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Why so many Guyanese are so angry?PDFPrintE-mail
Thursday, 06 September 2012 22:05

THREE weeks ago, my four daughters, ages 10 through 15 years old, visited Guyana. Everywhere we went, my children heard people cursing each other. My children never heard so much cursing in their lifetime.
My family lives in a small town in America where most people still treat others with respect. So my children's experiences in Guyana were new. My children were shocked to hear the frequent cursing.

It seems like a lot Guyanese are angry. I don't know why. I asked several people why so many Guyanese are so angry. I was told that it was because of the Value Added Tax (VAT), lack of jobs, and inability to provide for family.

It seems like many Guyanese are so angry that they are like a time bomb waiting to go off. So the slightest thing you do to them they explode on you.

One example of this time bomb exploding took place on a minibus we were traveling on. The driver and a passenger got into an argument over where the passenger was dropped off. The passenger wanted to be dropped off in front of Survival Supermarket. The bus driver said he can't stop at Survival he can only stop at the bus stop.

The passenger argued that the driver was willing to pick him up at a non-bus stop, but he wasn't willing to drop him off at a non-bus stop. In front of my young children, the driver and passenger cursed each other out for about five minutes. I tried to intervene to prevent my children from hearing the offensive language but was unsuccessful.

To me, the verbal argument had nothing to do with where the bus stopped. It had everything to do with a bigger and hidden issue. Where the bus stopped was the effect and not the cause of the argument. Arguing about where the bus stopped wasn't the real issue. It was just the symptom. The real issue that caused the argument is that people are angry. Where the bus stopped gave these men an opportunity to vent their anger and frustration out on each other.

There was a simple solution to this problem. The driver could have said he was sorry, and kept driving and the argument would have been avoided, but he didn't because he is so angry himself and needed to blow off some steam. This is why the argument escalated, and my innocent children and passengers were subjected to the offensive languages.

When people are angry like many Guyanese are, it is dangerous to be around them because you never know what might set them off. And when they are set off, you don't know what they might do and even the innocent children may get hurt.
As a child, I grew up in one of the toughest areas in Guyana, Alboystown. During those days, most people were angry and would curse out each other out daily. Today, it seems like the old Albouystown people has extended to the whole of the country and Guyana has become like Albouystown with a lot of angry people who like to curse out others.

I wished that my children didn't have to experience the cursing during their vacation, and I hope and pray for the people of Guyana to be less angry and happier. May God bless Guyana!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's simple. For decades the people were too dumb to see that they were being robbed, and had nobody trustworthy with inside information who was willing to speak out. But things have changed. The thieving PPP hierarchy have turned Guyana into their personal playground. This was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Once many of them saw what happens to people who resist the PPP, such as Sawh, change started to come. The people are now more empowered than ever.  


The president came across

as an angry man last night.





Look at this forum---most of the AFC supporters here are consumed by anger--they are angry---they are intolerant---they are miserable.




Hmmmm! That's a lot of angry Guyanese today. May these pitiful souls continue to wallow in their misery.





He'll be booted out of office in November----thank you baby jesus.




This guy cobra is full of shit. How does he know that Guyanese are angry. Did he ever go to Guyana to witness this anger?  Gleaming one man's editorial from a newspaper does not speak for an entire nation. I could understand that a great deal of people may not be happy or satisfied with the way things are currently going there. But to say that they are angry is stretching it to far, especially coming from someone who doesn't go to Guyana and who couldn't find his way from Tehmeri to georgetown even if his life depended on it..


Cobra and Rev are actually good people. They are just having fun by deliberately obfuscating the issue.


It seems like a lot Guyanese are angry. I don't know why. I asked several people why so many Guyanese are so angry. I was told that it was because of the Value Added Tax (VAT), lack of jobs, and inability to provide for family.


I smell m maxwell at it again or maybe another paid aFC letter writer.  True enough Guyanese, especially those in the lower class and living in tough neighborhoods will have a foul mouth, especially when alcohol is involved.  Decent folks do not resort to this type of behavior, using foul language in front of kids. The amount of people of low moral behavior must have increased in Guyana. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I smell m maxwell at it again or maybe another paid aFC letter writer.  True enough Guyanese, especially those in the lower class and living in tough neighborhoods will have a foul mouth, especially when alcohol is involved.  Decent folks do not resort to this type of behavior, using foul language in front of kids. The amount of people of low moral behavior must have increased in Guyana. 

Actually, it decreased when you and your family moved to NJ where alcohol is cheap.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

This guy cobra is full of shit. How does he know that Guyanese are angry. Did he ever go to Guyana to witness this anger?  Gleaming one man's editorial from a newspaper does not speak for an entire nation. I could understand that a great deal of people may not be happy or satisfied with the way things are currently going there. But to say that they are angry is stretching it to far, especially coming from someone who doesn't go to Guyana and who couldn't find his way from Tehmeri to georgetown even if his life depended on it..

Sheik, you live in America and your manners is worst than those lose lips Guyanese. Bhai, find somebody your size to pick on next time. Go after the folk at Al Abidin, the masjid that deals with crooks like Ed Ahmad.

Originally Posted by warrior:

first of all i am a indian,this fool is not outspoken he is a racist and it will be karma because the same people that he hate cause him pain its what you sow that you shall reap i have to teach all you ppp dummy every little thing

You should eliminate the words racist, karma, dummy and PPP in your vocabulary. Revisit those word and use them when the meaning is appropriate. You haven't convinced me you're anything less of those expression.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
I will be back to buss a cap In your ass after this BBQ

What's the BBQ location brother Sheik? You know me and you is the best of friends.

It's at Sutphin Blvd. and Hillside up the hill from your favorite spot El Rey.  Gimme a holler on my cell  if you want to fall in. I beating out now. later.


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