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Endurance exercise thwarts premature aging
Washington, Feb 27 : A study by McMaster University researchers has found that endurance exercise may stop you looking and feeling old, it may even help you live longer.

"We have clearly shown that there is no substitute for the "real thing" of exercise when it comes to protection from aging," said Mark Tarnopolsky, principal investigator of the study and a professor of pediatrics and medicine of the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine.

The study found that premature aging in nearly every organ in the body was completely prevented in mice that ran on a treadmill three times a week for five months.

Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA. It has been thought that lifelong accumulation of mitochondrial DNA mutations lead to energy crisis that result in a progressive decline in tissue and organ function, ultimately resulting in aging. But the study on genetically-disadvantaged mice found those who had endurance exercise training three times a week looked as young as healthy mice while their sedentary siblings were balding, graying, physically inactive, socially isolated and less fertile.

"Others have tried to treat these animals with "exercise pill" drugs and have even tried to reduce their caloric intake, a strategy felt to be the most effective for slowing aging, and these were met with limited success," said Tarnopolsky.

Adeel Safdar, lead author and a senior PhD student working with Tarnopolsky said: "I believe that we have very compelling evidence that clearly show that endurance exercise is a lifestyle approach that improves whole body mitochondrial function which is critical for reducing morbidity and mortality. Exercise truly is the fountain of youth."

Co-author Jacqueline Bourgeois said: "The recipe for healthy aging is very simple, and that's exercise. The problem is that it is most people find it a difficult recipe to follow."

The study has been published in the prestigious science journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I totally agree with you. Nature is the best and easy was to stay young. It help to maintain body organs in good conditions. Fruits, vegetable, meat, water, milk. These are all the god gifted items to stay healthy.

Fruits and vegetables are the best way to get essential vitamins and minerals. Calories can be get by meat and milk items.  


I can attest to this. I exercise about one hour per day, either walking, riding my bike or working out in the basement.


I also have a very strict diet on NO meat, fish or eggs. No smoking or drinking and strictly no tea or coffee.  I am now 45 an most of of friends say that I look like I am in my late 20's.


It takes motivation to exercise but once you start, you will keep going. Avoid company who may be a negative influence in your life and can distract your routine.


It also helps if you have a spiritual component to your life.

Originally Posted by TI:
Forget your friends, look in the mirror. Aging is a natural process. You ever run a marathon?

I agree that aging is natural and no one can defeat it but we can live a healthy lifestyle. Marathon ? Never in my life, but i gave it some thought but could never see myself doing it. One hour per day of walking or biking or working out works for me.


Friends can sometimes be cruel, I took a look in the mirror this morning and told myself that i look like 30 at 45. LOL

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TI:
Forget your friends, look in the mirror. Aging is a natural process. You ever run a marathon?

I agree that aging is natural and no one can defeat it but we can live a healthy lifestyle. Marathon ? Never in my life, but i gave it some thought but could never see myself doing it. One hour per day of walking or biking or working out works for me.


Friends can sometimes be cruel, I took a look in the mirror this morning and told myself that i look like 30 at 45. LOL

Yuji, why can't you see yourself doing a marathon? I'm no exercise or running guru (never ran a mile in my life), but preparing for a marathon is mostly mental. You don't have to run it, you can do intervals. Based on what you said about your age and level of daily exercise, I say you have the stamina and endurance to complete any long distance event you choose. Challenge yourself to this physical fitness test- start with a half. Run Yuji, run!


If you're not already familiar with Jeff Galloway, check him out on the web.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 ... NO meat, fish or eggs. No smoking or drinking and strictly no tea or coffee.  I am now 45 an most of of friends say that I look like I am in my late 20's.


The smoking I can do without.  But, no duck or crab curry, bunjal pork or bake and salt fish, ox tail cookup or jerk chicken, caffe latte or chai, grey goose or 15 year old?   I'll take the growing old!

Originally Posted by Errol:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 ... NO meat, fish or eggs. No smoking or drinking and strictly no tea or coffee.  I am now 45 an most of of friends say that I look like I am in my late 20's.


The smoking I can do without.  But, no duck or crab curry, bunjal pork or bake and salt fish, ox tail cookup or jerk chicken, caffe latte or chai, grey goose or 15 year old?   I'll take the growing old!

Better to be old, well fed and happy rather than look young, magah and hungry!
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Errol:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 ... NO meat, fish or eggs. No smoking or drinking and strictly no tea or coffee.  I am now 45 an most of of friends say that I look like I am in my late 20's.


The smoking I can do without.  But, no duck or crab curry, bunjal pork or bake and salt fish, ox tail cookup or jerk chicken, caffe latte or chai, grey goose or 15 year old?   I'll take the growing old!

Better to be old, well fed and happy rather than look young, magah and hungry!

You are funny. LOL.


BTW, I do not starve myself but eat healthy, exercise and watch my calories intake and do some Yoga. It is a very simple process.


Everything and anything in moderation serves the body well. One can eat any diet and be healthy if it is consumed in moderation. Exercize is vital as humans were built to be in constant motion and now people have become more stationary they need to exercize , pump blood to the brains and other parts of the body . I smoke and drink but I have a great diet and I exercize 6 days per week 3 running 3 weights .There are many people who subscribe to all of the afore but are still unhealthy. I see people who are vegetarian , teetolers, non smokers, exercizing , going to temple church mandhir masjid and still looking like sh1t ! I believe one's state of mind is the true determing factor to health and aging. It balance !

Originally Posted by yuji22:
If your wife assured you that you have great stamina, how does she know this? Did she compare you to somebody else?

I am going to give it some more thought. My wife assured me that i have great stamina. But I never really undergo any hard core training for running long distances.


I may try it this summer. Thanks for the advice.


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