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@Former Member posted:

On the other side of the coin, Ralph Ramkarran said in his weekly column that Moses Nagamootoo is aiding the return of dictatorship in Guyana. Can you make head or tail with his outreach for shared governance?

He was aiding and abetting the return of a dictatorship, but as he realized that the Coalition lost the election, he is trying to advocate Shared governance with Granger retaining the Presidency.

@Ramakant-P posted:

He was aiding and abetting the return of a dictatorship, but as he realized that the Coalition lost the election, he is trying to advocate Shared governance with Granger retaining the Presidency.

Can Moses Nagamootoo redeem himself and go against Granger or he risks paying the price like Rupert Roopnarine in the Burnham era?

@Former Member posted:

How is Tola? Has anyone heard from him?

Yep. He recently emailed me a photograph of a relative who passed away a few years ago (who was a friend of CBJ)  I mentioned this to him when I met him a couple years ago and was surprised he knew the person also that he remembered. The pic was forwarded to the daughter of the deceased and she was quite pleased to receive it right out of the blue.


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