calling former president a variety of disrespectful names, we did not have this garbage. What? Is he a religious icon, prophet or something else that puts him above being called a jackass. 

I Was tempted to call him one just to show that I can  do so. However, my mom will turn over in her grave if I behaved like that.

These people need to get over themselves. Seems like they have the support of the president who has made a statement on this issue and members of the ruling coalition. It is people like the protesters who make politicians feel that they are better than the electors who elected them and all Guyanese in whose name they govern.

He is open to public characterization  of all sorts by citizens with whom he has no need to interface with in the course of doing the nations business. But officials within the government do not have the same prerogative. Those who take to being disrespectful are open to official and public rebuke.

ksazma posted:
Jalil posted:

Bhai we go far back.... and even if we disagree or see things differently we will not knowingly support corruption or thiefing like Baseman.

My position is simple... PPP is a minority.... how will they get back in govt.

De House of Israel Thugs cant Help them...that was a Mistake....

De Ballot Box Thieves and Riggers cant Help them...that was a Mistake....


Chat-3 get caught redhanded

thiefing and plotting with Kurshid Sattaur & Jagdeo.....

and breaking the Guyana Revenue Authority Law

when they share Glen Lall Tax Files.


PPP is a Minority.....

I cannot support a Donkey to win the Triple Crown..

only Cobra, Baseman, Yuji. BB, Nuhru

and those who do not know better will tell us differently.

No doubt all your observation above are valid. However, the PPP can still make improvements to compete in the 2020 elections. Trust me, I am not banking on the Coalition's haplessness to put the PPP back in office although that seem almost certain. My position even before the 2011 elections is for Guyana to have a government that represents all of Guyana not the supporters of the party in power. The PPP needs to prove that they can include everyone because that is what the Coalition is preaching although they are not practicing it. Plus you have the other element where the AFC would become discouraged by APNU. Moses can't forever be happy with Harmon being his boss when he though the Prime Minister position was autonomous. Although Carib bai thinks the AFC usefulness to the Coalition is over.

In politics anything is possible....for PPP to get back in Govt one of these things has to happen....

(1) PPP has to change from their current position as The Minority.... Impossible cannot be done with the De Ole PNC Ganda Egg in the PPP Leadership.... The PPP have to get rid of the Black House of Israel Thugs and the Ballot Box Riggers and thieves....

then they must expand their base by attracting all those who left the PPP and refused to vote or to support them because of the Jagdeo/Corbin Accord.

(2) AFC/ APNU Alliance have to collapse.... then either one can join PPP in a new Alliance that can get the PPP back in as part of the Govt.....

even if this would happen AFC or APNU will demand the Presidency and a major say in the govt.......

it will not be Jagdeo in total control and running things like before.


Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:


David Arthur Granger:

Hay dummy....what are your credentials that you call the man an ass? I can discern from your legacy of ignorant utterances here you are half way literate so one can understand and pity your plight.

You mean I should have called him a pig instead?

You also got that covered given your bigotry and ill mannered yammering.

Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:


David Arthur Granger:

Hay dummy....what are your credentials that you call the man an ass? I can discern from your legacy of ignorant utterances here you are half way literate so one can understand and pity your plight.

You mean I should have called him a pig instead?

You also got that covered given your bigotry and ill mannered yammering.

Telling me what I am is no different than what you told me in the past. So, why are you acting surprised today? You want two cuss to leave me alone?

Zed posted:

I understand that the statement was made during the LGE campaign. Granger was involved in campaigning for the coalition. So, for me, that makes it open season on him. (In terms of the metaphor used)You will disagree with me, but that is your prerogative.

These men do not have the freedom to be crude  or ill-manered in administering their duties. They are supposed to be representing the people and not themselves in their office. Granger is also the president and if a minor official shows disrespect in this caustic or abusive ways then he should suffer official rebuke. Note, the Arizona governor pointed her finger at Obama scoldingly to make a point and she suffered and continue to be held in contempt for it. It is unbecoming of government officials to break protocol. We need that to maintain civility so the administration of the state does not become a place for hurling random insults to the detriment of meaningful work.


I beg to differ. It goes with the territory. Did you see the videoclip of Ramjattan telling Rohee to "haul his ass" in response to a reporter's question. If people think that granger acted or acts like a jackass, then label him as such. It is all part of the political arena. It was an election campaign and granger when he is campaigning, becomes open to verbal attacks.

Zed posted:

I beg to differ. It goes with the territory. Did you see the videoclip of Ramjattan telling Rohee to "haul his ass" in response to a reporter's question. If people think that granger acted or acts like a jackass, then label him as such. It is all part of the political arena. It was an election campaign and granger when he is campaigning, becomes open to verbal attacks.

Ramjattan did not assault Rohee's intellect or his lack thereof. He told him in a crude way to take his leave of the subject and even on that account he was reprimanded as uncouth and rightfully so.

Where has Granger acted like a jackass? In any event, if he did the imperative of officials of a lesser portfolio is not to be disrespectful. The imperative is to tactfully inform him of his error or oversight.

Granger is the president and respect for the office is paramount in whatever capacity Granger is executing his duties; be it to party or to the state. No underling should be abusive. This one rightfully gets his due.


The person who called Granger a jackass is not a member of the Coalition. He is a PPP representative and as such not have to walk the party line of the Coalition. No different from members of the Coalition while in Opposition disrespecting Jagdeo or Ramotar. Even Moses sitting in the Prime Minister's chair called the Opposition Leader a bully just because the Opposition Leader did not stay to hear him speak. If it is required, then members of the sitting government are guilty of disrespect. Do we have an agreement on that?

Jalil posted:

In politics anything is possible....for PPP to get back in Govt one of these things has to happen....

(1) PPP has to change from their current position as The Minority.... Impossible cannot be done with the De Ole PNC Ganda Egg in the PPP Leadership.... The PPP have to get rid of the Black House of Israel Thugs and the Ballot Box Riggers and thieves....

then they must expand their base by attracting all those who left the PPP and refused to vote or to support them because of the Jagdeo/Corbin Accord.

(2) AFC/ APNU Alliance have to collapse.... then either one can join PPP in a new Alliance that can get the PPP back in as part of the Govt.....

even if this would happen AFC or APNU will demand the Presidency and a major say in the govt.......

it will not be Jagdeo in total control and running things like before.


Jalil bai, the PPP and APNU can never join government. That would be a free for all totalitarian regime where the politicians take all the spoils and the people eat craw. Burnham essentially did this by marginalizing Jagan and the record needs no additional introduction. A more likely scenario is the AFC abandoning the APNU after feeling screwed by APNU.

btw at what point is the government going to commence addressing those 10 objectives of the Accord? 


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