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Former Member

The Sword of Damocles hangs over the head of each PPP appointee. They will begin to cannibalize each other and snitch on each other to the new Government.


There is a slow and sophisticated game afoot here. And it's being dressed up for the masses.


The PNC cat is playing around with the PPP mice. In time the cat will get bored and simply devour them at the appropriate time.

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These employees of the state have families to support. They cannot afford to have their loyalty to the new government questioned. This is standard practice in any public and private office. You don't have to be East Indian to have a duty of care to your family and to secure your job and income. 

There is a lot to tell. 23 years worth of it.

Last edited by Mr.T
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

These employees of the state have families to support. They cannot afford to have their loyalty to the new government questioned. This is standard practice in any public and private office. You don't have to be East Indian to have a duty of care to your family and to secure your job and income. 

There is a lot to tell. 23 years worth of it.

Smart move by President Granger.

Keeping existing employees, he will also be able to get a better picture what transpired during the past 23 years and be able to move forward more quickly.

Contrary to the PPP, Granger is moving forward with a great degree of logic.    


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