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Ok Folks,

Granger had enough of Moses ! 

You see folks, Moses comes from an old school Communist mentality of big ego, all talk and no substance. Moses is such an individual and Granger finally caught on and had enough of this useless politician.

Carib was correct in stating that Moses and Ramjattan did not deliver the victory for APNU. It was the Trotman's wing of the AFC which delivered the death blow to the PPP and handed the main prize to Granger.

Moses and Ramjattan took credit for APNU's victory when in fact, experts agree that it was Trotman who skillfully led the AFC to a coalition with the PNC and hence securing the crown for APNU. Moses and his arrogance will eventually lead to the dethroning of APNU by a brilliant move from President Jadgeo who accurately gauged the mood of the nation and eventually toppled APNU during a no confidence motion.

Grassroot supporters bitterly complained at the arrogance of the leadership of the AFC in listening to them. Moses and Ramjattan eventually hijacked the AFC and became as Charrandas declared, yes men to the PNC. Moses became power hungry, grossly arrogant and became the very monster that he accused the PPP of being and more.

The writing was on the wall for Moses. His personal vendetta towards the PPP and Jagdeo blinded him and he turned into a power hungry monster. He fired Hinds and interfered with the Chronicle. A newspaper he once said was useless and voted to give $ 1 to survive. It was the same Moses who later made a 180 degree turn and used his communist training in turning the Chronicle into an APNU mouthpiece and fired his main critic Hinds. 

If that was not enough, he never behaved like the gentleman President Granger. Instead, he acted as if he as more powerful than the President Granger. He governed the AFC with a Stalinist Iron fist and crushed anyone who dared to oppose or criticized him. He was insecure and lacked good conscience to provide the AFC and their supporters with good leadership.

His real power in the APNU was diminished since he was not able to chair cabinet meetings, make recommendations for appointment among other things as previously boasted by him and his supporters at GNI prior to the election. His first big blunder was his failure to act when the Cummubgsburd accord was due for renewal/review. Granger then realized that he had given too much to the AFC and plotted to prove his point by asking the AFC to paddle their own canoe at LGE.

We all knew that Moses could not garner votes even in his own hometown ! It was a disaster ! Moses was mocked by political commentator FK at KN. Instead of eating humble pie, Moses chose to continue with his arrogance. He remained illegally in Parliament and voted for bills when acting as President. This was a gross violation which broke the camel's back.

Jagdeo is one of the most skilful politicians in the Caribbean and he baited Moses by bringing forward a motion of No Confidence. Still blinded by arrogance and ego, Moses never choose to sit down with the AFC cabinet despite the seriousness of the Motion. Instead he chose to challenge President Jagdeo to "Bring it On"

Jagdeo had already gauged the mood of the electorate and after getting 61 Percent of the LGE votes, decided to strike back at Moses. It was public knowledge that AFC MP's were dissatisfied at Moses and the leadership of the AFC. He struck with precision and Charandass who was himself dissatisfied at the AFC, delivered the death blow to APNU with Moses stunned in his seat !

It was too late for President Granger who trusted that the old Communist Moses would save the PNC from being tossed out. Granger had enough by then and slowly started to give a desperate Moses the cold shoulders. Granger was angry that after THREE years Moses failed to implement Constitutional reforms as promised by APNU during the campaign and the PPP blasted them for that during the NC vote. This was another major failure by Moses ! He just could not deliver !

The communist Moses tried clinging on to power with ridiculous claims but by this time the clock was already against APNU. Moses had failed Granger and APNU. He was outsmarted and outfoxed by President Jagdeo !

During the recent meeting between Granger and Jagdeo, Moses was not allowed to contribute since Granger did not want another "Moses Mishap" Instead he skilfully negotiated with this trusted team as Moses warmed his chair. A pronouncement that Amna and Gail will lead negotiations into the final stage towards GECOM readiness drove the final rain into Moses Political future. He is finished politically and is of no use to the AFC or PNC. In the end, he proved to be a complete failure.

The honourable thing at this time is for Moses to accept the fact and resign. He has become a sore to AFC and PNC. A scorned Politician !



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