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The spirit of Rodney will forever haunt the PNC


THERE has been two distinct periods in our history when we were very close in achieving the elusive national ethos of ‘ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, ONE DESTINY’ and both times the destroyer that thwarted the movement was the People’s National Congress (PNC).

I am referring firstly to the anti-colonial struggle for independence that created class and racial unity across the breadth of Guyana, the likes as was never seen before. The movement was founded by Dr. Jagan and generated mass mobilisation of the working class on a scale that was unprecedented in its magnitude and diversity. But, like day follows night, the PNC under its egotistical founder Forbes Burnham destroyed the racial and class unity with his obsession to be the leader. Today, the cleavages of that power struggle still embody itself in our politics to the point where our national motto becomes more elusive than ever. The second instance of achieving class and racial unity was the ‘Rodneyite’ rebellion against the PNC dictatorship. The period 1974 -1980 saw the unification of all the class forces in Guyana in the common goal of removing the PNC dictatorship. The inspirational and charismatic historian Dr Walter Rodney removed from the eyes of ordinary Guyanese the mystic and persona that Burnham as a petty dictator had created by his antics. Thousands of people of all persuasion, race, class and ethnicity flocked his meetings to hear his message of a united and free Guyana. Dr. Rodney preached a message of a racially tolerant Guyana, a just Guyana and an equal Guyana for all its sons and daughters. But Alas! True to form the PNC extinguished all of our hopes by the assassination of Rodney. I truly wonder when I see Roopnaine sitting on the same bench and on the same side of the house with the PNC what Walter would have thought of that. I still hear to this day the chants that intoned Rodney’s funeral procession: “If me nah bin come, me nah bin know, B…ham kill Rodney so, but a when me come ah then me know B…ham kill Rodney so.” The PNC withdrawal from the Commission of Inquiry was predictable given their role in his assassination and Walter’s spirit will live to haunt them today and in the future.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was one of them chanting " If meh nah bin come meh nah bin kno Burnham killed Rodney"  I remember that day vividly.


Aye keera mout. Like yuh wite rum instead of coffee dis marning? Wah yuh bin chant when Minister Shaw get kill by PPP gangstas?

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was one of them chanting " If meh nah bin come meh nah bin kno Burnham killed Rodney"  I remember that day vividly.


Aye keera mout. Like yuh wite rum instead of coffee dis marning? Wah yuh bin chant when Minister Shaw get kill by PPP gangstas?

Leppa Mouth, Yuh kno dat thing does spread fast suh stay indoors until dem capture yuh and tek yuh back to Mahaica Hospital. In the meanwhile try not to shit on yourself  NOW MY KAFFEE SWEET SWEET. Leppa Mouth Bhai thank you fuh sweeten meh Kaffee.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was one of them chanting " If meh nah bin come meh nah bin kno Burnham killed Rodney"  I remember that day vividly.


Aye keera mout. Like yuh wite rum instead of coffee dis marning? Wah yuh bin chant when Minister Shaw get kill by PPP gangstas?

Leppa Mouth, Yuh kno dat thing does spread fast suh stay indoors until dem capture yuh and tek yuh back to Mahaica Hospital. In the meanwhile try not to shit on yourself  NOW MY KAFFEE SWEET SWEET. Leppa Mouth Bhai thank you fuh sweeten meh Kaffee.

Wah yuh tek yuh beggin money from Liberty to get wan cup dunkin coffee? Dam lowclass jackass.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was one of them chanting " If meh nah bin come meh nah bin kno Burnham killed Rodney"  I remember that day vividly.


Aye keera mout. Like yuh wite rum instead of coffee dis marning? Wah yuh bin chant when Minister Shaw get kill by PPP gangstas?

Leppa Mouth, Yuh kno dat thing does spread fast suh stay indoors until dem capture yuh and tek yuh back to Mahaica Hospital. In the meanwhile try not to shit on yourself  NOW MY KAFFEE SWEET SWEET. Leppa Mouth Bhai thank you fuh sweeten meh Kaffee.

Wah yuh tek yuh beggin money from Liberty to get wan cup dunkin coffee? Dam lowclass jackass.

Yes Leppa Mouth, now go and hide before you contaminate someone. Walk ah Karna Leppa mouth. Rass dis Kaffeee getting sweeter.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was one of them chanting " If meh nah bin come meh nah bin kno Burnham killed Rodney"  I remember that day vividly.


Aye keera mout. Like yuh wite rum instead of coffee dis marning? Wah yuh bin chant when Minister Shaw get kill by PPP gangstas?

Leppa Mouth, Yuh kno dat thing does spread fast suh stay indoors until dem capture yuh and tek yuh back to Mahaica Hospital. In the meanwhile try not to shit on yourself  NOW MY KAFFEE SWEET SWEET. Leppa Mouth Bhai thank you fuh sweeten meh Kaffee.

Wah yuh tek yuh beggin money from Liberty to get wan cup dunkin coffee? Dam lowclass jackass.

Yes Leppa Mouth, now go and hide before you contaminate someone. Walk ah Karna Leppa mouth. Rass dis Kaffeee getting sweeter.


Mr Nehru you live in Richmond Hill? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was one of them chanting " If meh nah bin come meh nah bin kno Burnham killed Rodney"  I remember that day vividly.


Aye keera mout. Like yuh wite rum instead of coffee dis marning? Wah yuh bin chant when Minister Shaw get kill by PPP gangstas?

Leppa Mouth, Yuh kno dat thing does spread fast suh stay indoors until dem capture yuh and tek yuh back to Mahaica Hospital. In the meanwhile try not to shit on yourself  NOW MY KAFFEE SWEET SWEET. Leppa Mouth Bhai thank you fuh sweeten meh Kaffee.

Wah yuh tek yuh beggin money from Liberty to get wan cup dunkin coffee? Dam lowclass jackass.

Yes Leppa Mouth, now go and hide before you contaminate someone. Walk ah Karna Leppa mouth. Rass dis Kaffeee getting sweeter.


Mr Nehru you live in Richmond Hill? 

I like your style, you don't want dem boys to know you does visit my Casa. Was that question really necessary??

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The spirit of Rodney will forever haunt the PNC


THERE has been two distinct periods in our history when we were very close in achieving the elusive national ethos of ‘ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, ONE DESTINY’ and both times the destroyer that thwarted the movement was the People’s National Congress (PNC).

I am referring firstly to the anti-colonial struggle for independence that created class and racial unity across the breadth of Guyana, the likes as was never seen before. The movement was founded by Dr. Jagan and generated mass mobilisation of the working class on a scale that was unprecedented in its magnitude and diversity. But, like day follows night, the PNC under its egotistical founder Forbes Burnham destroyed the racial and class unity with his obsession to be the leader. Today, the cleavages of that power struggle still embody itself in our politics to the point where our national motto becomes more elusive than ever. The second instance of achieving class and racial unity was the ‘Rodneyite’ rebellion against the PNC dictatorship. The period 1974 -1980 saw the unification of all the class forces in Guyana in the common goal of removing the PNC dictatorship. The inspirational and charismatic historian Dr Walter Rodney removed from the eyes of ordinary Guyanese the mystic and persona that Burnham as a petty dictator had created by his antics. Thousands of people of all persuasion, race, class and ethnicity flocked his meetings to hear his message of a united and free Guyana. Dr. Rodney preached a message of a racially tolerant Guyana, a just Guyana and an equal Guyana for all its sons and daughters. But Alas! True to form the PNC extinguished all of our hopes by the assassination of Rodney. I truly wonder when I see Roopnaine sitting on the same bench and on the same side of the house with the PNC what Walter would have thought of that. I still hear to this day the chants that intoned Rodney’s funeral procession: “If me nah bin come, me nah bin know, B…ham kill Rodney so, but a when me come ah then me know B…ham kill Rodney so.” The PNC withdrawal from the Commission of Inquiry was predictable given their role in his assassination and Walter’s spirit will live to haunt them today and in the future.

Reggie Bhagwandin ak Nehru, like you afraid to put your name to youb stupide letter.


Reggie Bhagwandin is one of the biggest frauds in the PPP.


He made million off of the PPP so he is defending his million.  Write on you fraud!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Reggie Bhagwandin is one of the biggest frauds in the PPP.


He made million off of the PPP so he is defending his million.  Write on you fraud!

By the way Reggie Bhagwandin was fired from NEAL and Massy for FRAUD.  So the PPP now got frausters defending them.

Last edited by Former Member

THERE has been two distinct periods in our history when we were very close in achieving the elusive national ethos of ‘ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, ONE DESTINY’ and both times the destroyer that thwarted the movement was the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).



I am referring firstly to the dawn of the new era that created a golden opportunity for racial unity.  Every Guyanese thought, even Desmond Hoyte, that Dr. Jagan deserve a chance and the injustice of the past was corrected with him winning the 1992 elections. But, like day follows night, the PPP leaders in the PPP Central Committee started tiefing from day one breaking poor Dr. Jagan spirit.  First was the stone scame with Minister then called NUKTA or BUckta.


Tief enough to buy a who island in the Essequibo River.


The second instance of achieving class and racial unity was when JagdeoHOE was given the reigns of power to continue the work of Dr. Jagan.  Well that story goes like this.


One day man use to ride a bicycle in Mahaica and over the next 12 year that Jagabat, tief over $20 billion from the people forcing them into deeper poverty and running up the debt that the white people write off.


The PPP role in bankrupting Guyana especially under the Jagduhoe era will haunt them today and in the future.




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