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The language from the gutter is the only one Jagdeo seems to understand
November 13, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

I want to congratulate Mr. Nagamootoo for taking the attack to PPP and Mr. Jagdeo, and also for personalizing it. I know that this does not suit the sensibilities of some especially one newspaper that has become the national Scold, but it seems that the only language that Mr. Jagdeo and his supporters can understand is the language of the gutter and Mr. Nagamootoo seems quite willing to mix it up.
It is past time for the PPP flock to have their emperor exposed for what he is :- a second-rate middle manager entrusted with the keys to the kingdom and shielded by his cloak of presidential immunity.

Imagine that this president cannot even manage his household yet he has had free rein of error and terror on this benighted country. The self-same president who can cuss out anyone on the hustings yet will leave office without having once shown the intellectual courage to engage in a real debate.
A president who has had a genius for consorting with questionable characters from Bernard Kerik and Ed Ahmad and others, yet has the temerity to lecture others on ethics.
A president who refuses to pay taxes of any kind, even the bridge tolls that he himself prescribed, yet was the architect of imposing the most draconian tax regimen on the common man in the form of the dreaded VAT.
But it is not the president who is to be questioned. It is the presidential candidate who, as usual, is completely silent and therefore complicit in all the activities of his sponsor.

One has to seriously question whether this gentleman has any sort of integrity or moral judgment on him, or as is, many suspect, there only for the glorious ride on the gravy train. Well, The Don better look out but his day of reckoning is fast coming.
Because, when the PPP loses what should have been a guaranteed election victory, most of the fingers will be pointed at him.
For his lackluster campaigning, for being so singularly lacking in charisma, for being in every sense a physical manifestation of all the ills and woes of his party – an overage, over-weight, bloated figure buoyed by his own preening sense of entitlement and destiny.

Clive Edgehill

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