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After the initial skepticism, including mine, Moses Nagamootoo's bold move to forge a coalition with APNU has changed Guyana's politics forever.


From what I've seen like us all here and listened to people back home, it is instructive to note the enthusiasm of the PNC base of APNU. They have not been this energized and accounted for poor turnout in past elections - never rising to above 42% of the votes. Now they've seen a reason to be enthused and that reason is the man Moses.


Moses has shown that he better than anyone can make the reality of the PPP corruption hit home to the PPP base in a way I've never seen before. I put a lot of weight behind race voting because of the continued stigma that the Burnham era left the PNC. Granger to his credit has shown he's more Hoyte than Burnham and he has kept the PNC's internal divisions moot.


It is this energized PNC base - thanks to Moses - that has the PPP more worried. The mixed race votes and Amerindian votes are subject to the same dynamic as the incremental PNC vote and the disenchanted PPP base vote. Moses has shown he can take two seats at will. He's at work to add a couple more for the coalition from the mixed race vote and the skeptic PNC base.


All of this abstracts from what manifesto and economic vision any party has for Guyana, and this is instructive. It says the normal metrics in a voting decision are not at work here. What's driving votes is change. It is an intangible fueled by corruption littered all over social media. People are better informed and the weight of too much is finally wearing PPP base's capacity for forgiveness. Interestingly enough Moses bold move has also rendered the old racial fear impotent enough to keep his 2 seats from 2011 and possibly bringing some more over, as well as letting the PNC base know finally "yes, we can"!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kari with an African vote at around 32%, not all voting PNC, they consistently won 40%. except in 2006.  Clearly the PNC gets at least 70% of the mixed vote.


However you look at it many mixed people in Guyana operate as an extension of the black population, existing in much the same cultural space, and sharing many of the same perspectives.


In fact it really makes no sense to distinguish the African and the mixed vote.  Granger says he is black, while Trotman claims to be mixed.  Some mixed people are black on one day and mixed on the next. So at what point is some one black, or mixed.  In fact large numbers of African identified people might be as much as 15% non African.



In any case the mixed population is hardly monolithic.  There is no such thing as the mixed vote, to the extent that an African and Indian vote exists.


BTW the regions of Guyana with the highest mixed populations are in Region 2 (Pomeroon), Region 4 (G/town), and the riverain regions.  

Last edited by Former Member

In my humble opinion, Moses Nagamootoo caused a seismic shift of the political ground since 2011 when he joined the AFC and consigned the PPP to minority status for the first time since 1992.

In this present campaign, David Granger has been working very hard, not taking anything for granted. But Moses is the coalition's live-wire and it is reflected in the PPP's intense hysterical obnoxious malicious venomous attacks against him.


How can anyone not see this APNU/AFC victory coming up to be what Guyana needed way before we all left our homeland?

Finally a coming together as one people.

Finally all Guyanese can proudly say "One people one nation one destiny" and dam well mean it.


These people who still back that sleazy ass ppp party must be getting some of their loot, it has to be.


May I remind you Moses cultists that General Granger is the head of this Coalition and that every single voter understands this.


My brain starts to go into overload when I see normal thinking humans become scraping sycophants for politicians in 2015....especially Guyanese politicians.


And let's not act like Moses is some virgin. He was the hatchet man for the Jagans; wielding "neemakharam" and "harkati" knives for any and all anti-PPP Indians for decades. If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."


Moses bears a lot of responsibility for where the PPP is today and where Guyana is today.


I shed no tear when Moses gets called "neemakharam" or "dirty Moses." Them are Moses' yard fowls coming home to roost.


Shaits, throughout history when individuals feel that being on the inside is more effective to change the course of an institution, they then find the right moment to break and lesser minds harp on their past association. Life is more nuanced than the picture you paint. You are a thinking man and ought to know that.


Strategic objectives sometimes don't seem to jive with tactics. Does Ghandi's visit to the UK Parliament means he endorsed the shame of Britain to India? Does Mandela embracing all the institutions and corporations that were apartheid actors make him a neemakaram?


The post that started this thread spoke of a momentous shift, one whose impact most people did not see, and I initially opposed. You don't have to agree that Moses' 2011 insertion into the AFC made the PPP a minority government for the first time. You also don't have to agree that Moses's bold coalition move energized the 10,000 or so more PNC voters to come out this time as they see a possibility to rid the nation of a corrupt and insulting government. All you need to do is look at the social media content on this elections. Look at the caliber of people in Guyana who are backing the coalition. Listen to your folks in Guyana and you will hear something different.


this election is not about the coalition's economic policies. Guyanese never vote on economic policies anyhow. It's about being fed-up and lifting the veil of secrecy in contracts and business.


Going after Moses detracts from what this election is about. You are quite happy to go that route, so God's speed - don't forget I'm awaiting the goods on Rev's skeletons, as I know you are resourceful to come up with these. Rev will rue the day he crossed your path with his "Dirty" Indians characterization. He is insulting to Indians' intelligence, thinking that the PPP owns Indians and anyone who stray from Baseman's "home" is a neemakaram and Dirty.


Remember, regarding Moses, a lot of times history is only recorded after the event - we oftentimes fail to glimpse it as it happens.


"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

 If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."



* I like your blunt honesty.




Go F yourself Antiman!

Go take your medicine Old soldier.  You suffering from PTS.  Calm down!


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

 If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."



* I like your blunt honesty.




Go F yourself Antiman!

Go take your medicine Old soldier.  You suffering from PTS.  Calm down!


You know diddly do about Guyanese politics.  Stay in Queens Farouk Samaroo.


The APNU+AFC do not want you, so stop sending message to the coalition that you looking for a wuk.


Go join the PPP.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

May I remind you Moses cultists that General Granger is the head of this Coalition and that every single voter understands this.


My brain starts to go into overload when I see normal thinking humans become scraping sycophants for politicians in 2015....especially Guyanese politicians.


And let's not act like Moses is some virgin. He was the hatchet man for the Jagans; wielding "neemakharam" and "harkati" knives for any and all anti-PPP Indians for decades.If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."


Moses bears a lot of responsibility for where the PPP is today and where Guyana is today.


I shed no tear when Moses gets called "neemakharam" or "dirty Moses." Them are Moses' yard fowls coming home to roost.



Please let us hear

from our political expert.


were still the

Campaign Manager

for Baldeo...

What ifâ€Ķ


Which party

will win the elections in Guyana

on May 11th.

IFâ€Ķ is a European innovation festival organized under the auspices ...

Would you work with same

"Dirty Moses"


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

 If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."



* I like your blunt honesty.




Go F yourself Antiman!

Go take your medicine Old soldier.  You suffering from PTS.  Calm down!



Another antiman and his PTSD remarks. No wonder people think Guyanese are uncivilized barbarians.


Of all the things to attack me on, you went PTSD (which is actually true in my case).


Let's assume I had a terrible case of PTSD (many do), do you think it's a human thing to try and ridicule me for it?


And worse yet; you're an American and I caught my PTSD Aids you so gleefully reference as an American Soldier.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Got an email from Bro. Mose today in the Rupununi.


AFC-APNU blazing trails. PPP nervous as it was forced to fire Bheri.


Not a good sign for PPP under siege.

Were you the one announcing in Baghdad " WE are pushing the Americans back, we are defeating the American Pigs"??

Last edited by Nehru

Shaitaan is right in a sense. Moses Nagamootoo does have a cult following. There are some who will march with him into the Berbice River without a whimper. I'm not one of them.

Moses was my comrade and friend for many years. We had falling outs and mekking ups. No friendship is perfect.

I maintain that the Nagamootoo factor is pivotal to APNU+AFC success on May 11. I also maintain that David Granger is the most fitting choice for presidential candidate, more than Nagamootoo.

Granger will call the shots after May 11 but, being an honourable man, he has to abide by the letter and spirit of the Cummingsburg Accord. By doing that, Granger will preserve the integrity of the coalition and lay the foundation for multi-ethnic cooperation and national unity.

Failing to do that, the AFC will withdraw its 12 seats from the coalition and de party brukup.

I am saying here that if Nagamootoo starts feathering his nest in government as Jagdeo & Co did, I will be among the first to put pepper on his skont.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In my humble opinion, Moses Nagamootoo caused a seismic shift of the political ground since 2011 when he joined the AFC and consigned the PPP to minority status for the first time since 1992.

In this present campaign, David Granger has been working very hard, not taking anything for granted. But Moses is the coalition's live-wire and it is reflected in the PPP's intense hysterical obnoxious malicious venomous attacks against him.

For the rational minded Indian, it is not Moses that bring them to the coalition. It is the idea that Granger is a mild mannered man whom they have confidence in. Moses is important in the shift, but without Granger it would be nothing. Those two men have a perfect blend. My country needs that.  

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitaan is right in a sense. Moses Nagamootoo does have a cult following. There are some who will march with him into the Berbice River without a whimper. I'm not one of them.

Moses was my comrade and friend for many years. We had falling outs and mekking ups. No friendship is perfect.

I maintain that the Nagamootoo factor is pivotal to APNU+AFC success on May 11. I also maintain that David Granger is the most fitting choice for presidential candidate, more than Nagamootoo.

Granger will call the shots after May 11 but, being an honourable man, he has to abide by the letter and spirit of the Cummingsburg Accord. By doing that, Granger will preserve the integrity of the coalition and lay the foundation for multi-ethnic cooperation and national unity.

Failing to do that, the AFC will withdraw its 12 seats from the coalition and de party brukup.

I am saying here that if Nagamootoo starts feathering his nest in government as Jagdeo & Co did, I will be among the first to put pepper on his skont.

Yes, he has a following. My concern is not at the grass roots but those above that. He has to be careful that those individuals doan do the

thngs they did the last time. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

 If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."



* I like your blunt honesty.




Go F yourself Antiman!

Go take your medicine Old soldier.  You suffering from PTS.  Calm down!


You know diddly do about Guyanese politics.  Stay in Queens Farouk Samaroo.


The APNU+AFC do not want you, so stop sending message to the coalition that you looking for a wuk.


Go join the PPP.


BT/Sase get a bloody life !


How dare you attack a man who served his country with distinction while you were hiding under your bed.


You AFC goons are a bunch of low lives.


Let's stick to Guyana's politics.

Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

This very post defines what being a Moses cultist is all about.


Were Moses on his own without Granger there would also be no prospects of anything.


Why don't you credit Granger for being big enough to give up 40% of his cabinet and about as many of his MPs to allow this coalition to succeed?


Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.


And Kari 80% of the votes that the coalition will receive will be delivered by the PNC.  You fool yourself if in a coalition gov't you think that they will not demand their rewards.  You might be smoking what Moses gave you.  They aren't.  Many of them don't even respect David, and see Moses as a means to an end. 


This coalition represents assorted groups of people who think that the PPP needs to go. So they form an alliance as without any of these elements the PPP wins.  ALL components of the PNC are as important to this as is the AFC, with its capacity to further split the PPP vote.


 The excessive Moses reverence will sew the seeds of demise as the majority who aren't in this cult tire of folks like you.


And remember that Moses went and wanted to be the presidential candidate, was rebuffed, and was unable to do a thing about that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

This very post defines what being a Moses cultist is all about.


Were Moses on his own without Granger there would also be no prospects of anything.


Why don't you credit Granger for being big enough to give up 40% of his cabinet and about as many of his MPs to allow this coalition to succeed?


Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.

Good point CaribJ.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.

Good point CaribJ.



Guyana needs to move away from the personality cult.  This election isn't just about David and Moses.  This is about huge swathes of Guyanese who want to see the end of the PPP.  They also want to see the end of monoracial domination of governance as just under 60 years of this hasn't augured well for Guyana.


Within the PNC there are many factions.  To their credit they have subsumed their normal distrust of Granger to band together to ensure that APNU is united.  If Vanessa K, Solomon, and the other,s who don't like Granger, decided to fold their arms and not helped then nothing would happen.


This isn't to negate the role that Moses is playing by being a familiar INDIAN face, therefore enabling the PPP vote to be split.  This isn't to negate the fact that a split PPP vote motivates many PNC supporters who had lost hope of an APNU dominated coalition from winning.


But Moses isn't doing this on his own!


In fact it seems obvious that Moses is benefitting from an alliance with a large party which has the infrastructure to organize all those campaign events.  It seems obvious that the AFC doesn't have this structure in place to do it on its own.


WHEN the coalition wins, the PPP will be off the table, as they head off some where to sulk, lick their wounds and ponder life of not being in gov't.  For a short period the APNU AFC will enjoy a honey moon.


What the Moses cultists will need to understand is that once the election is over Moses would have served its purpose and the various factions will then start positioning themselves to get what ever it is they want. 


Moses will not part the seas because even David couldn't slay the giant among those within the PNC who don't like him.


Moses will have to learn how to deal with the PNC, which is a whole different animal from the PPP.  He isn't accustomed to the type of aggressive challenge of leadership which is typical of every PNC convention.  He will have to learn how to deal with an Afro Guyanese way of operating, as they will dominate the coalition, like it or not.  And they will need to get the sense that their 22 years of deprivation has ended.


How will Moses reconcile this fact with his mainly Indian following, who might want to see the status quo remain, just without the obscene PPP greed.  Here we see Jay and others claiming that the PPP isn't racist, and that blacks "control" Guyana.  Few Afro Guyanese will buy into that line of thinking.


I suggest that people focus on institution building and less on the personality cult, or the APNU AFC coalition will not even last to the LGE.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

This very post defines what being a Moses cultist is all about.


Were Moses on his own without Granger there would also be no prospects of anything.


Why don't you credit Granger for being big enough to give up 40% of his cabinet and about as many of his MPs to allow this coalition to succeed?


Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.


And Kari 80% of the votes that the coalition will receive will be delivered by the PNC.  You fool yourself if in a coalition gov't you think that they will not demand their rewards.  You might be smoking what Moses gave you.  They aren't.  Many of them don't even respect David, and see Moses as a means to an end. 


This coalition represents assorted groups of people who think that the PPP needs to go. So they form an alliance as without any of these elements the PPP wins.  ALL components of the PNC are as important to this as is the AFC, with its capacity to further split the PPP vote.


 The excessive Moses reverence will sew the seeds of demise as the majority who aren't in this cult tire of folks like you.


And remember that Moses went and wanted to be the presidential candidate, was rebuffed, and was unable to do a thing about that.

u ought to ease up a bit. All thoughts have flaws-refinement duz mek it better. I cannot understand y kari doan see the bigger picture. But he has a glimpse.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitaan is right in a sense.

Moses Nagamootoo does have a cult following.



There are some

who will march with him

into the Berbice River without a whimper.

I'm not one of them.


Moses was my comrade and friend for many years.

We had falling outs and mekking ups.

No friendship is perfect.



I maintain that the Nagamootoo factor

is pivotal to APNU+AFC success on May 11.


I also maintain that David Granger

is the most fitting choice

for presidential candidate,

more than Nagamootoo.


Granger will call the shots after May 11

but, being an honourable man,

he has to abide by

the letter and spirit

of the Cummingsburg Accord.


By doing that,

Granger will preserve the integrity of the coalition

and lay the foundation

for multi-ethnic cooperation and national unity.



Failing to do that,

the AFC will withdraw its 12 seats from the coalition

and de party brukup.


I am saying here

that if Nagamootoo starts

feathering his nest in government

as Jagdeo & Co did,

I will be among the first to put pepper on his skont.


Our Friend Gailbaka

 is Experienced & Wise


He see it Right


and he explain it right


He does not

suffer from Cockeye


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.

Good point CaribJ.



Guyana needs to move away from the personality cult.  This election isn't just about David and Moses.  This is about huge swathes of Guyanese who want to see the end of the PPP.  They also want to see the end of monoracial domination of governance as just under 60 years of this hasn't augured well for Guyana.


Within the PNC there are many factions.  To their credit they have subsumed their normal distrust of Granger to band together to ensure that APNU is united.  If Vanessa K, Solomon, and the other,s who don't like Granger, decided to fold their arms and not helped then nothing would happen.


This isn't to negate the role that Moses is playing by being a familiar INDIAN face, therefore enabling the PPP vote to be split.  This isn't to negate the fact that a split PPP vote motivates many PNC supporters who had lost hope of an APNU dominated coalition from winning.


But Moses isn't doing this on his own!


In fact it seems obvious that Moses is benefitting from an alliance with a large party which has the infrastructure to organize all those campaign events.  It seems obvious that the AFC doesn't have this structure in place to do it on its own.


WHEN the coalition wins, the PPP will be off the table, as they head off some where to sulk, lick their wounds and ponder life of not being in gov't.  For a short period the APNU AFC will enjoy a honey moon.


What the Moses cultists will need to understand is that once the election is over Moses would have served its purpose and the various factions will then start positioning themselves to get what ever it is they want. 


Moses will not part the seas because even David couldn't slay the giant among those within the PNC who don't like him.


Moses will have to learn how to deal with the PNC, which is a whole different animal from the PPP.  He isn't accustomed to the type of aggressive challenge of leadership which is typical of every PNC convention.  He will have to learn how to deal with an Afro Guyanese way of operating, as they will dominate the coalition, like it or not.  And they will need to get the sense that their 22 years of deprivation has ended.


How will Moses reconcile this fact with his mainly Indian following, who might want to see the status quo remain, just without the obscene PPP greed.  Here we see Jay and others claiming that the PPP isn't racist, and that blacks "control" Guyana.  Few Afro Guyanese will buy into that line of thinking.


I suggest that people focus on institution building and less on the personality cult, or the APNU AFC coalition will not even last to the LGE.

The PNC always had Indians with them.


First wave was in 1955.


Second wave was Ranji Chandisingh, Vincent Tekah and others


Third wave was the Muslims.


Fourth wave were Indians with family connections.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

This very post defines what being a Moses cultist is all about.


Were Moses on his own without Granger there would also be no prospects of anything.


Why don't you credit Granger for being big enough to give up 40% of his cabinet and about as many of his MPs to allow this coalition to succeed?


Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.


And Kari 80% of the votes that the coalition will receive will be delivered by the PNC.  You fool yourself if in a coalition gov't you think that they will not demand their rewards.  You might be smoking what Moses gave you.  They aren't.  Many of them don't even respect David, and see Moses as a means to an end. 


This coalition represents assorted groups of people who think that the PPP needs to go. So they form an alliance as without any of these elements the PPP wins.  ALL components of the PNC are as important to this as is the AFC, with its capacity to further split the PPP vote.


 The excessive Moses reverence will sew the seeds of demise as the majority who aren't in this cult tire of folks like you.


And remember that Moses went and wanted to be the presidential candidate, was rebuffed, and was unable to do a thing about that.

Caribny, you miss my point. All the assets of Granger you write about are true, and I did not lessen their importance. I'm merely saying that you can have the drink in the glass, but as Daryl Strawberry of the Mets famously said a long time ago, he is the straw that stirs the drink. You gotts stop approaching every post as if people are out to get at the PNC, APNU or blackman. Jeez, I'm as agnostic as they come in these posts, so look for the proper import.


The Moses cultist thing and Granger giving up so much percentage and so much seats and APNU brings in the whole enchilada matters not. It is that spark thatI addressed and I'm suddenly a Moses cultist. The PPP assembled the firewood and put the gasolene. Granger has all the men to stoke the fire and keep it burning (bad analog....yeah I know...). But then everyone says where is the damn match....who got a lighter? You see how Moses fits into this?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

This very post defines what being a Moses cultist is all about.


Were Moses on his own without Granger there would also be no prospects of anything.


Why don't you credit Granger for being big enough to give up 40% of his cabinet and about as many of his MPs to allow this coalition to succeed?


Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.

Good point CaribJ.

TK, you must see the nuances of the political dynamics at play in this election. Granger and the APNU could give their 100% and more, were it not for a paradigmal shift in a coalition pushed for by Moses preceded by a minority government caused largely by Moses stamp on the AFC when it was a racially balanced party to become a 2nd Indian party mostly. Tht is not being a Moses cultist. That's just stating the reality. Take Moses away from 2011 and 2015 and we won't be having this conversation. Instead we'll be wailing.....5 more years?????

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

This very post defines what being a Moses cultist is all about.


Were Moses on his own without Granger there would also be no prospects of anything.


Why don't you credit Granger for being big enough to give up 40% of his cabinet and about as many of his MPs to allow this coalition to succeed?


Any post which says Moses, but doesn't say David, is a sign of Moses cultism.


And Kari 80% of the votes that the coalition will receive will be delivered by the PNC.  You fool yourself if in a coalition gov't you think that they will not demand their rewards.  You might be smoking what Moses gave you.  They aren't.  Many of them don't even respect David, and see Moses as a means to an end. 


This coalition represents assorted groups of people who think that the PPP needs to go. So they form an alliance as without any of these elements the PPP wins.  ALL components of the PNC are as important to this as is the AFC, with its capacity to further split the PPP vote.


 The excessive Moses reverence will sew the seeds of demise as the majority who aren't in this cult tire of folks like you.


And remember that Moses went and wanted to be the presidential candidate, was rebuffed, and was unable to do a thing about that.

u ought to ease up a bit. All thoughts have flaws-refinement duz mek it better. I cannot understand y kari doan see the bigger picture. But he has a glimpse.

You as well falling into this trap. Nuance and political dynamics are stuff that escape your minds.

Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

You mean a black coalition with a few Indians included.  There are close to 70% Blacks on APNU's list.  Stop trying to brainwash people on this board.  The coalition is PNC!!

Originally Posted by Kari:
. You gotts stop approaching every post as if people are out to get at the PNC, APNU or blackman. Jeez, I'm as agnostic as they come in these posts, so look for the proper import.

Given the history of GNI and the fact that YOU do not refute those who claim that "blacks control Guyana",  or that "the PPP hasn't discriminated against blacks", these comments coming from right within the Moses cult, I will have my say.


Too many people live in an Indo bubble and forget about the 60% who aren't.  They need to be reminded that a whole other world exists, with sharply different ways of thinking.


If APNU AFC wins, those folks are in for a rude awakening.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:

"Moses cultists", Shaits is already a phrase with a losing connotation. what does it speak to? Irrelevance. Putting Moses and cultists adjacent ot each other is like saying "Intelligent Nehru" or "Smart Baseman".


Granger being the Presidential candidate is irrelevant. It is about two things: (i) possibility if Indian independence from the PPP); and (ii) Blacks and Coolies in one political coalition. Granger's screwing all the ideals of the coalition post-victory is not the point - even if you can show he will. But let's say blackman dominate the coalition, as seems to be angle of the use of Granger being the man that we all (Moses cultists) seem to miss. Does it really matter?

You mean a black coalition with a few Indians included.  There are close to 70% Blacks on APNU's list.  Stop trying to brainwash people on this board.  The coalition is PNC!!

I see you're in that bubble that Fox News inhabited when they were prognosticating on Obama in 2008 and 2012.


It could be 90% Black and 10% Coolie alena06; you miss the point about the anger over the PPP that is making people think that the Burnham era is history and that a genuine Black-Coolie coalition is needed, even if in 2015 it begins with 10% Coolie.



Originally Posted by Kari:

. Take Moses away from 2011 and 2015 and we won't be having this conversation. Instead we'll be wailing.....5 more years?????

Take Granger out of the equation and Moses becomes a lost prophet. There is a very sound argument which can be argued that APNU would have remained a solid opposition party, and the AFC would have collapsed, lacking the resources to open up new support bases if the Berbice base fled back to the PPP.



  No commentary of this can be made without mention of Moses AND David.


You know if David told Moses no, then what would he be doing now?


Kari has this habit of taking black people for granted, and he and the rest of the Moses cultist should really stop doing that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Take Granger out of the equation and Moses becomes a lot prophet.   No commentary of this can be made without mention of Moses AND David.


You know if David told Moses no, then what would he be doing now?

Caribny we're looking at the 2015 Coalition following the Cummingsburg Accord. If Granger had spurned Moses' offer then we won't be having this conversation and I'd say the AFC will incrementally move up the political ladder to 15% to 20% of the votes in this cycle and position themselves fora peer relationship in 2012. I've said this many times here in this Forum.


What or who Granger and the APNU are is not what my conversation about Moses energizing THEIR base as well as making Indians comfortable with the notion of PNC. Why is the English language so difficult for you guys? Or is thsi a conversation where you have to make points? Should we take Moses out of our conversation and relegate him to an appendix and then laud the great General Granger?


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