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He had a great command of language and had a pure accent. But he did not understand finance. You don't ever default on debt. They add everything to capital and make your debt grow while you are not getting new disbursements. Everything broke up because he had no money. Financial markets don't care how big and bad you are. The nationalization, supported by Cheddi, also chased out capital and brought on foreign exchange shortages; it also caused a strain on human capital as managers could have been deployed elsewhere and allow the people to continue. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

SUre had a great command of the English Language

That I agree with. I was at some of his Lectures. Had to be there!!! Or yuh get fired.


Well Well Well. Look at dis hindu coward. Yuh can taak powerful now dat de man dead, but you pissed your dhoti when you were commanded to attend political indoctrination classes.


Where was your ghurka-like bravery? Why didn't you tell him what you thought of black people?


Burnham was a compelling speaker, but he was also a pathological liar! Go back and listen to that speech---he LIED to the nation.


Burnham believed he would live forever---one of the greatest days in the nation's history was that day in 1985 when Burnham suddently died---the majority of Guyanese celebrated.


The old saying in Guyana again:


"Dem cyan run cake shop how dem gon run country."


Anway, Burnham bestowed a great gift to the PPP---the Burnham constitution---it will keep the PPP in power for decades to come---remember folks, the PPP received 48.6% of the votes in the last election---51% of Guyanese voted against the PPP---but the Burnham constitution says the PPP must lead the nation.




The content of a leader's speech is most important. Burnham's ability as a speaker did not fool everyone. He was able to impress his people when addressing the nation on matters on national interest, but he never allowed anyone from the oppositon to do a rebuttal. He was deathly afraid that his intellectual shallowness would be exposed.


Billy Ram Balgobin
There are a lot of horrible things that can be attributed to Burnham but to suggest that he was intellectually shallow is ludicrous. The man was a genius in comparison to the current crop of PPP mud heads running Guyana. Where did Jagdeo qualify to attend high school? Bygeval High. Where did Rummouthar go to school? Hubu Backdam High? How does that compare to Burnham winning the Guyana Scholarship at QC? Where did Jagdeo and Rummouthar attend college in comparison to Burnham?
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

SUre had a great command of the English Language

That I agree with. I was at some of his Lectures. Had to be there!!! Or yuh get fired.


Well Well Well. Look at dis hindu coward. Yuh can taak powerful now dat de man dead, but you pissed your dhoti when you were commanded to attend political indoctrination classes.


Where was your ghurka-like bravery? Why didn't you tell him what you thought of black people?

What Nehru is saying is true. Forbes had that place locked. You had to be there to understand. Some people had no chice. Especially if you were at UG.




I was not referring to Jagdeo and Ramotar when I spoke of a rebuttal speech. I was referring to oppositon in general including the WPA and other smaller parties. Do you buy the nonsense LFS talked about like warring with Venezuela, subsituting rice flour for wHeat flour, and turning the nation's agro industry in cooperatives?



Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy, if you know me you'd know that I was never a supporter of the PNC and I still am not. So to label me as the typical PNCite is light years away from the truth and simply foolish.

What does this have to do with blaming Burnham for anything? All I'm telling you is that you're completely wrong when you say that Burnham was intellectually shalow because whether you like him or not, the man was brilliant academically.

Academic excellence does not always translate to success in the real world. Forbes never managed his personal finance properly which resulted in repossession and bankruptcy. He brought the same habit to gov't without realizing that the simple things really matter to keep the big things functioning. Every politician of his time from every part of the world knew the importance of self-sufficiency. How you go about becoming self-sufficient is the real test of your intellectual abilities. This is where Forbes received an F.


His ability to speak persuasively does not immune him  or anyone else from failure. He was intellectually strong in some ways and very shallow in other ways. The job he was placed to do demanded strong and intelligent minds - building a country that never saw any major kind of development. His attempt to build industry was shocking to many even in his own cabinet.


Billy Ram Balgobin

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