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The National Intelligence Centre


Posted By Stabroek staff On December 3, 2012 @ 5:01 am In Editorial | No Comments

Why Guyana – with all of its problems and urgent needs – would have required a National Intelligence Centre (NIC) is quite a mystery which neither the government nor the NIC has explained to the public. For 44 of its years of independence there was no such facility in Guyana although intelligence functions would have been carried out by various specialized units within the Guyana Defence Force and the Guyana Police Force. Indeed, it was the former which first blew the lid on the activities of the phantom gang of drug lord Mr Roger Khan only for the government to shut down the operation and install its handpicked officers in the unit who then let loose an orgy of torture and violence.


A specialized intelligence agency could be useful to Guyana but in the hands of the present administration it is a weapon that can be put to all manner of perverse activities such as spying on opponents and using information to coerce action in many ways. Under the complete control of the Office of the President as revealed on Friday by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Luncheon it will have no credibility and will be viewed by the public with well-founded skepticism and trepidation.


There are two issues surrounding the NIC which Stabroek News has been interested in for many months and has attempted to elucidate. The first is that an NIC must have some structure, terms of reference and be answerable and accountable to the public. This has never been explained to the public even though the NIC has been on the agenda since 2010 and funded to the extent of hundreds of millions of dollars. It must have some head who possesses relevant and recognizable qualifications for the post. That Dr Luncheon was unable to answer the question on Friday as to who is running the body exposes the shadowy nature of this operation and why it should be brought immediately to heel by Parliament. A truly national intelligence unit should not be solely under the control of the executive or any one branch of government for the very reason that it can be subverted and employed for improper uses.


To enable checks and balances it should be headed by someone in whom there is a certain confidence of integrity and professionalism and that person and his staff should be accountable to a governing body of security-cleared persons from several sectors of society which should then come under the oversight of a parliamentary committee. Nothing like this exists at the moment. The grey surrounding this body must be dispelled immediately, particularly in light of the present acrimonious climate that has gripped the country following the general elections last year.

The second concern relates to accountability for its work and the budgetary provisions in its control. In December 2010, the sum of $224.6M in supplementary provisions was voted for the NIC for security and ICT equipment.


During the debate on the supplementary provisions, then Opposition Leader Mr Robert Corbin queried why the government needed an additional $224.6M when the original amount stated in the budget was $14.5M. He asked when it had been determined that this additional sum was required and whether there had been a deliberate attempt to mislead the House earlier in the year.


In response, then Minister within the Finance Minis-try, Ms Jennifer Webster said that there was no attempt to mislead the National Assembly and that the additional expenditure was for the expansion of a particular programme.

She disclosed that the government planned to install Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems around the city and on the main highways. This, she said, was being done to protect infrastructure in these areas and that the project fell under the purview of the Office of the President.


This was 2010. It is unclear how much was used by the NIC in 2011 and how much was eventually voted this year but surely there should have been some accounting for the hundreds of millions of dollars entrusted to it. Who will provide that accounting and is the recently confirmed Auditor General even interested in matters like these? Accounting for these monies cannot be left to the Office of the President. Taxpayers’ money is serious money and it must come with a detailed breakdown and supporting documents whether it be for a bridge across Vlissengen Road or for the NIC. The public would surely like to know who will provide the answers.


And what about the work programme of the NIC? One of its inscribed functions would have been to monitor footage of CCTV cameras which the government installed throughout the city beginning in August of 2011. As we have asked before, what is the quality of footage being received from these cameras, how secure are their transmitting infrastructure, who has been monitoring that footage, how is it being stored, for what purpose will the footage be used, who authorizes the use of the footage for any purpose and under what law, Has the footage been used to solve any case? Stabroek News has attempted to elicit answers to these very basic but vital accountability questions for many months from both the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Office of the President to no avail.


That mask of impenetrability could hide two things, neither of them pleasant. The first is that the Centre isn’t operating with any type of order and framework i.e. cameras might be delivering poor images, might have broken down, footage has been corrupted and lost etc. Indeed, given the state that the NIC was found in during a recent visit one could well surmise that there is very little occurring here. Our legislators and watchdogs should be very interested in what has been happening in this building. Second, the NIC may be operating solely in the partisan interests of the government and snooping on the opposition and vocal critics. Indeed, during the election campaign last year November, Home Affairs Minister,   Mr Clement Rohee and PPP campaign manager, Mr Robert Persaud at a PPP press conference referred to CCTV cameras picking up the desecration of PPP billboards and Mr Persaud called for the police to review the images for the possible laying of charges. That was an example of the intended private use of the images. Since that incident there has been no further word from any official of the government or the NIC about the images and their use.  That is unacceptable and should again be of interest to the watchdogs and legislators.


Perhaps as a means of covering the failures and inadequacies of the NIC, Dr Luncheon at Thursday’s press conference made the most incredible claim that its programme had been hampered by the opposition-engineered budget cuts this year. Anyone believing that would believe that Guyana would be exporting oil tomorrow. None of the budget cuts have worked. The OP contract employees are all in their cushy jobs and NCN continues in its ways unrestrained. What has the centre been engaged in since 2010 and when will the public be told by those who are in charge of it? Why is it in the probe of high-profile crimes such as the execution-style killings of Messrs Rodrigues and Osborne the cameras never came into play. Shouldn’t the NIC be picking up information on narcotics exports rather than Guyana being embarrassed in places like Malaysia? And does it have any intelligence on this shocking gold heist in Curacao?


President Ramotar should advise himself on the workings of the NIC and ensure that there is full accountability and transparency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

To spy on the AFC and mek sure they not taking too much coolie votes.  But as Ralpie said by the next election East Indians will be 39%.


The Duck goose cooked.


Watch them run up to Linden begging fuh votes.


One kick in them backside.


It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 


Guyana always had an intelligence agency.  How do you think Walter Rodney and others met their ends. 


A former late commissioner of police was for many years Guyana's intelligence chief.  To say that Guyana never had an intelligence agency does not reflect reality.

Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!


Maurice Odle, Tarron Khemraj allege harassment at Timehri airport


Posted By Stabroek editor On November 9, 2012 @ 9:04 am In Breaking News | No Comments

Economists Dr Maurice Odle and Professor Tarron Khemraj say they have been harassed by immigration at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri and said it seems that the same tactics employed by the Burnham regime against perceived opponents are being applied by the Ramotar administration.

In a joint letter appearing in today’s issue of the Stabroek News, Odle and Khemraj said


“It appears that opposition supporters are being stopped and mentally harassed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport both when they enter and leave Guyana. We have on occasions been stopped and our passports held for some time as the Immigration Officer sought permission from the senior officer on whether we can proceed. The last occasion this occurred was the night of November 6 when we were leaving for the 44th Annual Monetary Studies Conference hosted this year by the Central Bank of Suriname on behalf of the UWI-based Caribbean Centre for Money and Finance, a research arm of The Committee of Central Bank Governors. We were both told that because of our political activities our names are placed on a list.

“Professor Tarron Khemraj has experienced these stops for at least two years both when he enters and leaves Guyana. Dr Maurice Odle has been experiencing similar situations since the middle of this year.


“It is well known that Professor Khemraj has been an active supporter of the AFC before and during the last election while Dr Odle was on the side of WPA/APNU.

“Editor, we are concerned and highly opposed to these acts of surveillance.

“We are aware that the Jagdeo regime established an intelligence unit in the grounds of Castellani House and are surprised that taxpayers’ monies are being used for such unnecessary reasons.


“It was bad enough under the Burnham regime, which had produced a Recognition Handbook of WPA activists. Today we see similar perverse activities being repeated under the Ramotar administration”.


Originally Posted by Observer:

The FBI is carefully watching his next move. 


Now why would the FBI waste its time on an innocuous dude like me and ignore all the drug dealers in Guyana?  

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!


It would be nice if you provide evidence that this was indeed the case. Now why would anyone, including me, want to remove the government by undemocratic means when it is clear that you guys will be out soon in a democratic election? I must be having a big effect on you guys for you to fabricate this kind of lies. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!


NEHRU: "Your name deserve to be on a LIST."


I rest my case. Here you have a senior and well connected operative (an ignorant and uncivilized one at that) of the Jagdeo/Ramotar clan confessing that my name is on the government's surveillance list. I want to let the people know that this was happening for about two years. It is only now I was told the reason for the stops. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!

Only hyena shit cyan come fram wan shit head.


Conscience, Can you please Post the Video you posted when TK and the Prof from californis were in brooklyn earlier this year calling on their supporters to bring the PPP Govt down by any means possible. I have to show the World the LYING, CHEATING type he IS. You Posted it before.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!

Only hyena shit cyan come fram wan shit head.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has suffered tremendously recently because of terrorist attacks.

What shit are you spewing here yuji? 

He a dodo daag wan. Nehru a dodo hyena wan.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has suffered tremendously recently because of terrorist attacks.

Wey de terrarist attack dey? Name am nah. Yuh mean when yuh Indo hero Khan kill de minista?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has suffered tremendously recently because of terrorist attacks.

Seems like this self made multi millionaire  eat filth all day and now spewing it here.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has suffered tremendously recently because of terrorist attacks.

What shit are you spewing here yuji? 

Ugee ah talk about de gold that them lost a few days ago



New leads emerge in Curacao gold heist aboard Guyanese fishing vesselPDF| Print |
Written by Demerara Waves  
Saturday, 01 December 2012 19:38

The MV Summer Bliss docked at Curacao


Police in Curacao said Saturday that they have several leads following a brazen heist in which gunmen pretending to be police stole 70 gold bars worth an estimated $11.5 million from a fishing boat.

Authorities have the license plate number of one of three cars used in Friday's getaway, and they have been asking for the public's help in tracking the suspects, police spokesman Reggie Huggins told The Associated Press.

"There is information coming in," he said. "We are getting reactions from the public, but we still have to sort it out."

Police have said that at least six men were involved, but no one has been arrested in a case that surprised authorities in the Dutch Caribbean island.

Huggins said police are still interviewing the captain and three crew members of the ship, which contacted officials in Curacao about the incoming gold shipment as part of regular security protocol. The gold bars weigh about 216 kilograms (476 pounds).

Police declined to say where the gold was being delivered, but one crew member, who identified himself to the AP as Raymond Emmanuel, said they were delivering the gold to an unidentified company in Curacao.

He said the crew left Guyana on Monday and arrived in Curacao early Friday. Shortly after the ship docked, masked gunmen wearing jackets with the word "police" assaulted the boat's captain and then stole the gold bars.

Huggins said that security guards allowed the suspects to enter a restricted area thinking they were customs officials.

Rechenel Martyn, spokesman for Curacao Customs, said the boat's captain shared with authorities the intended recipient of the gold bars, but he declined to release the name because the case is under investigation. He added that the ship's crew followed protocol and that there is no special procedure for shipments of high value.

Meanwhile, officials in Guyana said they are investigating whether the gold was mined in the South American country, which is near Curacao.

Environment Minister Robert Persaud told the AP that they have requested details about the gold bars, adding that such shipments are usually flown directly to the buyer and involve heavy security. The ship's crew members have said they weren't armed.

Both Persaud and Anan Balram, director of Guyana's Gold Board, said that if the gold was mined in Guyana, it would be a clear case of smuggling. "We don't want to jump the gun and say that the gold is from Guyana," Persaud said. "That is what we first have to establish, as well as if the ship made any other stops anywhere else."

Officials said there is no record of the ship, named "Summer Bliss," leaving Guyana's Port Georgetown Harbor, adding that it could have left from a pier at any of the country's numerous rivers.

Guyana produces roughly 650,000 ounces of gold a year, and officials say that up to half that amount is smuggled out of the country to avoid paying taxes. Most of the gold is sold in neighboring Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has suffered tremendously recently because of terrorist attacks.

Seems like this self made multi millionaire  eat filth all day and now spewing it here.

Ok Folks,


The AFC foul mouthed spokesperson returns. Take a close look at their language folks, every one of their supporter here.  Calling their language foul is putting it mild.


Take note folks. Anyway folks, they are in for a very big surprise.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has suffered tremendously recently because of terrorist attacks.

Seems like this self made multi millionaire  eat filth all day and now spewing it here.

Ok Folks,


The AFC foul mouthed spokesperson returns. Take a close look at their language folks, every one of their supporter here.  Calling their language foul is putting it mild.


Take note folks. Anyway folks, they are in for a very big surprise.

You are  one sad sack of filth.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Enjoy the AFC circus folks. This is all they have left. Zero substance, just personal attacks.

Your posts speaks volumes of your relatively slow  mental or emotional or physical development.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!


I was hoping by now you would have provided the evidence? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!


I was hoping by now you would have provided the evidence? 

I dont have a Vault of evidence. The Video was posted here on GNI for all to see.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is indeed a spy agency. When you have uncivilized leaders like Rohee running Home Affairs this is the natural result. The security officer told me bluntly at the airport that my name is on a surveillance list. This is as explicit as it gets. What is even more interesting is Rohee/Jadgeo have delivered their spy agency but is yet to do same for the forensic lab, which is necessary to solve murders and brutal crimes. 

Your name deserve to be on a LIST. You stood with others in BKLYN and called for the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Govt. You are LUCKY the FBI did not arrest you as yet!!!


I was hoping by now you would have provided the evidence? 

I dont have a Vault of evidence. The Video was posted here on GNI for all to see.

That is such a lame answer. We look forward to seeing your evidence. 


Every Democratic country has a central intelligence agency, Guyana should be no different, the Stabroek News reporters knew they breach security and therefore should have been sanctioned

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every Democratic country has a central intelligence agency, Guyana should be no different, the Stabroek News reporters knew they breach security and therefore should have been sanctioned

Conscience, You posted a Video of TK in Bkooklyn during the Summer calling of Citizens to topple the PPP Govt. Can you find it and Post it so EVERYONE can get a better assessment of this Shameless Guy.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every Democratic country has a central intelligence agency, Guyana should be no different, the Stabroek News reporters knew they breach security and therefore should have been sanctioned

Conscience, You posted a Video of TK in Bkooklyn during the Summer calling of Citizens to topple the PPP Govt. Can you find it and Post it so EVERYONE can get a better assessment of this Shameless Guy.

Hahah. Ayo look how de hyena shit head nah gat shame. He a mek accuse and beg ada people foh help am.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every Democratic country has a central intelligence agency, Guyana should be no different, the Stabroek News reporters knew they breach security and therefore should have been sanctioned

Dah a true. But ayo a abuse de ting foh spy pun de opposition. Ayoo nah solve crime.


A lot of innuendos, what ifs and could bees. Stabroek don't have anything else to do do they fabricate controversy and their agents in the aFC rush in to participate in a feeding frenzy like the lap dogs they are. ahahhaa 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

A lot of innuendos, what ifs and could bees. Stabroek don't have anything else to do do they fabricate controversy and their agents in the aFC rush in to participate in a feeding frenzy like the lap dogs they are. ahahhaa 

If the fact that NICL does not give audited reports innuendo? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Does the NIC have any intelligence on the shocking gold heist in Curacao?

That's not their focus. They spy on opposition folks. 

Perhaps Yugi or any other PPP apologists can tell us about the structure of the NIC.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

A lot of innuendos, what ifs and could bees. Stabroek don't have anything else to do do they fabricate controversy and their agents in the aFC rush in to participate in a feeding frenzy like the lap dogs they are. ahahhaa 

If the fact that NICL does not give audited reports innuendo? 

In fact it does have audits like any other organization. You folks are just mad that govt is using it to spur development of the nation, which spells death for aspiring politicians like yourself who want to usurp power via undemocratic means.


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