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Why won’t the Left admit the inconvenient truth about Islam? It hates everything else they love

By Katie Hopkins for MailOnline

Published: 09:48 EST, 14 June 2016 | Updated: 15:01 EST, 14 June 2016

Sometimes the build-up of pressure is just too much. You see it in nature - the force of two tectonic plates converging along a fault line. Shuddering out earthquakes, forcing up mountains, causing volcanoes to scream and spew lava down themselves.

Society is just the same. Simmering tensions boiling over into road rage, an angry exchange, knives drawn in the street.

Opposing forces shunting against each other so violently, eventually something gives. Someone gives.

And so it has been with Orlando. Islam against homosexuality.

Forty nine dead. Fifty one injured.

And the shock waves of this human earthquake spread fast. The ground whipped out from under the feet of a hundred sleeping mothers, some clutching phones, still listening to their frightened children's last, terrified messages.

How much longer can we continue to deny a fault line has been drawn? On one side Islam and Muslims defined by it. On the other the LGBT community, defined by their right to love as they please.

Over the last two days, the deference of the liberal Left to Muslims over the LGBT community has been excruciating to watch. Unable to reconcile the two causes they champion, they have an awkward inconvenience they dare not face. An ex-wife at a wedding, acknowledged with an invitation, but sat at the back, facing the air-con unit.

Predictably they have chosen Islam.

And don’t tell me the ‘acts of a few extremists do not represent Islam’, because I am sick of hearing it. Every time another Islamist takes down a club, knocks out an airport or wipes out the subway, we are supposed to embrace Muslims and spread the love.

Obama saunters off a golf course and refuses to even acknowledge the role of religion in the debate. Hillary Clinton wants to be clear Islam is not the enemy. But that’s precisely where she is wrong.

As I wrote just after Paris: 

And here we are, less than three months later, doing exactly that. A hashtag #lovewins, a logo, vigils in public squares all over the world. Reaction to terror now has a global format to which, in the absence of an actual solution, many of you adhere. 


But I am not a sheep in this. We need a solution. And for that we need to be honest enough to face the cause. Because the elephant in the room, the blatant reality in a world turned queer is obvious: Islam is the problem.

A backward religion which does not tolerate the rights of gays is the problem.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted. This is not about guns. If it were, after 9/11 we should have banned aeroplanes.

It is not about the mental health of the gunman, his ex-wife, his apartment or his job, whether he was a loner or a budding footballer or a self-loathing gay himself.

And it is certainly not about terror against the West as a whole.

As much as the UK writer Owen Jones and I are sworn enemies, I can understand why he stormed off an interview on Sky News when no one would acknowledge this was a hate crime against the gay community. A professional self-publicist on the sofa with him said ‘you don’t own this horror because you are gay’. She was certainly trying to own it for her own advancement.

Owen is caught on a human fault line partly of his own making - he writes for the Guardian and is a cheerleader for Labour who prioritise Islam over the LGBT cause far closer to his own hurting heart.

 The problem becomes clear when you look at the gunman's pro-Taliban father, an utter b****** of a man - who released a video saying all homosexuals must be punished just hours after his son slaughtered 49 people in the club.

Over time, I’ve watched the pressure plates slowly creeping towards each other. I’ve been no-platformed from every university with a strong Islamic Faith Community. Students staged a walk-out at a talk I gave on campus at Brunel, a London university which cheerfully hosted Islamic extremists and bans Israeli goods on campus.

And I have watched British state services and broadcasters prioritise Muslim culture over our own, turning a blind eye to the blatant homophobia it embodies, with a Muslim mayor now removing images of bikini-clad women from our own underground. Stand by for adverts for burkinis.

The Left has embraced the Muslim body even though a big part of it is a dark cancerous tumour, homophobic, regressive and contrary to everything we believe in our tolerant society.

I watch Hillary Clinton try to simultaneously embrace the gay community and support Muslims, like two kids, one of whom is adopted and clearly hates the other. She is Obama-lite.

The Left-wing media may well offer up a couple of gay Muslims to try to contradict this obvious truth - that Muslims hate gays. And I accept there are some truly tolerant amongst the Muslim worthy and respect those who are out and proud.

I've seen the supposed condemnation of the attack from the Muslim community.

But where are the leaders of the British Muslim Council condemning homophobia? Where is a Muslim leader prepared to stand up and say our religion has no place in the West if we cannot accept the rights of people to live, love and laugh with whom they choose?

Where is the support for LGBT rights?

A British Imam was hosted by a mosque in Orlando, just days before the attack, saying that death is the answer to the problem of homosexuality, facilitating the spread of hate.

If you want a solution to this killing you have to identify the cause. And for that you have to choose: Islam or the freedom to be gay.

I watch Hillary Clinton try to simultaneously embrace the gay community and support Muslims, like two kids, one of whom is adopted and clearly hates the other. She is Obama-lite.

Someone has to call this thing. Until Islam is tolerant of gay rights, we cannot tolerate Islam. In any sense. You have to choose.

LGBT rights or Islam. Black or white. Yes or no. Stop or go. It is a binary thing. You need to decide.

Meanwhile, the Left will continue writing sick-notes for Islam instead of sticking up for the gay community it is supposed to protect.

It is too late for Britain. It has already made its choice. Over 50 per cent of British Muslims believe gay sex should be made illegal. And the Left still puts these people first. The British Left has chosen Islam.

Ninety-six per cent of Palestinians believe homosexuality is unacceptable. Yet our state media would like us to believe Israel is supposed to be the bad guy. It is too late for the UK.

But it is not too late for America.

It is ironic perhaps given the perception of Donald, but under Trump you can choose tolerance. He says ‘this attack is an assault on people’s ability to love who they want’. And he is right.

This was a crime of hate against the LGBT community. Islam is to blame.

Perhaps it is those who preach tolerance that we should be most afraid of. Democrats and liberals preach tolerance. But in doing so they have chosen to ignore the dark truths of a religion which is the most intolerant of all.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

The good, law abiding, peace loving Muslims have to stand up and call this thing out for what it is.  When they stand up and condemn it, only then will there be a solution.


Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The good, law abiding, peace loving Muslims have to stand up and call this thing out for what it is.  When they stand up and condemn it, only then will there be a solution.

When the world prominent leaders, broadcasters, reporters, etc., stop making specific statements about Muslims and focus their attention and reporting on the radical groups which are of the Muslim faith; estimated to be less that one percent of the Muslim population; then there will be the focus on the real issues and involved groups/individuals.


I am not going to blame prominent leaders, reporters, broadcasters.  They are not the cause of this.  The solution has to come from within the Muslim community. It is not fair for good Muslims to face backlash because of these fanatics.  America needs the Muslim community to help solve this problem.  Maybe we should start right here on GNI with guys who are in the community like Chief and Pointblank.  Set the good example and others will follow.

Bibi Haniffa

The story above is total pandering from a known bigot. This is a class conscious bitch who should not be speaking of liberal and progressive issues as though she agrees with them. She reminds me of that hypocrite Pam Bondy in Florida claiming solidarity with gay people.


The solution must come directly from the radicalized group that form less than 1% of the general Muslim population

More that 99% of the Muslim community have always established a good example in life.

Demerara_Guy posted:

The solution must come directly from the radicalized group that form less than 1% of the general Muslim population

More that 99% of the Muslim community have always established a good example in life.

Nah DG, 1% act it out, a lot more agree, explicitly or implicitly!!  You rass living in la la land!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not going to blame prominent leaders, reporters, broadcasters.  They are not the cause of this.  The solution has to come from within the Muslim community. It is not fair for good Muslims to face backlash because of these fanatics.  America needs the Muslim community to help solve this problem.  Maybe we should start right here on GNI with guys who are in the community like Chief and Pointblank.  Set the good example and others will follow.

Bibi, Muslims can't prevent the guy who killed and injured those people in Orlando any easier than they can prevent what happened in other mass shootings by others not Muslims. Bad people will do bad things. And sometimes bad people use means that they think will aid their objective. As the dust clears on this tragedy, it is becoming clear that this killer was not even a practicing Muslims nor was he motivated to carry out ISIS' objectives. It seems that he mentioned that he is a supporter of ISIS because it may seem less embarrassing than to say that he was gay. Not so long ago, a man robbed a bank in Miami and he told the teller that he was with ISIS and had a bomb in his bag. After he left the bank, he was eventually confronted by the police. Turned out he was homeless I believe and his bomb was actually a beer can. He was as far away from being a Muslim as can be.

However, that does not diminish my disgust for the incessant killing by Muslims all over the world. I don't for one minute think that the Qur'an is their instruction manual because that would ask the question hos it does not do the same thing for the vast majority of Muslims all over the world. The right want a fight with Muslims which as President Obama says is foolish because it will give terrorists exactly what they want. Muslims seeing the West as their enemy. As Obama said, using the term "radical Islam" will do nothing to win the war against radical Muslims. But I am not surprised because the right has been lacking workable ideas for about a decade now.

The guy who was stopped in Los Angeles with a car load of guns and ammo was neither Muslims nor has be said that he supports ISIS. However, it is reasonable to think that he could have wrecked havoc had he and his cache not been discovered.



ba$eman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

The solution must come directly from the radicalized group that form less than 1% of the general Muslim population

More that 99% of the Muslim community have always established a good example in life.

Nah DG, 1% act it out, a lot more agree, explicitly or implicitly!!  You rass living in la la land!!

Perhaps, perhaps not Ba$eman.


It is not good to generalize people. The head of the Cia covert operations is a muslim. A muslim that carry his prayer rug with him and does his prayers on time regardless of which meeting he is in. The soldiers fighting Isis are Muslims. The Jordanian pilot burned alive by Isis was muslim. If people follow Trump then America will have no allies in strategic areas in the middle East willing to take on isis.




Kzaz has answered Bibi, Ba$eman, Nehru, et al on the question of Islam and terror and Muslims who enable it. They pointed to Omar Mateen and the Orlando gay club shooting. We are getting evidence from the FBI that the killer:

  1. Frequented this gay club for over 3 year
  2. Had no dealings with ISIS or Al Qaeda
  3. Was not religious - probably does not know what the Quran says about homosexuality.

Omar is Exhibit "A" that Islam is guilty and Muslims are guilty.


Incidentally, I'm yet to hear Ba$eman enumerate what he or Donald Trump will do to stop the Omars of this world. In fact Trump is an ally of ISIS for (i) not standing up to the gun lobby to ban assault rifle (done after the Brady shooting when Regan was the target and Bush let its term expire); (ii) inflaming radicals to join ISIS; (iii) has no plans for ending terrorism. Where is all tis fat talk leading? The man is a coward who is helping ISIS and Ba$eman is is loyal henchman. They both should be sent to Gitmo.


I'm sure Ba$eman, like Trump, believes Omnar was born in Afghanistan and was let in to this country by Obama. Well, Omar is American born and his parents migrated to America when Regan was the President. This guy led about his casino, about his university, about the Veterans money and publicity and now this. Ba$eman believes, like Trump, that Obama is aiding terrorists, is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. This is the character we are exchanging posts with. God help us.

Kari posted:

Kzaz has answered Bibi, Ba$eman, Nehru, et al on the question of Islam and terror and Muslims who enable it. They pointed to Omar Mateen and the Orlando gay club shooting. We are getting evidence from the FBI that the killer:

  1. Frequented this gay club for over 3 year
  2. Had no dealings with ISIS or Al Qaeda
  3. Was not religious - probably does not know what the Quran says about homosexuality.

Omar is Exhibit "A" that Islam is guilty and Muslims are guilty.


Incidentally, I'm yet to hear Ba$eman enumerate what he or Donald Trump will do to stop the Omars of this world. In fact Trump is an ally of ISIS for (i) not standing up to the gun lobby to ban assault rifle (done after the Brady shooting when Regan was the target and Bush let its term expire); (ii) inflaming radicals to join ISIS; (iii) has no plans for ending terrorism. Where is all tis fat talk leading? The man is a coward who is helping ISIS and Ba$eman is is loyal henchman. They both should be sent to Gitmo.


I'm sure Ba$eman, like Trump, believes Omnar was born in Afghanistan and was let in to this country by Obama. Well, Omar is American born and his parents migrated to America when Regan was the President. This guy led about his casino, about his university, about the Veterans money and publicity and now this. Ba$eman believes, like Trump, that Obama is aiding terrorists, is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. This is the character we are exchanging posts with. God help us.

When did I ask a question??? I stated FACTS!!!! Ninety percent of we AMERICANS(not sure you are part of this group) want Mosques to be checked out. As I stated yesterday some Countries has a history of Financing Hate, misinformation and other EVILS!!!


Ok Nehru, the topic is Mosques in the USA.

You're stating a fact that 90%of Americans in some poll want some sort of surveillance and audit of Mosques in the USA. Please state the source of this polling.

Also ask your Congressman if its constitutional to single out a religion - given the protection of religious freedom in the Constitution of the USA - for audits and surveillance.

IF you have a particular sentiment you're passionate about - for instance if you think most mosques in the USA are evil and can lead to terrorist acts - that's fine. However you should state facts and call for actions that are within the Constitution of the USA. Maybe it might be a good time to study the Constitution that gave you shelter as you ran away from Guyana in spite of over 23 years of governance of a party that you support.

Nehru posted:

It gave me shelter and I am committed to the SECURITY of my great Nation, the same is not certain about you and Chief!!!!

If you want a discourse with me why don't you answer my question about your source and whether what you state i allowable under the Constitution.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The good, law abiding, peace loving Muslims have to stand up and call this thing out for what it is.  When they stand up and condemn it, only then will there be a solution.


Muslims do call out...they do report...the ones that call out risk thier lives in Islamic countries but still do....again as a group Muslims suffer from Islamic terrorism than any other group.

So tell me what % of Muslims are good or peace loving? Do enlighten me...

I was gonna ask about Blacks too but I will leave that for another time...

Danyael posted:

The story above is total pandering from a known bigot. This is a class conscious bitch who should not be speaking of liberal and progressive issues as though she agrees with them. She reminds me of that hypocrite Pam Bondy in Florida claiming solidarity with gay people.

Anderson Cooper cornered Pam Bondy but she responded as best as she could.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not going to blame prominent leaders, reporters, broadcasters.  They are not the cause of this.  The solution has to come from within the Muslim community. It is not fair for good Muslims to face backlash because of these fanatics.  America needs the Muslim community to help solve this problem.  Maybe we should start right here on GNI with guys who are in the community like Chief and Pointblank.  Set the good example and others will follow.

Okay Bibi, Iam all ears.

What are the bad examples that I am setting?

Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Kzaz has answered Bibi, Ba$eman, Nehru, et al on the question of Islam and terror and Muslims who enable it. They pointed to Omar Mateen and the Orlando gay club shooting. We are getting evidence from the FBI that the killer:

  1. Frequented this gay club for over 3 year
  2. Had no dealings with ISIS or Al Qaeda
  3. Was not religious - probably does not know what the Quran says about homosexuality.

Omar is Exhibit "A" that Islam is guilty and Muslims are guilty.


Incidentally, I'm yet to hear Ba$eman enumerate what he or Donald Trump will do to stop the Omars of this world. In fact Trump is an ally of ISIS for (i) not standing up to the gun lobby to ban assault rifle (done after the Brady shooting when Regan was the target and Bush let its term expire); (ii) inflaming radicals to join ISIS; (iii) has no plans for ending terrorism. Where is all tis fat talk leading? The man is a coward who is helping ISIS and Ba$eman is is loyal henchman. They both should be sent to Gitmo.


I'm sure Ba$eman, like Trump, believes Omnar was born in Afghanistan and was let in to this country by Obama. Well, Omar is American born and his parents migrated to America when Regan was the President. This guy led about his casino, about his university, about the Veterans money and publicity and now this. Ba$eman believes, like Trump, that Obama is aiding terrorists, is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. This is the character we are exchanging posts with. God help us.

When did I ask a question??? I stated FACTS!!!! Ninety percent of we AMERICANS(not sure you are part of this group) want Mosques to be checked out. As I stated yesterday some Countries has a history of Financing Hate, misinformation and other EVILS!!!

How would checking out Mosques stopped the Orlando massacre or the Paris attack or the San Bernardino  killings?

Matter of fact, if they had spoken of this in their mosques(if they went to mosque), most likely they would have been reported

Mosques in the US is not the problem...


The CIA counter terrorism chief "Roger" that drone killed countless terrorists and even took out Bin Laden himself is a muslim. If that is not a muslim contribution to fighting terror then I don't know what is.



When Nehru is cornered he becomes Muhamad Alli.

Yesterday I told him he is welcomed at all the sermons, he said he does not want to be contaminated butt he standing from afar screaming toxic.


Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not going to blame prominent leaders, reporters, broadcasters.  They are not the cause of this.  The solution has to come from within the Muslim community. It is not fair for good Muslims to face backlash because of these fanatics.  America needs the Muslim community to help solve this problem.  Maybe we should start right here on GNI with guys who are in the community like Chief and Pointblank.  Set the good example and others will follow.

Okay Bibi, Iam all ears.

What are the bad examples that I am setting?

I never set you are setting a bad example, though that may have been implied.  What I am suggesting is that our community leaders need to stamp out hatred in any form at the religious level, particularly at our houses of worship.  And that goes for the Hindus and Christians as well.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

In the end, we have to come to terms with the fact that Islam is an intolerant and sees itself as the only true pathway.  The Islamic world tolerate nothing but islam.  Case in point, the terrorist House of Saud.  There are tokens tolerated elsewhere, but that is just window dessing.  they are prosecuted anyway!

ba$eman posted:

In the end, we have to come to terms with the fact that Islam is an intolerant and sees itself as the only true pathway.  The Islamic world tolerate nothing but islam.  Case in point, the terrorist House of Saud.  There are tokens tolerated elsewhere, but that is just window dessing.  they are prosecuted anyway!


ba$eman posted:

In the end, we have to come to terms with the fact that Islam is an intolerant and sees itself as the only true pathway.  

See why no one can have a discussion with you.

Open and shut!


Ray, by being vigilant we can determine where the best likelihood of trouble coming from. I am NOT saying Islam or the majority of Muslims are BAD but it takes only a hand full to do much damage.

Nehru posted:

Ray, by being vigilant we can determine where the best likelihood of trouble coming from. I am NOT saying Islam or the majority of Muslims are BAD but it takes only a hand full to do much damage.

What you are saying is totally bigoted.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Ray, by being vigilant we can determine where the best likelihood of trouble coming from. I am NOT saying Islam or the majority of Muslims are BAD but it takes only a hand full to do much damage.

What you are saying is totally bigoted.

Nehru, you see what you get for unclenching your fist!  Two slap pon your lil coolie rass!! I actually trust them PNC bannas more! 

ba$eman posted:

In the end, we have to come to terms with the fact that Islam is an intolerant and sees itself as the only true pathway.

Not true dude. The Qur'an is perhaps the only religious book that states explicitly that others than followers of Muhammad are recipients of paradise.

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَالَّذِينَ هَادُواْ وَالنَّصَارَى وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحاً فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ (2:62)   

Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. - Qur'an 2:62


Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Ray, by being vigilant we can determine where the best likelihood of trouble coming from. I am NOT saying Islam or the majority of Muslims are BAD but it takes only a hand full to do much damage.

In the Orlando case, it took only one shooter to kill 49 and injure 53. But I agree with you because if his wife had said something, this could have been avoided so everyone "seeing something should say something".

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Ray, by being vigilant we can determine where the best likelihood of trouble coming from. I am NOT saying Islam or the majority of Muslims are BAD but it takes only a hand full to do much damage.

In the Orlando case, it took only one shooter to kill 49 and injure 53. But I agree with you because if his wife had said something, this could have been avoided so everyone "seeing something should say something".

I think, even if she had a feeling of disloyalty and was not sure what to do, she should have spoken to his family.  He had gotten abusive with her.  She should have flushed him.

I really don't know how some of these bannas able to control these women like that.  I ain't so lucky, dem dozz try fuh control me!!

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Ray, by being vigilant we can determine where the best likelihood of trouble coming from. I am NOT saying Islam or the majority of Muslims are BAD but it takes only a hand full to do much damage.

In the Orlando case, it took only one shooter to kill 49 and injure 53. But I agree with you because if his wife had said something, this could have been avoided so everyone "seeing something should say something".

I think, even if she had a feeling of disloyalty and was not sure what to do, she should have spoken to his family.  He had gotten abusive with her.  She should have flushed him.

I really don't know how some of these bannas able to control these women like that.  I ain't so lucky, dem dozz try fuh control me!!

If your spouse is going to do something that ends up getting you killed or arrested, loyalty has to be thrown out the window. While it sounds better to say that she reported him to save those people, I would settle for her reporting him for selfish reasons. That too would have saved those peoples' lives and injuries.

Regarding control, lots of women across race, religion and cultures allow men to control them. That is an unfortunate reality.


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