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Former Member
They had one seat majority and used to spite the PPP government and care less about the nation's good. If they had supporter the PPP government half the time, Guyana would've been ahead of the game. They wanted power so bad that they finally get it and can't even get off the mark or know what to do. The PPP do have faults, but they've done tremendously well for Guyana. Let's assume their claim of thieving is stop, and all monies are accounted for, then they must show the taxpayers how much money is back in the treasury. Do I believe this? He'll no. Let's see what 100 days will add up to. Shame, shame, shame.

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It is almost 40 days and nothing tangible is in place. Let us hope that better things happen in the next 60 days.


Granger appears to be handing out high profile position to Afros at the expense of Indos in his first 100 days.


I was optimistic at first but I now see a very nasty and racist trend by Granger. Are Indos not good enough ?


Moses is more and more appearing to be a "Dhall Boy" as Harmon yields more power than Moses.


AFC's executive committee must stand up and be counted before it is too late.



Juji, hope is like luck. A dream is a dream of being a Prince, when you woke up the reality remains a frog. Government need to stop dreaming and get on with the people's business. If the working class don't go out and work for minimum wage, his family will go to bed hungry  because he is the sole provider in his home. Every body work, so let the government get off their asses and get result. If they can't do it, step down.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
This is becoming a common trend on GNI, even to folks I showed respect even when they were in the opposition cursing the PPP and calling its members nasty names. It seems like nothing changes for them.

You dirty rass come on here every dam day posting shyte and you you want respect. You and your supporters could all go fk yourselves for all I care.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Cobra:

How about the gang of five in the AFC who is now PNC in power and they can't solves crimes? If the PPP lost you can't back the tide. We must concentrate on the current administration. Why waste time over spilled milk?

True. The APNU/AFC Coalition are rooting out the corrupted and incompetent workers from the previous Govt before they can make any significant progress. Be patient. It will take time. Everything aint gonna happen in 100 days.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
They had one seat majority and used to spite the PPP government and care less about the nation's good. If they had supporter the PPP government half the time, Guyana would've been ahead of the game. They wanted power so bad that they finally get it and can't even get off the mark or know what to do. The PPP do have faults, but they've done tremendously well for Guyana. Let's assume their claim of thieving is stop, and all monies are accounted for, then they must show the taxpayers how much money is back in the treasury. Do I believe this? He'll no. Let's see what 100 days will add up to. Shame, shame, shame.

Yep... 40 days and they only cleaned up GT. They only showed the world how your PPP bais dem teefin. They only clamped down on corruption. What a shame.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

It is almost 40 days and nothing tangible is in place.


After 23 years of PPP rule Guyana remains LAST in the English speaking Caribbean, using any index of socio economic progress.  Guyanese crowd tiny islands like St Kitts and St Lucia, where their main exports have collapsed.


So why do you expect that the coalition would have solved this problem in a scant 40 days?


I feel confident that 6 months from now criticism of the coalition will be deserved. By then they will have had the time to assess the damage done by the PPP, determine how many billions PPP cronies stole, and how bankrupt and indebted they left Guyana.  They should have developed a solid plan, and begun to implement it. 


At that point any silliness, incompetence, cronyism, ethnic revenge, or corruption will be evident and sharp criticism will be merited.


I suggest that you remain quiet until then, because as of now you look silly and are merely hysterical that your screams of "ahbe pan tap, black man time DONE" look quite ridiculous at this point in time.


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