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The Jagdeo/Ramotar regime is ten times worse than the Burnham/Hoyte Govt.

December 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Guyanese from all walks of life continue to be frustrated with their poor economic and financial plight, because for more than 22 years since the PPP came to power, economic and human development has always taken a back seat to the political ascendency of the dinosaurs at Freedom House. In the process, they continue to alienate the poor and the working class, who are vital to the development of the nation’s next generation of productive forces, as the middle class professionals continue to abandon the shores of Guyana in droves for a better life in the Caribbean and North America. No one wants to live in a city engulfed in filth, a country riddled with crime and immersed in corruption, and a dictatorial regime that is vindictive and wicked. Simply put, the most qualified have abandoned Guyana thus making a failed state under an uncaring and an untrustworthy PPP regime. It started under the PNC regime, where according to the Jamaican academic Trevor A. Campbell, “….large numbers of technical and administrative cadres were forces to flee Guyana, sometimes for the sole reason that they refused to pay homage to Burnham”.  Today, this migration pattern is at the highest level as the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime continues to marginalize a large section of the population and victimizes those who oppose their blatant corrupt practices. The people’s frustration is compounded by the confused messages, distortions and untruths coming from the Freedom House gang, but the people have made it quite clear that the PPP has to go, because of the financial skullduggery they have been practicing over the last decade, which is significantly worse than what the PNC did. Yes, the PNC wasted much of the taxpayers’ money, but what we have observed over the last decade is that the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime has squandered the taxpayers’ money on ill-conceived projects, and have used tens of billions of dollars of state funds to buy votes, build palaces for themselves, quadrupled their overseas bank accounts and enriched their relatives and friends. They have also stolen the best beachfront lands for themselves and have pawned the state forests to foreign friends in return for kickbacks. So we are telling the people not to be mystified by the kleptocrats who continue their wicked acts of oppression. They have no credibility and the people no longer have trust and confidence in them. The Jagdeo/Ramotar regime is ten times worse than the Burnham/Hoyte Government. Twenty-two years of cruel, primitive and dictatorial rule by the PPP will end very soon. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

Quote "Twenty-two years of cruel, primitive and dictatorial rule by the PPP will end very soon."unquote


 Having  a bunch of thieves, dictators and dummies, what can one expect?





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