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SOCU raids home, store of Regent Street businessman; PPP peeved


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is peeved at the continued operations of the Special and Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) while it remains under the auspices of the Ministry of the Presidency.

The latest incident as revealed by Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall was the raid of the Kitty home of a businessman in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

Nandall detailed that close to a dozen ranks from SOCU descended on the home of the businessman at about 5 AM and proceeded to conduct a search and seizure under the claim that they were investigating money laundering.  The PPPC parliamentarian said SOCU agents carted off computers belonging to the businessman and his children as well as accounting records for the businessman. No cash was seized, he said.

The Former AG also revealed that searches were also conducted on the Regent Street business of the man. The business, which sells mostly clothing,  is located between Camp and Wellington Streets in the vicinity of a filling station.

“This is a man who has never been charged for any offence. I would know, I am his lawyer,” Nandlall stated.

Nandall charged that the search may have been politically motivated and is more than likely abuse of power granted to SOCU under the Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act (2015).

He said that the specific provision in the law was vehemently opposed by the Opposition since they suspected that it may have been abused.

Nandlall imitated too that the right to search, seize and detain should have been limited to Ports of Entry and not the entire country.

“From all the evidence being unearthed, it is clear that all the apprehensions and concerns we expressed are being borne out,” Nandlall said adding that SOCU is being “used as a weapon.”

PPP Chief Whip Gail Teixeira had raised strenuous objections to the appearance of the law enforcement agency under the Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP).

She said that the Government must provide an explanation for SOCU’s appearance under the Ministry of the Presidency noting that it contradicted the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill 2015.

“I am asking how is SOCU under the office of the President…SOCU does not belong here,” Teixeira declared. She also questioned whether the government will be making any steps to rectify


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Using the State Apparatus to intimidate citizens without valid cause is the problem. Why the Police/Customs not involved??

SOCU, a law enforcement agency, is investigating a money laundering crime. Is there some reason why you don't want a law enforcement agency investigating a crime?

baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
baseman posted:

The countless horror stories need to me retold and retold and retold

Of course they do!! How else can the PPP get coolie people to follow them?

Nah bai, check the latest, Alyuh doing abie jab fuh abie, bettah dann abie@!!

Then no need to retell and retell the horror stories?


The PPP is now advising criminals on how to evade the law? No wonder law and order was virtually non-existent under the PPP. For 23 years you just had to make a call to the PPP cartel and every policeman in the land was suddenly not answering the phone. And then the PPP would claim that the police was not doing its job. Now the police are no longer ordered to go and hide, the PPP complaining criminals are being targeted.

Nehru posted:




The latest incident as revealed by Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall was the raid of the Kitty home of a businessman in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

I have problems that this unit is not under the jurisdiction of traditional law enforcement. Its location in the Ministry of the Presidency leaves it subject to corruption and excesses based on personal grudges. I voiced objection because the PPP would have located it in the ministry of finance. That being said, the execution of their duties means they have to have probable cause or they would be subject to civil suits.


baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
baseman posted:

  Sometimes yuh dozz mek we haan fall!!

Like now, how the country looking good and feeling good?

Cleaning up the shit in GT was not bad.  Thank you for that!!

Thank me? You need to thank the GoG. And thank them when they clean up the other shit --- dem teefing PPP.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:




The latest incident as revealed by Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall was the raid of the Kitty home of a businessman in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

I have problems that this unit is not under the jurisdiction of traditional law enforcement. Its location in the Ministry of the Presidency leaves it subject to corruption and excesses based on personal grudges. I voiced objection because the PPP would have located it in the ministry of finance. That being said, the execution of their duties means they have to have probable cause or they would be subject to civil suits.


Probable cause, PNC???

Yes the PNC no less than the PPP declared was t heir intent.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:




The latest incident as revealed by Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall was the raid of the Kitty home of a businessman in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

I have problems that this unit is not under the jurisdiction of traditional law enforcement. Its location in the Ministry of the Presidency leaves it subject to corruption and excesses based on personal grudges. I voiced objection because the PPP would have located it in the ministry of finance. That being said, the execution of their duties means they have to have probable cause or they would be subject to civil suits.


Probable cause, PNC???

Yes the PNC no less than the PPP declared was t heir intent.

Bro, yuh beginning to sound like Caribj.

seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:




The latest incident as revealed by Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall was the raid of the Kitty home of a businessman in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

I have problems that this unit is not under the jurisdiction of traditional law enforcement. Its location in the Ministry of the Presidency leaves it subject to corruption and excesses based on personal grudges. I voiced objection because the PPP would have located it in the ministry of finance. That being said, the execution of their duties means they have to have probable cause or they would be subject to civil suits.


Probable cause, PNC???

Yes the PNC no less than the PPP declared was t heir intent.

Bro, yuh beginning to sound like Caribj.

I do not see him saying anything wrong. The PPP are exactly like the PNC were except they were bigger crooks. 

The PPP structured the financial sanctioning arm under the finance ministry and that was already a house of corruption.

baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
baseman posted:

Cleaning up the shit in GT was not bad.  Thank you for that!!

Thank me? You need to thank the GoG. And thank them when they clean up the other shit --- dem teefing PPP.

There will be no thanks for bankrupting Guyana!!  The only shyte is wah alyuh saying, and it's real shyte!!

But you will thank them for cleaning up the shit represented by dem teefin ppp?


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