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The Alliance For Change wishes to express our concern with regards to the Moruca Bridge that is currently being renovated to the tune of $28M. 

Communication conveyed to us by residents of Moruca, including our AFC Regional Councillor, Mrs. Dolores Abraham, is that works being carried out on the bridge are not to their satisfaction.

Some of the complaints are:

1.        The bridge railing is fragile and persons cannot relax and lean upon it as they were accustomed to before since they are now at risk of falling into the river.

2.        The materials are not properly prepared and splinters are piercing people's hands.

3.        The San Jose end of the bridge is sinking and the explanation that the Regional Engineer gave to residents was that the woods used are curved so that is why it looks like it is caving in.

4.        Residents are now asking for a Clerk of Works to visit and examine the works done on the bridge.

The Moruca Bridge, since its existence, does not only link one island to another, but it is a favorite spot for relaxation for the community. Adults and children sometimes stand on the bridge just to enjoy the beautiful scenery!

One would expect from the amount of monies being spent on this project residents should have no cause to complain about substandard work being done, substandard materials being used and fear for their safety.

The Alliance For Change is calling on the Minister of Local Government, Hon. Ganga Persaud, to urgently look into this matter since the residents of Moruca do not want to experience the same disaster as the Kumaka revetment project that keeps caving into the river due to bad engineering and bad works being carried out by unconcerned and careless contractors.

Regional Highlights:

Farmers Plight:

The Regional Chairman of Region #8, Mr. Mark Crawford, made a recent visit to Paramakatoi and farmers complained of rats and acoushi ants destroying their crops.

Acoushi ants are also rampant in the Moruca sub-region in Region #1 and farms and kitchen gardens are being attacked mercilessly. The village women are always exerting great efforts to cultivate kitchen gardens so that they can help provide healthy meals for their families but as soon as the plants germinate the ants would attack. Presently most of the vegetables in Moruca are brought from Charity which is in Region #2 simply because these dreaded acoushi ants destroy all attempts at growing a kitchen garden that can help bring food security to the home and the community.

These farmers, from both Regions 1 & 8, are asking the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to start distributing acoushi ants poison as early as possible so that they can get to grow and reap their crops.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK is a stinking bareface LIAR!!!  He Moses and Ramjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan call for the destruction of Guyana, incited POOR AFRO Youths and caused the deaths of many of them and now they acting like they dont know anything. Who the HELL would want these ROBBER BARRONS to lead them????????



A big lump of "daag donk" just fell out yuh mouth. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK is a stinking bareface LIAR!!!  He Moses and Ramjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan call for the destruction of Guyana, incited POOR AFRO Youths and caused the deaths of many of them and now they acting like they dont know anything. Who the HELL would want these ROBBER BARRONS to lead them????????



A big lump of "daag donk" just fell out yuh mouth. 



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