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By Fareeza Haniff

Six gunmen this evening stormed into the house of CIOG (Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana) member, Gulzar Namdar and shot his only son to death.

iNews understands that the 27 – year – old  Zulficar Namdar, also known as Vicky was shot in close vicinity of his heart, and on his upper shoulder. The gunmen also physically assaulted his mother, Fazie Namdar and took away a bag containing lots of cash.

According to information received, the men stormed into the grocery shop of their Meten – Meer – Zorg, West Coast Demerara home, ordered Vicky and his friends to lie on the floor, where they shot him.

Dead: Vicky Gulzar

Dead: Vicky Gulzar

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Businessman's shooting death triggers call for aggressive crime fight

  • Wednesday, 11 September 2013 00:29

Vicky Namdar Vicky Namdar


In the wake of Tuesday night’s gunning down of a West Coast Demerara businessman in his shop by bandits, there are fresh calls for authorities to do more to combat violent crime.

The dead man has been identified as 27-year old Zulfikar “Vicky Golzar Namdar who was shot during an invasion of his shop at 76 Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara by several men armed with handguns. He was his parents' only child and he was a husband and father of two.

“We always expect betterment to come but at least I think we should do something better. The authority and the minister and everyone else should budget some more money for them to look at these offences,” said the dead man’s father, Golzar Namdar. His wife, Fazila Namdar, was gun butted by one of the bandits.

Reflecting on his son, he said: “He never wanted us to be unhappy. He always had a good disposition in the community. He was always smiling with people and he always wanted to help and he always associated and helped with charitable activities.”

As word spread about the incident, numerous villagers and members of the Muslim community congregated inside and outside the shop and home of the Namdars.

Shop assistant 17-year old stephenmohammedINJURED: Stephen Mohammed. was shot to his left thigh and told by  doctors to return on Tuesday for an X-Ray.

Golzar, the Regional Vice President of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG),  said his wife begged the gunmen not to injure anyone and she handed over a bag containing passports, other important documents and an estimated GUY$1 million.

CIOG President, Fazil Ferouz expressed shock and bewilderment at the devastation of the community by the heinous crime. He lamented that there appeared to be no solution in sight for the rising crime. “We have seen crime escalating all over the country and everyone is worried about the situation of crime but no one seems to have the solution,” he told reporters. Ferouz called on the Guyana Police Force to be moree vigilant in its questmetenmeerzorg robberyA section of grieving relatives and friends of Vicky Namdar. to protect innocent and vulnerable persons.

Region Three parliamentarian for the governing Peoples Progressive Party (PPP), Irfan Ali declined to say that government should share some of the responsibility for the apparent rise in violent crimes. "What I know is that the government has been continuously investing in the security forces. The government has been building infrastructure and more and more resources...That is a question better put to the (police) force and the respective ministry," he said.

Eyewitness Sheik Abdul Ziauddin, who was in the shop about 7 PM, recounted that two masked bandits were moving from the shop to the dwelling while demanding money. “Weh yuh money deh? Weh yuh money deh? (Where’s your money? Where’s your money).”

Another man, Akram Walcott, said one of the bandits kicked him down to prevent him from leaving the shop and placed a gun to his head. ‘I left surprised. I never know this would happen. All my skin shaking,”

CIOG President, Fazil Ferouz expressed shock and bewilderment at the devastation of the community by the heinous crime. He lamented that there appeared to be no solution in sight for the rising crime. “We have seen crime escalating all over the country and everyone is worried about the situation of crime but no one seems to have the solution,” he told reporters. Ferouz called on the Guyana Police Force to be moree vigilant in its quest to protect innocent and vulnerable persons to protect innocent and vulnerable persons



FAzil Feroz should wake up and stop drinking PPP soup.


This was posted by a friend


Donald Ramotar , Clement Rohee PPP took another life due to your incompetence and willful neglect to protect the citizens of Guyana. You have failed this nation you uneducated , self centered communists!!! Leave office now!!!! The Muslim leaders of Guyana, you're at fault, we don't lie down when it comes to Justice !!! We stand up for our own. I hold you and and the PPP Leaders equally responsible for the loss of this innocent life. May Allah replace you with just leaders!!!
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Time to bring back the Phantoms and clean the FILTH out of Guyana AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bhai, you have the joint opposition ready to cry police brutality when the police shoot and kill these criminal bastards. You have GR, Benschop and Ramjattan who protects bandits. You have APNU who is ready to riot for killing bandits. When a senseless killing happens, everyone point fingers at Ramotar and Rohee. May be the Muslim community should tell the president how to slaughter these criminal and hope they can come to the aide when mo-fyia, slow-fiya come along. 


This is a poor excuse. The GOG should care less what the opposition think in a case like this. They, by way of the joint services needs to step up and take the fight to these criminals, regardless of what the GHRA or anyone else has to say. The intentions of these bandits are as clear as day. shoot\kill\rob.
Therefore, the Govt. stance should be as clear as day as well.
Done what needs to be done in the best interest of the nation.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

This is a poor excuse. The GOG should care less what the opposition think in a case like this. They, by way of the joint services needs to step up and take the fight to these criminals, regardless of what the GHRA or anyone else has to say. The intentions of these bandits are as clear as day. shoot\kill\rob.
Therefore, the Govt. stance should be as clear as day as well.
Done what needs to be done in the best interest of the nation.

Well said Bhai. Time to smash the ROACHES!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

This is a poor excuse. The GOG should care less what the opposition think in a case like this. They, by way of the joint services needs to step up and take the fight to these criminals, regardless of what the GHRA or anyone else has to say. The intentions of these bandits are as clear as day. shoot\kill\rob.
Therefore, the Govt. stance should be as clear as day as well.
Done what needs to be done in the best interest of the nation.

Well said Bhai. Time to smash the ROACHES!!!!

Nehru, around 12 midnite, I read on Dem. waves  that some bandits were cornered in a house at montrose. I was please wid dat. Now Dis marning I read that they get away.
WTF, man? How de rass dis happen?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

This is a poor excuse. The GOG should care less what the opposition think in a case like this. They, by way of the joint services needs to step up and take the fight to these criminals, regardless of what the GHRA or anyone else has to say. The intentions of these bandits are as clear as day. shoot\kill\rob.
Therefore, the Govt. stance should be as clear as day as well.
Done what needs to be done in the best interest of the nation.

Well said Bhai. Time to smash the ROACHES!!!!

Nehru, around 12 midnite, I read on Dem. waves  that some bandits were cornered in a house at montrose. I was please wid dat. Now Dis marning I read that they get away.
WTF, man? How de rass dis happen?

Dem flash dem PPP card

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Time to bring back the Phantoms and clean the FILTH out of Guyana AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

for a big man you is a ass you ppp fools have rohee playing polictics when he should be  fighting crime you ppp give the work to the chinese how do you expect the youths in guyana to live look for more crime take politics out of the police force and demand that they do their job 


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