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Former Member

THEe murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA is yet another reminder of the limited value placed on Black lives in a country and a world that are still to come to grips with the notion of racial equality

.The Guyana Chronicle, led by the APNU+AFC today, has written on the tragedy of African-American George Floyd's brutal death. For the most part, it is a good read. But then later on, it talks about lessons for Guyana. The author stated Click to read.

Referring to the riots that occurred early in March after election, mostly in Indo-dominant communities of region 5 and 6, the author contends that these "mobs" were engaged in "racially-motivated actions." But they rioted in what were mostly Indo-dominant communities, so how could this be in any way "racially-motivated"? Right. One group attacked a David-G bus, and the President is Afro-Guyanese, so this must mean it was racially motivated? True, children were hurt as a result, and this much has been condemned, even by opposition political parties.

 Instead of  explaining how Guyanese society can learn to work towards justice together, the state media end up divisive in the end, only to add fuel to the fire of segregation.state's newspaper attempting to demonize and racially incite hostile emotions towards a group of Indian people who felt their elections were rigged, which today we knon why we are having a recount.

The pnc is trying to spin a false narrative and  the will of the people will spill into the streets. Eventually the dam will burst; there will be civil disobedience and will the government do ...


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The state media is stoking the flames of racism....and playing with fire. If they are saying that the situation in America has relevance to Guyana, then are we to expect the type of response in the cities where burning and looting is taking place after the declaration of the recount results on or after June 13th (or thereabouts)?

Africans, like all others, in Guyana control the power and means to improve their lives. They dont have a right to rig an election and abuse the rights of others. Was the author of that piece in the state media aware of the atrocities so-called Africans committed against the Guyanese population...Rodney, Father Darke, Wismar, etc?

If anyone is being wronged in Guyana, it is the majority of people who are not in cahoots with a cabal of Blacks trying to impose their will on Guyanese.

Nothing is wrong with showing solidarity with Black Americans, as all of us should be doing, but Invoking the race bogeyman to make Africans the victim and to send the message that Blacks have been wronged in Guyana, or would be wronged by a defeat of the coalition is sending a dangerous message to Guyanese.


Last edited by VishMahabir

Black Guyanese are a bunch of racist hypocrites.  They are worse than the bad white cops.  It’s just sickening to see them jump of black grievances in the US, South Africa etc when they practice worse than what they condemning.

Imagine, in Wismar in the 60s the Afro women folks held down little Indian girls as young as nine and invited the male counterparts to rape them.  All this while Blacks were marching the streets and fighting for basic rights in the US.

I’m sure if MLK or Mandela had heard of such, he would spit at them.  The people have no shame. They are a breed unto themselves.  Many must have descended from the same gene pool as Idi Amin. 

Last edited by Former Member

Black ppl must return to the churches. It was a mistake when dey tinking the churches were a white man creation to pacification.

Black business ppl muss stop tinking about profits and invest in Black ppl.

Black Americans are like Indo Guyanese, only good for votes. Blacks for Democrats, Indoes for the PPP. Blacks get brutalized by White Policemen, Indians get bullied by Black police men.

All Black ppl MUST go back to church

@Former Member posted:

That cop was merciless and treated the black man as if he did not exist. The man was dead for more than 3 minutes when he released his knee from his neck.

That cop and his cohorts deserve everything coming at them. His wife did good in bailing. the people have a right to protest but no right to burn and loot.  But some cannot help it.  Time for lil freeness.

Black Guyanese should not use this injustice as some cry for themselves.  They are the crooks in Guyana.  They are the oppressors, the abusers, the looters, arsonists etc.  They do what the bad White cops does in America and the do what the bad Blackman does in America.

Do you see how many White folks have taken to the streets in support on the cause?  That’s how civilized people behave in the face of injustice regardless who does it to who.  You will never find Blacks behaving in such a manner.  The wielding prairie mentality takes over and the instinct to devour the prey comes out.  This is the people, face it!

I don’t want to hear shit from them.  Bunch of hypocrites!

@Former Member posted:

Black Guyanese are a bunch of racist hypocrites.  They are worse than the bad white cops.  It’s just sickening to see them jump of black grievances in the US, South Africa etc when they practice worse than what they condemning.

Imagine, in Wismar in the 60s the Afro women folks held down little Indian girls as young as nine and invited the male counterparts to rape them.  All this while Blacks were marching the streets and fighting for basic rights in the US.

I’m sure if MLK or Mandela had heard of such, he would spit at them.  The people have no shame. They are a breed unto themselves.  Many must have descended from the same gene pool as Idi Amin. 

Idi always slept between one white woman and one black woman.

@Rochelle posted:

Martial law in effect.

Trump also reminded Americans of protecting their "2nd amendment rights."

Civil war is here.

Miss cookup, it ain't going to happen.  The Left-Wing Liberals and their backers will not be allowed to turn the US into Guyana or Zimbabwe.  The Liberal Whites will abandon ship if they see mayhem taking over.  The Hilary Coalition trying to exploit this unjust act on an innocent man to overthrow the duly elected president.

This will blow over and the US will return to normal.  And you will not get a chance to steal democracy in Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

Base...shut yuh skont about peaceful white you know who makes up most of Antifa? 

Understand the difference banna. Antifa is an extremist Leftist-Maoist organization hell bent on political revolution.  Their mothers will not hold down little girls for their male cohorts to rape.  This is PNC Guyana!

I thought you have some intelligence and values to figure right and wrong!

@Rochelle posted:

Martial law in effect.

Trump also reminded Americans of protecting their "2nd amendment rights."

Civil war is here.

One would have thought that the Commander in Chief of the US ARmed Forces would have unleashed on the revelers. His approach is interesting. Leave them to bun dunk and they will live in the ashes when they are done.

Bibi Haniffa

I saw large crowds of anarchist from Brooklyn going into NYC protesting and rioting. How many of these were PNC hypocritical hooligans hoping to raid Macys, etc and collect some freebies?

In NJ lots of peaceful protests.  I got caught up in one Sunday, took one hour to move two miles but not a single Police incident.  Lots of horns honking.

Trump is the right man the troublemakers. No to recidivism.

But they are correct to protest. It was unjust what was done to the cheque forger.

@Former Member posted:

Black Guyanese are a bunch of racist hypocrites.  They are worse than the bad white cops.  It’s just sickening to see them jump of black grievances in the US, South Africa etc when they practice worse than what they condemning.

Imagine, in Wismar in the 60s the Afro women folks held down little Indian girls as young as nine and invited the male counterparts to rape them.  All this while Blacks were marching the streets and fighting for basic rights in the US.

I’m sure if MLK or Mandela had heard of such, he would spit at them.  The people have no shame. They are a breed unto themselves.  Many must have descended from the same gene pool as Idi Amin. 

Many black people in Guyana are being influenced by what happened in ABC countries and Africa with regards to racism against black people. In Guyana they cannot get their hands on white people. People who are passing for white like Cain most of the time are seen as brothers because they have some black ancestry, Guyana Portuguese are seen as brothers because they have some black ancestry, Red men are seen as brothers because they have black ancestry. Thus the inferior koolie is the defacto white man in Guyana. His/her skin may  be black or brown but he/she is classified as caucasian because of anthropology plus they have Aryan blood. Therefore they are the defacto white man. So the actions of Bull Connor, his fire truck hoses and his police dogs in the American South in the 1960s most likely had a profound impact on what happened in Wismar in the 1960s. Similar racial issues against black people in Western countries countries and in Africa continue to influence how the East Indian people of Guyana are racially treated by many blacks. It will only stop when we have an independent sovereign country for our people because then we can control the institutions of the state to protect our people.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Many black people in Guyana are being influenced by what happened in ABC countries and Africa with regards to racism against black people. In Guyana they cannot get their hands on white people. People who are passing for white like Cain most of the time are seen as brothers because they have some black ancestry, Guyana Portuguese are seen as brothers because they have some black ancestry, Red men are seen as brothers because they have black ancestry. Thus the inferior koolie is the defacto white man in Guyana. His/her skin may  be black or brown but he/she is classified as caucasian because of anthropology plus they have Aryan blood. Therefore they are the defacto white man. So the actions of Bull Connor, his fire truck hoses and his police dogs in the American South in the 1960s most likely had a profound impact on what happened in Wismar in the 1960s. Similar racial issues against black people in Western countries countries and in Africa continue to influence how the East Indian people of Guyana are racially treated by many blacks. It will only stop when we have an independent sovereign country for our people because then we can control the institutions of the state to protect our people.

Banna, I’m totally lost with this ramble.

@Rochelle posted:

You must be speaking of Kellie Chauvin, the wife of the cop killer. She was accused of writing a bad check in 2005:

You couldn't be speaking of Mr. Floyd.


Ok.  The counterfeit banna.  But seriously, the man did not deserve that treatment.

And missy, he’s not a cop killer, he’s a killer cop. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Banna, I’m totally lost with this ramble.

Listen to H. Greene and his political views even today on issues such as the Carter centre were influence by parents experiences while working in the 1920s American South.

You have to be very fool hearty to think that the politics of race against black people in America, the politics of Malcolm x, The nation of Islam, The Black Panther Party, Stokely Carmichael's black power and other black power groups did or do not have an effect on black Guyanese politics.


Last edited by Prashad
@Former Member posted:

Banna, I’m totally lost with this ramble.

@Prashad posted:

Listen to H. Greene and his political views even today on issues such as the Carter centre were influence by parents experiences while working in the 1920s American South.

You have to be very fool hearty to think that the politics of race against black people in America, the politics of Malcolm x, The nation of Islam, The Black Panther Party, Stokely Carmichael's black power and other black power groups did or do not have an effect on black Guyanese politics.


More non-sensical remarks.

@cain posted:

Base, it seems as though the Javex messed you up lil bit and you all kratchety now. You should start smoke a lil bit erb so you can chill.

As a Putagee, you should not make light of what happened to Indians during the PNC holocaust.  Putagees were neck deep in aiding and abetting the PNC hooligans.  In fact, D'Guiar brought over dozens of Putagee whores from Madeira and gave the Afros a dream lover experience and encourage them to loot, burn and rape.  In fact, many of these Putagee whores actively took part in the mayhem.

@Prashad posted:

Stokely Carmichaels in his visit to Guyana stated East Indians can never be a part of black power.  East Indians have since the 1960s' became the de facto whites of Guyana. 

Listen banna, you ain't teaching anyone anything.  Black Americans were involved in the sacking of Guyana and the oppression and subjugation of Indians.  Why you think the Base will never vote for a Black in the US.  You see how quickly Hakeem jump on the PNC band wagon to preserve them in power.  He never questioned what they PNC doing.  This is the people.

Ayuh yellow belly coolies could run and jump and prance like circus clowns behind them to prove how much ayuh hate the White man.  The Blackman gat ayuh check-mated good and prapa!

@Prashad posted:

Look at the movie. When they told him that he was being overthrown he was in bed between a white woman and a black woman.

You saw it in a scene from a movie and as per your statement you concluded that Idi Amin always slept between a white woman and a black woman.  Wow! And you want to form your own country?  That would be one screwed up place.  

@Former Member posted:

As a Putagee, you should not make light of what happened to Indians during the PNC holocaust.  Putagees were neck deep in aiding and abetting the PNC hooligans.  In fact, D'Guiar brought over dozens of Putagee whores from Madeira and gave the Afros a dream lover experience and encourage them to loot, burn and rape.  In fact, many of these Putagee whores actively took part in the mayhem.

You never fail to come up with sheer shyte, you better take my advice I gave you.

@cain posted:

You never fail to come up with sheer shyte, you better take my advice I gave you.

Wah happen, you cannot face the truth?  You are supporting the PNC cabal in Guyana today with all their bold-faced attitude.  So I will remind you of your generational sin committed onto the Indians of Guyana!

I don't take advice from anyone who sold their soul to Satan.

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

You saw it in a scene from a movie and as per your statement you concluded that Idi Amin always slept between a white woman and a black woman.  Wow! And you want to form your own country?  That would be one screwed up place.  

Prashad did his research on the internet. Amin had white women living in the Presidential Mansion with him and his family.

@Former Member posted:

Listen banna, you ain't teaching anyone anything.  Black Americans were involved in the sacking of Guyana and the oppression and subjugation of Indians.  Why you think the Base will never vote for a Black in the US.  You see how quickly Hakeem jump on the PNC band wagon to preserve them in power.  He never questioned what they PNC doing.  This is the people.

Ayuh yellow belly coolies could run and jump and prance like circus clowns behind them to prove how much ayuh hate the White man.  The Blackman gat ayuh check-mated good and prapa!

Not me. I recently cuss out an India Indian woman Vishwanathan  who on Facebook was supporting blacks to loot whitey.

Last edited by Prashad

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