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Guyana Bureau of Statistics and World Bank


The four ethnic groups in Guyana which
make up almost all of the population are
Africans, Amerindians, East Indians and
Mixed groups. Poverty rates are
similarly below the national average
among Afro-Guyanese (31.6%), Indo-
Guyanese (30.0%) and the mixed
population (33.7%). Comparable
headcount ratios from the previous
World Bank poverty assessment of 1992
were 43%, 33.7% and 44.7%
respectively. This result represents a
convergence in poverty reduction for
these groups. Amerindians continue to
exhibit the highest poverty level
notwithstanding the steady
progress made in reducing
poverty among this group since

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Is a PPP Government really good for Indians? Or are we just deluding ourselves?

There is always an excellent chance that you, personally are deluding yourself. The difference, which is not reflected in "cooked" statistics, is that there are now things like, for example, roads with traffic lights, a public hospital with beds and equipment, and you don't have to use newspapers to wipe the AFC off your bum because the markets have toilet paper.

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Is a PPP Government really good for Indians? Or are we just deluding ourselves?

Most likely the depth of poverty among East Indians would remain high since a large percentage still lives in the rural regions. Typically Indigenous Guyanese have always seen a higher depth of poverty. The PPP's economic strategy has been only in favor oligarchic exploitation. So do not be surprise by this outcome. The Marxist-Leninists have mastered the exploitation of the masses.      

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Is a PPP Government really good for Indians? Or are we just deluding ourselves?

There is always an excellent chance that you, personally are deluding yourself. The difference, which is not reflected in "cooked" statistics, is that there are now things like, for example, roads with traffic lights, a public hospital with beds and equipment, and you don't have to use newspapers to wipe the AFC off your bum because the markets have toilet paper.

And yet nothing that you mention suggests that many Guyanese of all races wouldnt starve if money wasnt sent from Tdad, Barbados, Antigua, St Kitts, St Maarten, St Lucia, Suriname, in addition to remittances from the USA, Canada and the UK.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
I agree with TK With the Indians largely absent from the civil service except for the fewboligarchs as TK calls them, indians continue to hang on a straw as the rural agricultural societies have stagnated.

Indians are not largely absent from the civil service anymore. I can't say they are the majority but most new senior positions go to Indos. Also the prized high salary contract employment go mainly to those connected to the government, namely Indos. 

Originally Posted by Brutus:
I agree with TK With the Indians largely absent from the civil service except for the fewboligarchs as TK calls them, indians continue to hang on a straw as the rural agricultural societies have stagnated.

AfroGuyanese dominate the lower ranks of the civil service, but have comparable poverty rates.


Note that the criteria used to determine who is poor most likely doesnt adjust for the much higher costs of maintaining basic living standards, like having to pay rent, that being a feature of urban life.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
I agree with TK With the Indians largely absent from the civil service except for the fewboligarchs as TK calls them, indians continue to hang on a straw as the rural agricultural societies have stagnated.

AfroGuyanese dominate the lower ranks of the civil service, but have comparable poverty rates.


Note that the criteria used to determine who is poor most likely doesnt adjust for the much higher costs of maintaining basic living standards, like having to pay rent, that being a feature of urban life.

In most countries, USA for example, negroes love the urban life. Easy living.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Is a PPP Government really good for Indians? Or are we just deluding ourselves?




If ONLY yo were born with a Brain. We all feel your PAIN. BRAINLESS!!!

Yes.  Starving Indians can mitigate their hunger by feeling proud that "ahbe pan tap...collie man time now"...this every time his stomach growls.



I note how not a single PPP Mudhead seemed to be the least bit bothered by the extraordinarily high and remarkably unchanging Indian poverty rate in Guyana.


As long as a few drug lords and Ministers are fattening their dhall bellies off the other 99pc of the country, everything is perfectly fine in Bihari Guiana


As Stormy would say, you Mudheads are both soul less and morally bankrupt.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
I agree with TK With the Indians largely absent from the civil service except for the fewboligarchs as TK calls them, indians continue to hang on a straw as the rural agricultural societies have stagnated.

AfroGuyanese dominate the lower ranks of the civil service, but have comparable poverty rates.


Note that the criteria used to determine who is poor most likely doesnt adjust for the much higher costs of maintaining basic living standards, like having to pay rent, that being a feature of urban life.

In most countries, USA for example, negroes love the urban life. Easy living.


As opposed to all our uniformly hard working honest law abiding Indians who dominate the narco trade in Guyana?

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

You mean they (PPP) didn't take care of their canecutter brothers? With Skeldon sugar factory plans I thought they would've had to import canecutters from Merica, Canax etc cause money woulda been flowing with the honey. Dang! I was wong!


The factory alone cannot do that although it was perhaps necessary. Nevertheless after spending US$180 of the people's money the new Chinese-built factory is as good as the old one it replaces. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

I note how not a single PPP Mudhead seemed to be the least bit bothered by the extraordinarily high and remarkably unchanging Indian poverty rate in Guyana.



Why should they be? Ahbe pan tap...collie man time now.  Once a few Indians dominate Guyana the rest can starve.


You see in Bihari Guiana, the non elite 99pc of Indians are just N*gger Indians. The creatures condemned to perpetually cut the cane, mule the cocaine in their various body cavities, buy the cheap rum, supply the PPP Mudhead elite with concubines, and receive the brunt of the violence from Opposition protestors with legitimate grievances that have no outlet within our legal and political systems.




A Very Proud N*gger Indian

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

I note how not a single PPP Mudhead seemed to be the least bit bothered by the extraordinarily high and remarkably unchanging Indian poverty rate in Guyana.



Why should they be? Ahbe pan tap...collie man time now.  Once a few Indians dominate Guyana the rest can starve.


You see in Bihari Guiana, the non elite 99pc of Indians are just N*gger Indians. The creatures condemned to perpetually cut the cane, mule the cocaine in their various body cavities, buy the cheap rum, supply the PPP Mudhead elite with concubines, and receive the brunt of the violence from Opposition protestors with legitimate grievances that have no outlet within our legal and political systems.




A Very Proud N*gger Indian

You said it like it is.


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