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Former Member

Five of the ten captured in Craig safe house after the shootout with police that left wanted man Rolston Morrison ‘Sadam’ dead and Warren critical at the GPHC

We released you back into society so you can go the Indians and bring back our wealth by any means necessary. If you get apprehended, we will make sure you get bail. Don't worry about Ramjattan, we gave him a basket to fetch water.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Five of the ten captured in Craig safe house after the shootout with police that left wanted man Rolston Morrison ‘Sadam’ dead and Warren critical at the GPHC

We released you back into society so you can go the Indians and bring back our wealth by any means necessary. If you get apprehended, we will make sure you get bail. Don't worry about Ramjattan, we gave him a basket to fetch water.


You are missing the indian master mind who conscripted them for the job and who received the loot and who used them previously to rob his own family.


The fact is these fellows are caught and before the courts. That would be a wish in a Rohee regime.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana is quickly becoming a much better place for criminals. Just observe how happy criminals are with the new gov't. Their activities have increased at record speed.

Guyana, because of a corrupt PPP regime who did not reform the judiciary, made no attempts to secure the basics property rights ie setting up a land court, who neglected to establish a secure criminal lab with staffed with trained criminologists equipped with the best tools, who never sought a system to secure evidence or court files are to be blamed for making the nation a haven for criminals. The Present regime is tasked to constrain their neglect and reverse their poor management. Crows like you are out of the woodwork now only because you are vile bigots who see the state as and Indian possession and Indians as wise men. Well you are fooling yourselves. Guyana is for Guyanese and you and jagdeo, ravi dev, ramharack can commission a ship to take you "Indians" back to where you want to go if you so please. You do not belong here if that is your tack. Guyanese belong here. See if India care for you or give a shit if your call yourselves indians vs Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana is quickly becoming a much better place for criminals. Just observe how happy criminals are with the new gov't. Their activities have increased at record speed.

Guyana, because of a corrupt PPP regime who did not reform the judiciary, made no attempts to secure the basics property rights ie setting up a land court, who neglected to establish a secure criminal lab with staffed with trained criminologists equipped with the best tools, who never sought a system to secure evidence or court files are to be blamed for making the nation a haven for criminals. The Present regime is tasked to constrain their neglect and reverse their poor management. Crows like you are out of the woodwork now only because you are vile bigots who see the state as and Indian possession and Indians as wise men. Well you are fooling yourselves. Guyana is for Guyanese and you and jagdeo, ravi dev, ramharack can commission a ship to take you "Indians" back to where you want to go if you so please. You do not belong here if that is your tack. Guyanese belong here. See if India care for you or give a shit if your call yourselves indians vs Guyanese.

And Christopher Columbus is coming back to get some more gold from the buckman. You better run back to Guyana and help save your people. Wait! You don't know where Guyana is and you don't know where the reservations are. Stay in America.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

I advocated voted against the PPP and the default was the APNU. I have no illusions that they will be the grand transformers of the culture or the place.


After all, they are steeped up to their hacks in the same covetousness and invidious  politics as the PPP. I can count a dozen fellows now in office who should not be there under any sane regime. 


However, anything is better than that offensive corrupt incompetent racist regime. Whatever Granger does will be more salutary, even if he steals his ass off. It is a lesson for us and better than have those fellows in the PPP at the helm of the state. The fact the APNU has to perform is enough for me.  I hope never to see a PPP composed of any of that wretched crew in office ever.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

I voted against the PPP and the default was the APNU. Anything is better than that offensive corrupt incompetent racist regime. Whatever Granger does will be salutary, even if he steals his ass off, rather than have those fellows at the helm of the state. I hope never to see a PPP composed of any of that wretched crew in office ever.



Really? You voted even though you have not been to Guyana since you were 16 years old?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

I voted against the PPP and the default was the APNU. Anything is better than that offensive corrupt incompetent racist regime. Whatever Granger does will be salutary, even if he steals his ass off, rather than have those fellows at the helm of the state. I hope never to see a PPP composed of any of that wretched crew in office ever.



Really? You voted even though you have not been to Guyana since you were 16 years old?

You know when I left. DO you know what I did since? I have a whole estate of some five square miles there so go **** your old racist self. I have no tolerance for you nasty minded stale bigots.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

I voted against the PPP and the default was the APNU. Anything is better than that offensive corrupt incompetent racist regime. Whatever Granger does will be salutary, even if he steals his ass off, rather than have those fellows at the helm of the state. I hope never to see a PPP composed of any of that wretched crew in office ever.



Really? You voted even though you have not been to Guyana since you were 16 years old?

You know when I left. DO you know what I did since? I have a whole estate of some five square miles there so go **** your old racist self. I have no tolerance for you nasty minded stale bigots.

You can tell us you own half of Guyana. Who the Foak cares? What happen? Are you not going back to plant cassava and make piwari for your relatives?

Maybe panhandling brings in more money than working.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

I advocated voted against the PPP and the default was the APNU. I have no illusions that they will be the grand transformers of the culture or the place.


After all, they are steeped up to their hacks in the same covetousness and invidious  politics as the PPP. I can count a dozen fellows now in office who should not be there under any sane regime. 


However, anything is better than that offensive corrupt incompetent racist regime. Whatever Granger does will be more salutary, even if he steals his ass off. It is a lesson for us and better than have those fellows in the PPP at the helm of the state. The fact the APNU has to perform is enough for me.  I hope never to see a PPP composed of any of that wretched crew in office ever.



Sooo, is like you just was puffing hot air!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who wants to adopt a young criminal and send him back to school? Of course they are people, but them neemakaram PNC Indians are not budging to embrace their brothers of one mother. 

Your mama probably does. She did not do well with the idiot she has for a son.

Storm, back in 2011 you were giddy with excitement when early resukts indicated a possible PNC win.  You said it they you, you packing up and heading down.  Now, are you posting from Guyana?

I voted against the PPP and the default was the APNU. Anything is better than that offensive corrupt incompetent racist regime. Whatever Granger does will be salutary, even if he steals his ass off, rather than have those fellows at the helm of the state. I hope never to see a PPP composed of any of that wretched crew in office ever.



Really? You voted even though you have not been to Guyana since you were 16 years old?

You know when I left. DO you know what I did since? I have a whole estate of some five square miles there so go **** your old racist self. I have no tolerance for you nasty minded stale bigots.

You can tell us you own half of Guyana. Who the Foak cares? What happen? Are you not going back to plant cassava and make piwari for your relatives?

Maybe panhandling brings in more money than working.

Of course I am pan handling and you are sitting on some throne in Minnisota. Dude....we are all from generations of mudtrench, communal shi.tting dalits so do not pretend at pedigree. At least I have two other cultures mediating that legacy and facilitating an openness to that concretized backwardness that leaves you an intractable racist and worskipper of Artha in your sixties when as a good coolie you would be seeking satyagraha 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Five of the ten captured in Craig safe house after the shootout with police that left wanted man Rolston Morrison ‘Sadam’ dead and Warren critical at the GPHC

We released you back into society so you can go the Indians and bring back our wealth by any means necessary. If you get apprehended, we will make sure you get bail. Don't worry about Ramjattan, we gave him a basket to fetch water.


These are not the guys whom President Granger pardoned.

Those youths who got pardoned were in jail for petty theft, possession of narcotics and other non-violent breaches of the law.

President Granger will never pardon prisoners with violent records like those in the photo.

Ex-president Ramotar pardoned a convicted child killer just before leaving office.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Five of the ten captured in Craig safe house after the shootout with police that left wanted man Rolston Morrison ‘Sadam’ dead and Warren critical at the GPHC

We released you back into society so you can go the Indians and bring back our wealth by any means necessary. If you get apprehended, we will make sure you get bail. Don't worry about Ramjattan, we gave him a basket to fetch water.


These are not the guys whom President Granger pardoned.

Those youths who got pardoned were in jail for petty theft, possession of narcotics and other non-violent breaches of the law.

President Granger will never pardon prisoners with violent records like those in the photo.

Ex-president Ramotar pardoned a convicted child killer just before leaving office.

Paul Jairam do not need to be told that. That racist pig cull that view point from the recesses of his diseased racist soul. That is one sick puppy who cannot be salvaged.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Gill how do you know that did you meet him and he told you that.

I do not know who he pardoned and do think we should know but that is incidental to these criminals.




These convicted criminals are more likely to return to a life of crime.  There is no program in the penal system to reform criminals. If they do have one let Granger let us know about it and assure us that these convicts have been successfully reformed.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

These convicted criminals are more likely to return to a life of crime.  There is no program in the penal system to reform criminals. If they do have one let Granger let us know about it and assure us that these convicts have been successfully reformed.


Indeed, Granger should not appoint himself parole officer nor should Ramorar who released a child molester. Granger supposedly did it to set the condition that petty crimes should not incur long sentences for our young people who are already at a disadvantage in the society. But I want to know how and who were selected and what programs will receive them for counseling and monitoring once out.


Ok Guys,


I do not have the facts of this matter. If these guys committed petty offences and have shown good behaviour then they should be pardoned and become part of society. 


We cannot jail and destroy the lives of our youths and make them into hardened criminals. It will come back to haunt us.


I only have a problem if hardened criminals are released or pardoned.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok Guys,


I do not have the facts of this matter. If these guys committed petty offences and have shown good behaviour then they should be pardoned and become part of society. 


We cannot jail and destroy the lives of our youths and make them into hardened criminals. It will come back to haunt us.


I only have a problem if hardened criminals are released or pardoned.

like the child killer donald let go 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

These convicted criminals are more likely to return to a life of crime.  There is no program in the penal system to reform criminals. If they do have one let Granger let us know about it and assure us that these convicts have been successfully reformed.


billy goat if you read the new you will see the alliance sign a agreement with the USA for a rehab program for prisoners 

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Gill how do you know that did you meet him and he told you that.

The angel Gabriel told me so in a dream.

Seriously, David Granger vented his views on crime during the last elections campaign in APNU+AFC rallies and, before then, in one or two TV interviews that I had watched on YouTube. Based on his views, I conclude he would not treat hardened criminals with kid gloves.


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