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NOTED University of Saskatchewan Professor Wainewright Jonathan Noble said:



"The LCDS consultations was a failure since the Toshao’s Council [Heads of the Amerindian Community]were divided on the issue of support; with a majority of them refusing to sign the agreement which would allow the government to implement the LCDS.


Yet we found parrots from the PPP saying on the blog - OH what a success.



Reasons for dialogue failure


1. The use of scientific vernacular and statistical climate change data
established a learning barrier.  It was like teaching the people Chinese plus the data was Doctored (fixed, massaged by the DR DR friends from India);


2. Discussions should have been channeled through the tribal chiefs and
elders, instead of towards them.  BUKTA son, the head of the climate unit think he was in a rum shop with his friends where he lectures them on what a genius he is.


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