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The inscrutable language of Raphael Trotman

June 26, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon  -- Source


If asked what I think of the politics of Raphael Trotman, I would say that he has ended his political career. The AFC will soon have a new leader and my prediction is that the AFC will front a Nagamootoo/Hughes ticket for the next election with a future Hughes leadership of the AFC. For all extent and purpose, Trotman’s grassroots and public politics with the AFC is over.

That of course was not the way it evolved. Trotman himself chose it. At an internal meeting of closely knit AFC cadres he told them that he will now have to be a neutral actor by virtue of being the Speaker of Parliament.

You can twist that statement in a million ways; it is a judgement by Trotman that he can no longer be a politicized citizen active in opposition politics in the public realm.

Indeed, Trotman has not visited the struggles of the AFC since the last elections. He has not been on the speakers’ roster of the AFC since the 2011 elections. He has not participated in any of the sporadic protests that broke out on the sugar estates and in Cane Grove and Glasgow where other issues caused citizens to vent their frustration.

The rest of the AFC’s top dogs have turned up in these places. I can speak with 100 percent accuracy on Trotman’s invisibility because I was there in all these situations. I was told last week that he turned up at the opening of the AFC’s office at Enmore.

Let us suppose there is a snap election. It will not be called this year for sure. If it does happen next year, one wonders what asset Trotman will become to the AFC because the longer you stay away from the public activities of an electoral party the quicker is the loss of your electoral appeal. But more than that, if there is a snap election, will Trotman help the cause of the AFC given what is known of his postures in the Parliament?

Here are the words of Raphael Trotman as reported in last week. As an anti-government activist, and let me say that I used that label to describe myself consciously and willingly because I am opposed to dictatorship and the PPP Government is a dictatorship (no space here to delineate the typologies of authoritarian systems), I cannot accept these utterances by Mr. Trotman or any leader of the AFC and APNU. To use strong language, I think if Trotman said what cited  as making then he is talking nonsense.

Trotman is alleged to have said; “Despite the rhetoric and what’s happening in the public domain there are good thoughts and views being expressed… we are not getting a sense that government is withdrawing necessarily… I think there is public posture and then there is private posture which the two are not necessarily the same and I would like to say that there are encouraging signs that we are making progress.”

I want to use direct and blunt descriptions in analyzing these words of Trotman but I will settle for what he told Guyanese on the campaign trail. I was with him in Region Ten during the election campaign. He promised the people there an end to NCN monopoly. He failed to deliver. Then, to add insult to injury he tells us that the government is willing to stay in talks with the opposition.

So barefaced is Trotman that he shows contempt for the Guyanese people by saying that there are good thoughts and views being shown.

The people of Guyana whom Trotman begged for their votes don’t want to hear good thoughts and views by any politician. They want the people with power to stop oppressing them. They want good governance. They want the President and his Government to explain why only certain persons got radio license; an end to NCN monopoly; the subsidy to Critchlow Labour College restored; an end to PPP domination of UG; investigation into monstrous corruption.

As for me, I would like to see Trotman ask his friends in the PPP why my UG contract was terminated with immediate effect on January 18 and not August 31 which was when it was to end.

Trotman ought to know that the PPP Government is going to dialogue with the combined opposition from now to eternity and will happy to do. This is the PPP will do. What it will not do is deliver. Unless it has delivered to Trotman it surely hasn’t done so to the Guyanese people. It is seven months since the last election in 2011.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Freddie  has written  a  lot  of  trash  here.  It  is universally  expected  that  the  Speaker Of  the  National Assembly act  and  conduct  himself  in  an  impartial  manner. The Speaker is the chief officer and highest authority of Parliament and as such, must remain politically impartial and  neutral at all times and  can  only  cast  a  vote  in  a  tie  breaker. 

On ascension to the  Office Of  Speaker,  ideally  a  candidate should  resign or  at  least abstain  from  partisan  political activities and remain separate from political issues  and  party  activities while  occupying such  office.  However, during an  election  campaign, and  after parliament is dissolved, the Speakers  may  stand  for  re-election as  a  candidate  for  his  party  without  being  overly  aggressive on  the  campaign trail. Admittedly  given  the  highly  partisan  nature of politics,  this  is  easier  said  than  done. So,  Speaker  Trotman  should  be  commended  for his  effort in  upholding the tradition  of neutrality &  impartially of the Chair .




Kissoon has shown, once again, that he is no more than a political buffoon.  The po fella still trying to get some body to take up his cause as to why he was booted from UG and deny him his martyrdom.  The AFC is playing footsie with him right now and will realise soon enough why he becomes a political pariah in every movement that he forces himself on to.

Originally Posted by Errol:

Kissoon has shown, once again, that he is no more than a political buffoon.  The po fella still trying to get some body to take up his cause as to why he was booted from UG and deny him his martyrdom.  The AFC is playing footsie with him right now and will realise soon enough why he becomes a political pariah in every movement that he forces himself on to.

How many more "Freddie Kissoons" are in the AFC?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Errol:

Kissoon has shown, once again, that he is no more than a political buffoon.  The po fella still trying to get some body to take up his cause as to why he was booted from UG and deny him his martyrdom.  The AFC is playing footsie with him right now and will realise soon enough why he becomes a political pariah in every movement that he forces himself on to.

How many more "Freddie Kissoons" are in the AFC?

Most  certainly no  where  close  to  the number  of   'Thiefing Parang' among  the  Freedom House  cabal.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Errol:

Kissoon has shown, once again, that he is no more than a political buffoon.  The po fella still trying to get some body to take up his cause as to why he was booted from UG and deny him his martyrdom.  The AFC is playing footsie with him right now and will realise soon enough why he becomes a political pariah in every movement that he forces himself on to.

How many more "Freddie Kissoons" are in the AFC?

Most certainly no where close to the number of 'Thiefing Parang' among the Freedom House cabal. 

The AFC is 0.1% or 1.0% above/below the the number circulating for Freedom House?  


The AFC was supposed to be the new party, with no affiliations with either the PNC and PPP, to chart an independent path for Guyanese. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Errol:

Kissoon has shown, once again, that he is no more than a political buffoon.  The po fella still trying to get some body to take up his cause as to why he was booted from UG and deny him his martyrdom.  The AFC is playing footsie with him right now and will realise soon enough why he becomes a political pariah in every movement that he forces himself on to.

How many more "Freddie Kissoons" are in the AFC?

Most certainly no where close to the number of 'Thiefing Parang' among the Freedom House cabal. 

The AFC is 0.1% or 1.0% above/below the the number circulating for Freedom House?  


The AFC was supposed to be the new party, with no affiliations with either the PNC and PPP, to chart an independent path for Guyanese. 

 Most  certainly,  I  agree  with  you  on  this one and  I  must  confess  that I do  believe that the  AFC,  having  succumbed to  expedient factors  have  made  some  serious  political  blunders  ( Power  subsidy for  linden being  one  of  them) Having  said  that, one must bare  in  mind  that no  political party  has  a  monopoly on  what  is  good for  the  nation. As  such,  there  would be  instances  where national interest and  patriotism would trump  partisan  political agendas and  mature  leadership are expected  from  all  sides. What  is  good   for  the  Nation must at  all  time  take  precedence over narrow  political self interest.


it donot matter what trotman say in parlament anyway,it seem like the ppp will not pass any bill the oppistion vote for.where do the guyanese people go from here the highest forum in the country the ppp will not we get a revolution or a snap any case it have to be one or the other

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Errol:

Kissoon has shown, once again, that he is no more than a political buffoon.  The po fella still trying to get some body to take up his cause as to why he was booted from UG and deny him his martyrdom.  The AFC is playing footsie with him right now and will realise soon enough why he becomes a political pariah in every movement that he forces himself on to.

How many more "Freddie Kissoons" are in the AFC?

Most certainly no where close to the number of 'Thiefing Parang' among the Freedom House cabal. 

The AFC is 0.1% or 1.0% above/below the the number circulating for Freedom House?  


The AFC was supposed to be the new party, with no affiliations with either the PNC and PPP, to chart an independent path for Guyanese. 

Most certainly, I agree with you on this one and I must confess that I do believe that the AFC, having succumbed to expedient factors have made some serious political blunders ( Power subsidy for linden being one of them)

Having said that, one must bare in mind that no political party has a monopoly on what is good for the nation. As such, there would be instances where national interest and patriotism would trump partisan political agendas and mature leadership are expected from all sides.

What is good for the Nationmust at all time take precedence over narrow political self interest.

The good for the nation was a have a political organisation devoid of ties to any group to pursue a new path for Guyanese, as were the intentions advocated by the AFC.


Immediate and current actions, after the 2011 elections, show that the AFC has abandoned that approach and is integrated into the PNC.


It was publicly announced by the AFC in the newspapers that their key members are formally united with the PNC to formulate their strategies.


And, that exactly is where the AFC is today.


the AFC is doing what is right for guyana,if ramottar have no respect for parlament,as he is saying then the AFC should start thinking about a coup its about time some body let the ppp crime family know that god did not leave guyana for them to do as they like

Originally Posted by warrior:

the AFC is doing what is right for guyana,if ramottar have no respect for parlament,as he is saying then the AFC should start thinking about a coup its about time some body let the ppp crime family know that god did not leave guyana for them to do as they like

Will not happen warrior.  PPP may be hard-headed but they are the ligit Govt.  The US has no desire to have the PPP out of power.  When Guyana becomes a strategic country, thru oil, then the US will take interest and i'm sure the PPP will play ball.  PPP will be there for a very loooong time.


you think guyana have oil stop dreaming if guyana have oil you think the company will have to beg for money to a guyanese i am happy if guyana find oil but this is one of god jokes,he know the ppp crime family is waiting to steal the money so he is playing with them

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The good for the nation was a have a political organisation devoid of ties to any group to pursue a new path for Guyanese, as were the intentions advocated by the AFC.


Immediate and current actions, after the 2011 elections, show that the AFC has abandoned that approach and is integrated into the PNC.


It was publicly announced by the AFC in the newspapers that their key members are formally united with the PNC to formulate their strategies.


And, that exactly is where the AFC is today.

I  strongly  doubt  that  the  AFC would  make  such  announcement,  and  I  challenge  you  to  produce   that  article.  Hope  you  are  nor  relying on Spins,  lies  and  distortions   by  NCN,   The Chronicle & Guyana  Times as  proof  of  such  announcement.

Originally Posted by warrior:

you think guyana have oil stop dreaming if guyana have oil you think the company will have to beg for money to a guyanese i am happy if guyana find oil but this is one of god jokes,he know the ppp crime family is waiting to steal the money so he is playing with them

OK, I should have said "If", not "When".

Originally Posted by warrior:

you think guyana have oil stop dreaming if guyana have oil you think the company will have to beg for money to a guyanese i am happy if guyana find oil but this is one of god jokes,he know the ppp crime family is waiting to steal the money so he is playing with them

If  you  can  only contain  your  disdain  and  contempt for the  'PPP crime  family' perhaps  you will come  to  accept  the  fact  that   most  expert  in  the  field believe  that  the  Guiana Shield holds  the  number  one  spot  for  potential  oil  & natural  gas reserve. I  would  venture  to  say  that not  'if'  but  when  it  happened, I  hope  the  Govt.  and  people  of  Guyana   are  better  prepared psychologically,  socially  and politically to  manage  the  economic  bonanza than  those  of  Nigeria, T&T and  Guinea.    

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you think guyana have oil stop dreaming if guyana have oil you think the company will have to beg for money to a guyanese i am happy if guyana find oil but this is one of god jokes,he know the ppp crime family is waiting to steal the money so he is playing with them

If  you  can  only contain  your  disdain  and  contempt for the  'PPP crime  family' perhaps  you will come  to  accept  the  fact  that   most  expert  in  the  field believe  that  the  Guiana Shield holds  the  number  one  spot  for  potential  oil  & natural  gas reserve. I  would  venture  to  say  that not  'if'  but  when  it  happened, I  hope  the  Govt.  and  people  of  Guyana   are  better  prepared psychologically,  socially  and politically to  manage  the  economic  bonanza than  those  of  Nigeria, T&T and  Guinea.    

Correct, and really does not matter "If" or "When", the PPP will be there for a very long time.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The good for the nation was a have a political organisation devoid of ties to any group to pursue a new path for Guyanese, as were the intentions advocated by the AFC.


Immediate and current actions, after the 2011 elections, show that the AFC has abandoned that approach and is integrated into the PNC.


It was publicly announced by the AFC in the newspapers that their key members are formally united with the PNC to formulate their strategies.


And, that exactly is where the AFC is today.

I strongly doubt that the AFC would make such announcement, and I challenge you to produce that article. Hope you are nor relying on Spins, lies and distortions by NCN, The Chronicle & Guyana Times as proof of such announcement.

Mara ..


1. You can find the article in the newspapers.


2. The statement was made by the AFC officials.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you think guyana have oil stop dreaming if guyana have oil you think the company will have to beg for money to a guyanese i am happy if guyana find oil but this is one of god jokes,he know the ppp crime family is waiting to steal the money so he is playing with them

If you can only contain your disdain and contempt for the 'PPP crime family' perhaps you will come to accept the fact that most expert in the field believe that the Guiana Shield holds the number one spot for potential oil & natural gas reserve.

I would venture to say that not 'if' but when it  happened, I  hope the Govt. and people of Guyana are better prepared psychologically, socially and politically to manage the economic bonanza than those of Nigeria, T&T and Guinea.    

Correct Mara.


I have explained on a number of GNI discussions about that specific issue and briefly explained the reasons why the then authorities did not pursue in-depth oil explorations earlier in Guyana.


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