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The mythology of democracy in GuyanaPDF | Print |
Written by realTalk   
Tuesday, 06 November 2012 10:52
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The biggest myth that Guyanese believed was that voting for the PPP was going to bring democracy to Guyana. As the 90s beckoned, the great illusionist and leader of the PPP Dr. Cheddi Jagan perpetuated this falsehood across the length and breadth of Guyana. Capitalizing on the decency and statesmanship of President Hoyte, along the conditionalities and structural adjustment imposed upon Guyana by the international lending agencies, Jagan was able to persuade many Guyanese that the PPP was the change Guyana needed.

Twenty years later, Guyana has morphed into a classless, crime ridden, lawless inhabitance thriving on all things corrupt. In 20 years, the moral, social, cultural, economic and political fabrics of this country have been systematically destroyed, and replaced with a dependency and an acculturation of expecting and accepting mediocrity.

Modern Guyanese politics is characterized by vicious, vindictive and thoughtless rhetoric, supported by equally dangerously misguided actions. Guyana is in a deplorable state. Such is the 20 year legacy of the PPP. The horror story of 28 years of PNC rule is now outdated, stale and ignored. It has been replaced by 20 years of tyranny, corruption, drug lords, money laundering and common indecency.

Sure enough, there are many who believe that much progress has been made in the development of Guyana and are quick to point to the changing appearance of the Guyanese landscape. For some, the erection of huge gaudy buildings speaks to a sign of national progress. That a privileged few through the quick acquisition of dubious wealth untold can build mansions with swimming pools and all the modern amenities is not a sign of progress. What it can most likely be attributed to is money laundering and scandalous corruption.

If after 20 years of PPP rule, Guyanese are unable to access portable water that is clear and free from contaminants 24 hours a day, then we have not progressed.  That after 20 years of PPP rule, blackout is still with us; then we have not progressed. After 20 years there is not a road in Guyana that is not decorated with numerous patches and potholes; therefore, we have not progressed. After 20 years the police can confront vendors at Parika, gather their goods and burn them just like the days when bread was seized and destroyed during the Burnham era: then we have not progressed.

Joseph de Maistre says: β€œEvery country gets the government it deserves.” In Guyana that statement could not be any truer. As a nation fiercely divided by race, Guyana seems destined to exist under the narrow unproductive and divisive nature of race politics. Politicians know this and they exploit it for their own benefits. Both sides of the political divide have worked arduously to ensure racial politics maintains its high profile place in Guyanese society. But apart from the issue of race voting and race politics in Guyana, there is also the issue of political apathy and ignorance. Almost 100,000 citizens refused to vote at the last general election.

Guyanese can no longer fool themselves. Guyana is no democracy! It is a country run by a corrupt cabal interested in the advancement of themselves, their families and close friends. Those of you in doubt just need to take a look at all the boards of directors and the senior management of state agencies and quasi-governmental agencies and you will get the picture. Cronyism and nepotism are rife in Guyana. And it seems set to continue unabated.

 Is there an alternative to the corrupt, incompetent, vicious and vindictive PPP rule? Where in the opposition can Guyanese find a political solution for this nation? Are Guyanese truly deserved of the PPP for 20-odd years? 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

It would be nice if you took the time to critique it for its lack of substance as you believe and hell to assist others as to why your opinions are valid. That is what this board use to do before we became infested with a bunch of disinterested, nincompoops as moderators. It allows non informational posts, abuse, trolling and propagandists to predominate.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Either you are living in illusion, Stupid , Dumb or all ogf the above.  Guyana is a REAL Democracy!!! Ask President Carter FOOL!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Either you are living in illusion, Stupid , Dumb or all ogf the above.  Guyana is a REAL Democracy!!! Ask President Carter FOOL!!!!

 I would be a dense block head like you if I were. Guyana by any analysis is an ethnic based autocracy if not an oligarchy. There are many avenue to aid your understanding of benchmarking a democracy freely available to you and any other who may need to come to know. You surely are too lazy or simply a chronic dunce to investigate. That is why you can cut and paste the same post and no one would know since thy are all the same vacuous entries over and over.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Either you are living in illusion, Stupid , Dumb or all ogf the above.  Guyana is a REAL Democracy!!! Ask President Carter FOOL!!!!

 I would be a dense block head like you if I were. Guyana by any analysis is an ethnic based autocracy if not an oligarchy. There are many avenue to aid your understanding of benchmarking a democracy freely available to you and any other who may need to come to know. You surely are too lazy or simply a chronic dunce to investigate. That is why you can cut and paste the same post and no one would know since thy are all the same vacuous entries over and over.

I will ask Varshanie to take you to India for Brain Replacement, maybe, just maybe after that you will start to make sense!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Either you are living in illusion, Stupid , Dumb or all ogf the above.  Guyana is a REAL Democracy!!! Ask President Carter FOOL!!!!

 I would be a dense block head like you if I were. Guyana by any analysis is an ethnic based autocracy if not an oligarchy. There are many avenue to aid your understanding of benchmarking a democracy freely available to you and any other who may need to come to know. You surely are too lazy or simply a chronic dunce to investigate. That is why you can cut and paste the same post and no one would know since thy are all the same vacuous entries over and over.

I will ask Varshanie to take you to India for Brain Replacement, maybe, just maybe after that you will start to make sense!!!!

 Stupid statements like the above do indeed reify that you are a hapless ignoramus. You would  more easily be deemed smart on a project to sell ice to Eskimos than prove me incoherent with posts as above. Get it in our knuckle headl; you to me is as an ant to an elephant.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Either you are living in illusion, Stupid , Dumb or all ogf the above.  Guyana is a REAL Democracy!!! Ask President Carter FOOL!!!!

 I would be a dense block head like you if I were. Guyana by any analysis is an ethnic based autocracy if not an oligarchy. There are many avenue to aid your understanding of benchmarking a democracy freely available to you and any other who may need to come to know. You surely are too lazy or simply a chronic dunce to investigate. That is why you can cut and paste the same post and no one would know since thy are all the same vacuous entries over and over.

I will ask Varshanie to take you to India for Brain Replacement, maybe, just maybe after that you will start to make sense!!!!

 Stupid statements like the above do indeed reify that you are a hapless ignoramus. You would  more easily be deemed smart on a project to sell ice to Eskimos than prove me incoherent with posts as above. Get it in our knuckle headl; you to me is as an ant to an elephant.

i AM NOT SURPRISE YOU WILL THINK THAT. i A drunk WHO NEVER ADMIT TO BEING ONE, a stupid, illiterate dunce like you can only respond in the affirmative. You are too STUPID to know you are STUPID. Ever heard the term "Stupid as Stupid gets". Dat is you in a Nutshell!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Toss that article in the trash can where it belongs and go do something productive with your time.

I should print 2 copies of this. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass with. Your notion of democracy is known as "election rigging". You had that in the 60's 70's and 80's. You want PNC to rule Guyana again. It ain't happenin dude. Put that in you pipe and smoke it!!!!! PPP will rule Guyana for 128 years.

I believe you said somewhere you are a man of some substance. All I see from you are these empty. abusive posts or you usual racist rants.


If the PPP continue to govern as they do in their race based manner they will surely invite revolt. How long do you think a people need to be governed by an autocratic and intellectually sterile neo communist ideologues who are more in-tuned to lining their pockets than addressing salient needs?


Ramotar is a crook who sat and lined his pockets with loot from two boards, GUYSUCO and OMAI and the former failed and the latter simply raped us of our natural resources claiming not to have made a profit in 20 years. Now they changed names and still control large swaths of territories and in pursuit of other avenues of pillage all because these crooks wanted to feast themselves on kickbacks.


The PPP needs to re evaluate if their Suharto/ Marcos manner of government will not lead them to similar faith. To you who delude yourself with the idea of Indian hegemony this kind of government is good. Well we have  dozens of ruined states with ethnic majorities that thought they had eternity to govern as barbarian pillagers  whose leaders are now either dead or in jail today on account of that thought. And only in the mind of an ignoramus is an Indian superior thinker. That is living in the reflected glow of a few while the majority are haplessly relegated by caste to the world of the backward others.

Either you are living in illusion, Stupid , Dumb or all ogf the above.  Guyana is a REAL Democracy!!! Ask President Carter FOOL!!!!

 I would be a dense block head like you if I were. Guyana by any analysis is an ethnic based autocracy if not an oligarchy. There are many avenue to aid your understanding of benchmarking a democracy freely available to you and any other who may need to come to know. You surely are too lazy or simply a chronic dunce to investigate. That is why you can cut and paste the same post and no one would know since thy are all the same vacuous entries over and over.

I will ask Varshanie to take you to India for Brain Replacement, maybe, just maybe after that you will start to make sense!!!!

 Stupid statements like the above do indeed reify that you are a hapless ignoramus. You would  more easily be deemed smart on a project to sell ice to Eskimos than prove me incoherent with posts as above. Get it in our knuckle headl; you to me is as an ant to an elephant.

i AM NOT SURPRISE YOU WILL THINK THAT. i A drunk WHO NEVER ADMIT TO BEING ONE, a stupid, illiterate dunce like you can only respond in the affirmative. You are too STUPID to know you are STUPID. Ever heard the term "Stupid as Stupid gets". Dat is you in a Nutshell!!

 I never said you are a drunk. I said you are prolific with inanities. Using the word "illiterate" in a forum where writing is the medium of communication speaks to this. Further, it is clear that I write with a proficiency exceeding the median competency here or anywhere.


You would prove me stupid if indeed you can communicate that with some referent. Instead you are reduced to a an incoherent rant for lack of aptitude or laziness to be accountable to your fellow posters. In a nutshell you are a raging idiot.


I do not remember silly non informational aphorisms. However, a delectable gem such as the  Gumpism as "stupid is as stupid does" gains resonance. I therefore say to you as sound advice, look to what you do and know thyself.


What the Neo-Burnhamites are saying about Guyana is simply not true.

Clearly, we can observe exaggeration to downright lies in almost everything they put out in the press. Some of the media operatives who entertain the views of the main opposition and their sidekick, the AFC, have a sordid history of being associated with the corrupt rule of the late LFS Burnham and his hand-picked successor, Hugh Desmond Hoyte. The Neo-Burnhamites have masked themselves in all sorts of outfits to carry out their campaign of lies and distortions against the elected gov't of Guyana. Some are even claiming to be faithfuls of the late C.B. Jagan and Balram Singh Rai. Many of our youths are buying into this campaign of misinformation and are misled into believing things that never were. The GNI forum has its share of these feigners. The old and wise from the bygone years must not let the opportunity to expose these feigners slip away. The latest feigner on this forum is "Devendra". He is masquerading with a cup in his hand but so far he has not been able to get any milk. We are kindly asking the GNI audience to beware of these feigners. They are like con men who impersonates utility workers and visit your home just to rob you.


Beware of the feigners.



Billy Ram Balgobin

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