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Former Member

On Thursday, March 29, the Alliance for Change (AFC) represented by Kojo McPherson and Gerhard Ramsaroop, and accompanied by political activist Freddie Kissoon, went to Enmore, East Coast Demerara, to meet with the sugar workers who were summarily dismissed on March 28 by GuySuCo.


On the way there, the deplorable state of the Logwood, Enmore bridge was photographed and a video made in an effort to get the authorities to intervene.  However, less than 24 hours later, the road over the bridge has collapsed.


At Enmore too, not far from the sugar packaging plant, the hole in a $4M bridge that was highlighted in the media three weeks ago has gotten worse.


The AFC therefore, is outraged at the continued sub-standard infrastructural works done throughout Guyana and demands that this comes to an end now.  Further, weight limits must be enforced so as to protect the taxpayers. 

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Presenting a $192.8 billion budget in the National Assembly this afternoon, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh announced, among other things, that old age pension will be increased to $8,100 per month,up from $7,500 and public assistance would increase to $5,500, up from $5,100.

In addition, the new income tax thresholdhas been set at $50,000, up from $40,000. He also announced that $4 billion will be given to GuySuCo and another $6 billion was announced for GPL.

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh presenting the budget in Parliament this afternoon

The budget, presented under the theme ‘Remaining on course, unite in purpose, prosperity for all’.



Excerpts  from Stabroeknews


It is good that the AFC boys are bringing up these shortcomings. Too long has the pPP been comfortable squandering the taxpayers money on projects. A higher level of accountability is needed. However the question remains, should the AFC or PNC ascend to power would they be able to manage the tax payers money any better? The PNC have already proven that they are not up to the task. The AFc are the new kids on the block hungry for power. But let us not close our eyes to the fact that opposition throughout the world traditionally point out faults during election campaigns but turn around and have the same faults when they ascend to power. To build proper roads for a variety of traffic requires great expense. The govt of Guyana has been purposely spending small amounts of money on roads to maintain infrastructure but not to necessarily build roads to last forever. In fact no road last for ever, once a road is built, it requires periodic maintenance and management of weight class of vehicles.  

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I strongly support the PPP but commend the AFC for pointing out weaknesses that exists. This is how you keep any government on their toes. Gerhard should have been a better leader of the opposition, not that the Fleece RUMjattan. Let us call a spade a spade.

For what it is worth, thank you.  However, you have got Ramjattan totally wrong. And your comments are unfair, particularly since without Ramjattan, I would not have had a political career of this magnitude.  There is much I learnt from him on both political and personal levels.  He has always been kind to me, ready to take my calls at any hour, to give advice, to give his legal services.  Prak never took a cent from me.


Quote Yugi 22 :I strongly support the PPP but commend the AFC for pointing out weaknesses that exists.

This is how you keep any government on their toes.

Gerhard should have been a better leader of the opposition, not that the Fleece RUMjattan.

Let us call a spade a spade.


My friend Ramjatan is a Leader......

Ralph Ramkarran is a Looser (and follower of Jagdeo)

Let us call a spade a spade.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I strongly support the PPP but commend the AFC for pointing out weaknesses that exists. This is how you keep any government on their toes. Gerhard should have been a better leader of the opposition, not that the Fleece RUMjattan. Let us call a spade a spade.

For what it is worth, thank you.  However, you have got Ramjattan totally wrong. And your comments are unfair, particularly since without Ramjattan, I would not have had a political career of this magnitude.  There is much I learnt from him on both political and personal levels.  He has always been kind to me, ready to take my calls at any hour, to give advice, to give his legal services.  Prak never took a cent from me.

Gerhard, you are welcome. As much as we may differ politically, you honestly have Guyana dear to your heart. I am of the opinion that AFC was elected to bring a balance and honesty in parliament.


I hope that you get a seat in parliament some day. Do not allow partisan politics to cloud your judgment. Keep em honest but remain objective and honest in your reports and analysis. Who knows, the future holds good for those who are honest.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I strongly support the PPP but commend the AFC for pointing out weaknesses that exists. This is how you keep any government on their toes. Gerhard should have been a better leader of the opposition, not that the Fleece RUMjattan. Let us call a spade a spade.

For what it is worth, thank you.  However, you have got Ramjattan totally wrong. And your comments are unfair, particularly since without Ramjattan, I would not have had a political career of this magnitude.  There is much I learnt from him on both political and personal levels.  He has always been kind to me, ready to take my calls at any hour, to give advice, to give his legal services.  Prak never took a cent from me.

Gerhard, you are welcome. As much as we may differ politically, you honestly have Guyana dear to your heart. I am of the opinion that AFC was elected to bring a balance and honesty in parliament.


I hope that you get a seat in parliament some day. Do not allow partisan politics to cloud your judgment. Keep em honest but remain objective and honest in your reports and analysis. Who knows, the future holds good for those who are honest.


Thank you yuji22.  This is much appreciated.


AFC outraged at substandard road works


The Alliance For Change (AFC) is outraged at the continued sub-standard infrastructural works done throughout Guyana and is demanding that this comes to an end now.


A resident stands in a hole in the road at Enmore.


This follows observation of some road works at Enmore on the East Coast of Demerara by a team of AFC members on Thursday last. The team, which comprised Kojo McPherson and Gerhard Ramsaroop, along with political activist Freddie Kissoon, went to Enmore to meet with the sugar workers who were summarily dismissed the previous day.

On the way there, the deplorable state of the Logwood, Enmore Bridge was photographed and a video made in an effort to get the authorities to intervene. However, less than 24 hours later, the road over the bridge collapsed.

At Enmore too, not far from the sugar packaging plant, the hole in a $4M bridge that was highlighted in the media three weeks ago has gotten worse. The ACF is further demanding that weight limits must be enforced so as to protect the taxpayers.




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