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The masterminds of the Agricola incident must be held accountable

It was not surprising the way the terror in Agricola last Thursday night, was reported by the Opposition media, especially the Kaieteur News. The undisputed facts of the incident are numerous. First, the carriageways of the East Bank roadway were completely blocked off for hours with debris set on fire by an instructed mob. The said mob overturned a minibus and set it ablaze. This severed traffic not only for affected thousands of East Bank residents, but thousands others who were on their way to West Demerara via the Demerara Harbour Bridge.

Secondly, the blockage, which was clearly an asphyxiation of people’s constitutional right to free movement, resulted in thousands, including children, mothers with babies and the elderly, endangering their lives to get past the burning debris or to head back to the City as the case of those on their way home. This led to many of them being beaten and robbed by members of the mob who were armed with cutlasses and other dangerous and fear-instilling weaponry. The victims are now left traumatized not to mention their loss of money and other personal property.

Thirdly, the Police were taunted, intimidated as mob members brandished cutlasses in their faces, assaulted them with missiles and flash bombs causing one rank to suffer severe burns. In spite of these unlawful advances by the mob, the police remained resolute; so much so that those affected strongly felt that more stringent action could have been taken earlier to prevent the mayhem from escalating. Fourthly, the Police was battered prior to the incident by the AFC and its co-conspirator, APNU. That was perhaps why the law enforcement officers were too overcautious. Looking back, that clearly seems the exact preference of the AFC/APNU union.

Fourthly, the terror, which some are hypocritically trying to defend as a peaceful protest, was carefully timed to coincide with the heavy East Bank afternoon rush-hour traffic. This was a deliberate effort to maximize the number of people to be affected. In addition, the day chosen for the unleashing of the chaos followed the expiration of an ultimatum given to H.E. President Donald Ramotar by the Chairman of the AFC, Mr. Nigel Hughes, who promised consequences had the said ultimatum not adhered to by the Head of State. Clearly, they were consequences; numerous.

Given these undeniable facts, without a wavering of thought, those who orchestrated that terror on innocent Guyanese, must be held accountable. The masterminds and those who wielded their cutlasses for all to see, those who robbed and provoked the police causing injury and most of whom were are caught on video, must be made to face the brunt of the law. What is even more disgusting is the manner in which the Kaieteur News reported on the issues. The paper, an Opposition apologist, tried to justify the terror based on a comment made by Dr. Roger Luncheon.

The Opposition mouthpiece gave so much prominence to the comment in a designed effort to make readers believe that the robbery on others, the burning of a vehicle, the injury to a police officer and the trauma the thousands were forced to endured, were insignificant. Nothing more can be insulting to people who were horrified the way they were. How could children, mothers with babies and the elderly, desperate to escape with their lives and having to walk miles, be insignificant? How could a mob wielding cutlasses and robbing and injuring others, made to be glorified in defiance of a comment?

Even if the comment was seen as insensitive as the Opposition is making it out to be, it could never be a justifiable reason to maim, rob and burn! When the phrase of “rumbling” was first used for an international Boxing match in the continent of Africa, no one in the villages even contemplated what was seen in Agricola recently. So to even suggest that Dr. Luncheon’s comment was the catalyst is an overdose of balderdash. What happened in Agricola is part of an orchestrated plan to demoralize the police, destabilize the country, reverse the progress and to seek power by undemocratic means.

The Opposition affiliated media houses and “social commentators” are integral to this plan, hence no surprise in the way the Kaieteur News reported on the Agricola incident. The AFC/APNU union, in this case the AFC taking the lead, have demanded inquiry into prior shootings in Linden and Agricola and have championed the cause of those affected. Would they now call for similar intervention into the mayhem caused by the mob of October 10? Would they unconditionally condemn the actions of the said mob and genuinely accept that their role aided the infliction of injury and trauma to Guyanese?

Would they genuinely commend the police for the restraint shown, even though it was what they wanted and which was not the preference of those on the receiving end of the mob? It would be a folly to harbour such expectations for it would be counterproductive to the Opposition’s plot. Only recently the AFC Vice-Chairman unashamedly did not mask his disdain for the President and reportedly proclaimed he would stop at nothing to unseat the Head of State. With such callous comments, one can only conclude that the Agricola incident was no coincidence. That evaporates any expectation of remorse!

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These events were sparked by the reckless statements emanating from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government of Guyana was "ready to rumble" and that the Cabinet Secretary "looked forward to the fight". These statements were provocative and insensitive.




Shameless AFC spokesperson shows up and tries to defend terrorism. Take a close look your "freedom fighters" in the videos.


The AFC has been taken over by your new boss, terrorist Nigel. Mitwah, you are as shameless as the come. Defending terrorism is a very bad thing, very bad and shameless to say the least.

The AFC is now officially finished. Bow down to your new Boss and Terrorist, Nigel.


I think Shaun Blair the paid servant of Kwambee the Mc-Koye should be arrested. They tek their eyes and pass coolie people.


Tek $50,000 from Mc-Koye to beat coolie people and then use their misery to score political points on the opposition.


Man, my grand muda would put Kwambee over her lap, tek off she rubber slipper and beat that ass of Kwambee to stop this lawlessness.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

These events were sparked by the reckless statements emanating from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government of Guyana was "ready to rumble" and that the Cabinet Secretary "looked forward to the fight". These statements were provocative and insensitive.


How can a statement LOOT, ROB, BURN AND RAPE????? I am sorry if you loose MONEY and TIME supporting a KAKAHOLE PUTTY Party but that should not be an excuse for your lack og Morals, humanity and basic decency!!!!!!


NEHRU WHAT THE HELL YOU  KNOW ABOUT MORALS,you support the phantoms,the ppp crime family that is raping the taxpayers money,and everything that is evil in guyana,shut you rass and go drink your white rum and water


This old Man Conscience like he loosing his marbles with the facts.


It must be old age.


My Fada said it was the PPP who planted thugs in Agricola and paid them $50,000 each to beat East Indians.


The Police know the facts and that is why the Police could not take action since they were instructed to cool out while the PPP thugs unleash violence and then blame it on the opposition.


He said this was what they did in the 70's - "bun" the cane and then blame Burnham for the state of the sugar industry.


They learnt this from Brezehnev, the dear communist leader from the Soviet Union.


The real mastermind of Agricola are those who keep our people in a state of racial conflict, the PPP. Were they concerned with democracy and honest government they would seek to advance the same. Instead, 20 years has passed and they sit atop the hill on account of  being made our emperors by the instrument of  dictatorial rule, our  constitution.


You cannot despise the drink when you like its thirst quenching properties. Their thirst is for absolute power so there are no "mastermind" among people who object to that. There is no easy way for the oppressed to win their freedom from tyrants if the Tyrants on their own do not arrive at some cathartic moment. The PPP can purge themselves or be purged. There is no getting around that.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One can't expect better from "mitwah"...his posting speaks volumes of his IQ...

Dude, you barely can 'spell' IQ . . .


why don't you go service Kwame and collect your paycheck quietly; and pray to whatever God U pray to that your OP paymasters don't tire of the infantilism/incompetence you demonstrate daily on this BB


The joint opposition spammers can't constructively contribute to the thread, their behavior is typical of those who faithfully pedal opposition propaganda, and would even sell their souls in the process. pity on their souls

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition spammers can't constructively contribute to the thread, their behavior is typical of those who faithfully pedal opposition propaganda, and would even sell their souls in the process. pity on their souls

the term is "peddle" you fool

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One can't expect better from "mitwah"...his posting speaks volumes of his IQ...

Correct. The weak and desperate led by foul mouthed AFC spokesperson Mitwah.


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