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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


April 23, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


A cat and mouse game is being played out between the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) and the opposition coalition APNU+AFC. Both sides seem to be waiting on each other to make the first move when it comes to releasing their manifestos........

The longer APNU+AFC delay in releasing its manifesto, the less time they will have to lure this segment which is so critical to the outcome of the elections.


Do you think it matters to the average voter?  Most hardly read and study these documents.  In any case, if a good manifesto meant much, the PNC would have had Guyana a shining star during their tenure.  It makes for a good conversational topic among students and professors, an academic exercise.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:

Yea Ravi working big time for PPP these days.


If Ravi can be bought then so can anyone else. Unless he was always no more than a two bit hustler.


What do you think of my proposition that we are not dealing with "Nagamootoo's Indians" but more accurately "ROAR's Indians"?

ROAR Indians were more cultural than political.  caribj said it right. In the end they will vote for the PPP/C. ROAR Indians were interested in the IAD than anything else.  Ravi Dev misinterpreted their sentiments.


You are wrong. I happen to have family that are ROAR Indians and I did extensive yeoman work for ROAR both here and in Guyana.


They are very political. Probably the most political of all the Indos.


Ravi did not misinterpret their sentiments. He misinterpreted their electoral behavior. He wrongly calculated that the more anti-Indian the PNC was the more likely the Indians would be to vote ROAR. That was wrong. Anti-Indian violence only helps the PPP. Indians are only willing to vote for a third party when there is no violence. Notice that the Indians dealt the PPP a minority Government in 2011, the first election following the first election free of anti-Indian PNC violence?


The smart thing for the PNC to do was to keep the quiet and muzzle its mad dogs so that an Indo third party (like the AFC) can do the work of dealing the fatal blow to the PPP (which I suspect could have occurred as early as 2015 or 2020 at the latest). This ill-thought out Coalition has ironically given the PPP a life raft from being knifed to the Opposition benches by the ROAR Indians. This was a mad rush to stab the fatal wound into the PPP neck will fall short because they neglected the middle stage of getting close enough to said neck to be within appropriate stabbing reach.

Indian will only vote for a 3rd party if the risk of the PNC being the benefactor has been mitigated.  Tough scenario to realize.


I agree.  doan think these mudheads understand that the PNC as a brand is toxic in the eyes of Indians.


Indians in Guyana have only voted against the PPP by voting for another party like ROAR or AFC 2011.


They ain't gonna be voting PNC. And all this talk about Indian youths and what not. Didn't they have Indian youths in 2006 and 2011? Did they vote PNC then? And why not?


So why the hell does anyone think that Indians will be casting a ballot for the Leader of the PNC in 2015? Did the PNC successfully rebrand itself?


I don't think changing one's name to APNU and then APNU+AFC is the problem. The problem is that Indians for good reason don't like the PNC and vote tactically to keep them out of power.


The only way APNU can benefit from Indians is to have a third party like the AFC split the Indian vote enough to cause an APNU Minority Presidency.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

So Clearly, only Ravi Dev drinking the PPP soup.  All them people Like Dr. Ramraharck are better human beings.


What makes you think that former ROAR people are in love with the PPP?


The PNC is being kept alive by the PPP.


PNC is not going to decide the future of Guyana.  Mr. Granger said so to a small group of Indian business men.


He will become the new Desmond Persaud.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Ravi Dev is the Editor in Chief of the Guyana Times.  GO FIGURE.


He is a racist.


Ravi Dev is irrelevant chap. Let us come to the point. The bulk of the Indian vote that went AFC in 2011 were ROAR Indians especially in Berbice.


The AFC Jaganites led by Nagamootoo do not speak to these Indians. Nagamootoo on the whole cannot speak to or for Indians. It is not in his nature to do so. Which is why he cannot deliver Indian votes for the Coalition. He doesn't know how to do so. Witness how he constantly harps about unity and hugs and what now. Ain't no one got time fuh dat!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

dramatically talks to them in plain simple unabashedly INDIAN language. Knowing Nagamootoo and his intellectual framework, he is not up to the task even if he was so inclined (which he is not).

And what is that.  Scream "black man baad, angelic Indian".  That does NOT solve Guyana's ethnic problems!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

dramatically talks to them in plain simple unabashedly INDIAN language. Knowing Nagamootoo and his intellectual framework, he is not up to the task even if he was so inclined (which he is not).

And what is that.  Scream "black man baad, angelic Indian".  That does NOT solve Guyana's ethnic problems!

You are too negative. What will solve Guyana's ethnic problems?


Most ROAR Indos migrated...most of that 4000 votes are high achieving Indos, thus allowing them to self-sponsor to Canada and moving to other parts of world and get good jobs. They are not in Guyana anymore. These people will never allow PPP to insult their intelligence.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are too negative. What will solve Guyana's ethnic problems?

Certainly NOT an unending discussion on the narrative of the "evil and savage black man, and the poor innocent Indian victim".


What will eventually solve it will be an intelligent discussion on the reasons why BOTH groups have ethnic insecurity about their position in Guyana.  An acknowledgment that the sentiments of BOTH groups are valid, based upon their experiences.  An expression of fact that BOTH groups have contributed to this state of affairs.  That BOTH groups have suffered and that BOTH groups have been manipulated by their respective elites, who have sought power on the backs of those whose support they receive.  This because of their ethnic insecurity.


On May 11th the vast majority of Guyanese will vote race again.  Most Indians will vote out of fear of a black dominated gov't and most blacks will vote out of fear that the domination of Guyana by an Indian elite will continue.  Hopefully there will be a small swing vote.


This is a statement of FACT and the reason why our politics is so unhealthy.  It is why Guyana spawned Burnham and now are saddled with Jagdeo/Ramotar.  NO other country in the English speaking Caribbean has been so blighted.  We have been CONSISTENTLY blighted for almost 60 YEARS!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

AFC compromised by ROAR influx

THE Alliance for Change (AFC) emerged on the political scene as the supposed ‘third force’ in Guyana’s politics. The party’s leaders boasted of change, accountability, equality among Guyanese, and ethnic harmony, with particular emphasis on countering African marginalization.  Now, it seems that it is the property of Guyana’s politics, with no specific vision for party victory, or, for improvement in Guyana. I say this, because, all the key members of the AFC, are former members of the two major political parties in Guyana. Also, the AFC is now infested with former ROAR members. All Guyanese know what ROAR represented in Guyana’s politics, and all Guyanese know of Ravi Dev, and the role he played as leader of the ROAR party.
Ravi Dev and his party, ROAR, believed, whole-heartedly, in protecting and promoting Indian interests ahead of African interests. With Khemraj Ramjattan as the presidential candidate for the AFC, and their alarming recent infestation of former ROAR members that have now joined the party, the AFC must explain to the Guyanese people, whether their original party vision and goals have changed, as a result of this influx.
ROAR represented an evil that Guyanese have thoroughly washed their hands of. The Guyanese people want no relations with that party, or any association with its politics of Indian supremacy. The ROAR refugees have found a safe haven in the AFC, but it seems that they have distorted the image of the party, and compromised everything that that party once stood for. Do these former ROAR members still hold dear, those core values that defined and characterised them as ROAR members? If this is the case, the AFC is contaminated, because they have not rid themselves of this flawed ideology. The AFC has indeed been compromised by this ROAR infestation.

ROAR is DEAD and RAVI DEV is a racist who trying to keep the corrupt PPP in power by any means necessary.


See Ryan Shah and BaytoRam Ramraharck piece?


They are racist to the core.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Ravi Dev is the Editor in Chief of the Guyana Times.  GO FIGURE.


He is a racist.

Before the election AFC crabdawgs were quoting Nadira, Varsh and Ravi like the Bible.


Now that they are supporting the PPP in fear of a racist PNC, all u get Belly wuk.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PPP owes this their last term in office to ROAR. I hope they govern in ther interest of their supporters this time.

barat pass down the word that PPP done rig am good! . . . i seee


carry on


PPP has assembled a team of top lawyers to file an election petition on May 12th, 2015.


In this team are :


1. Bernard De Santos;


2. Miles Fitzpatrick;


They plan to reject the results when they lose.


APNU+AFC beware.  Ensure that REX McKay and Hughes ready.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PPP owes this their last term in office to ROAR. I hope they govern in ther interest of their supporters this time.

barat pass down the word that PPP done rig am good! . . . i seee


carry on


Doesn't the PNc have a history of rigging elections and a history of crying wolf when it loses?


It's very hard to take PNC cries of rigging when they always make the same tired allegations. 1997, 2001, 2006 apparently were all "rigged" according to the PNC.


And we didn't even collect the votes yet and for some reason, the election has been pre-rigged fuh dem evil racist Indians.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PPP owes this their last term in office to ROAR. I hope they govern in ther interest of their supporters this time.

barat pass down the word that PPP done rig am good! . . . i seee


carry on


Doesn't the PNc have a history of rigging elections and a history of crying wolf when it loses?


It's very hard to take PNC cries of rigging when they always make the same tired allegations. 1997, 2001, 2006 apparently were all "rigged" according to the PNC.


And we didn't even collect the votes yet and for some reason, the election has been pre-rigged fuh dem evil racist Indians.

Yes the PNC rigged election but they were in Government.  And the PNC has to answer for that.


An opposition party has no power and influence to rig any elections.


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