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Former Member

The Jagan PPP died with Papa Cheddi and Janet


I have been following recent events leading up to the issue with the Attorney General. Evidently, this individual has no shame whatsoever for the type of worthless behaviour and offensive public comments he exhibited. However, this type of crude conduct has become the norm for PPP\C functionaries, having first been introduced, perfected and accelerated by the former President.
Along with other anti-social behaviours, avarice and greed that know no bounds, the PPP\C’s members should be ashamed to refer to themselves as belonging to Jagan’s party. After all, Cheddi was a modestly honourable man who conducted himself with faith and fortitude. He was never even perceived as being dishonest and immoral in his deportment, and never tried to undo people privately and publicly.
Indo-Guyanese in particular and Guyanese in general should realize that the Jagan PPP died with Papa Cheddi and Janet. What we have today is a conglomerate of gangsters who are raiding the nation’s purse while we as a nation continue to be in a stupor and coma-like conditions. Each day they proudly wash their shame and drink all of it.
Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News are doing what the political opposition is sleeping on. ‘The mill of God grinds slowly but surely’ and KN and Lall will be honoured by posterity for showing us the true colours of the PPP\C brutes.
Ed Singh

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That's the reality that makes PPP leaders tremble at the thought of elections. There are many Ed Singhs out there but few come out into the open. With voting being done by secret ballot, all the Ed Singhs will ignore that old PPP cup.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

More and more Guyanese speaking up against the PPP daily.

The above is true, they speak with deep anger, thus the PPP fear of elections.


Jagdeo's  menstruation  has tarnished the youth of Guyana and it continues under  Ramotar, that might take generations to reverse [this trend].

It is most sickening when groups want to assist the youth of Guyana  and top government a$$es want bribes from organizations to operate in 'their territory'.  Like Nandlall, they are vindictive  when their demands are not met and  the PPP award them with top positions, while the youth of Guyana continue to struggle for  survival.   

Last edited by Tola

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