As is well known by now, there were inconsistencies in the number of ballot papers versus votes cast. The PPP has been adamant that it was robbed of a victory. But what makes them believe that? Let us analyse the reason for that, and look at how a recount could produce a different outcome.
After the PPP stuffed some additional ballot papers in the boxes, primarily at selected locations where it would have gone barely noticed, they had hoped to gain additional votes during the counting stage. The hope was that these extra votes would have gone unnoticed amongst the general confusion that was created years earlier with the population census. But GECOM did pick up that the sums did not add up and asked for correction of votes cast versus voters registration numbers.
So why is the PPP asking for just a recount? Well, after GECOM rejected the fake ballot paper numbers the papers themselves were still left in the boxes since it would be difficult to say which ones were fakes and which ones were genuine. The fake ones were professionally printed and would not be easy to recognise as fake. A recount would add these ballot papers to the pot and hand the PPP victory.
And that my friends is what the PPP is hoping for. There is however one error in their calculation. The number of votes cast based on the ballot papers exceeds the population of Guyana, irrespective of age. In its haste to rig the election the PPP did not pay attention to those numbers. They were taking a chance with adding the names of people who had emigrated and were no longer on the election role.