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PPP supporters want youthful leadership


Dear Editor,
In my travels throughout Guyana in October to conduct an opinion survey, supporters of the PPP related that they would like to have a “youthful leadership” (Central Committee, Executive Committee, etc) arising out of the party’s Congress that will be held next weekend in Anna Regina, Essequibo. In earlier NACTA surveys, conducted last March, July, and last year, PPP supporters complained about the ineptitude, incompetence, slothfulness, lack of capacity, lackadaisical attitude or “coorheeness” among some, as well as arrogance, desire for personal wealth, and allegations of corruption among some in the leadership that cost the party the Government in May 2015.

The supporters yearn for change towards a younger enlightened leadership who can bring modernity and rapid development to Guyana. They want a leadership team that can build a strong attractive civic alliance.

As found in the surveys, some in PPP leadership are most despised for their lack of human relations skills. Some of them do not know how to speak with people – an essential requirement of a person desiring to be a leader. People complain they don’t see PPP MPs or leaders in their communities. Many don’t even bother to go among the supporters, preferring instead to be in “town” for nice time rather than grounding with people in their time of difficulties. At any rate, people simply don’t want to see or hear some of them – as they turn away support from the PPP, and in fact some of these characters cost the PPP the Government.

Supporters note that some in the leadership are very archaic in their thinking. They are relics of the past who only speak of the greatness of socialism and communism (that collapsed thirty years ago) and advocate for Palestine, Iran, defunct Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, etc, that has no relevance to our conditions in Guyana. They don’t understand geo-politics that define which party will govern Guyana because they lack political intellect like those of us who study and are experts in international politics.
Voters complain that some have been paraded before the nation for too long; people are weary of seeing them. They must now excuse themselves from a public presence — especially those who were given opportunities and failed the people in leadership and in government positions. How many chances these characters want, supporters ask.

Party supporters want a new generation of leadership that have time for them and with whom they can interact. They want to see new, charming, attractive faces they can relate to. They want more females and will love to see a female head the party. They want smart, modern thinking people in the leadership in whom they see a bright future and hope for the country. In looking around, they don’t see many in the current leadership offering hope for party supporters or the country. As one person rhetorically asked, which employer will give some of them in the PPP leadership a second look for a job? Outside of politics, most may not find work. But in fairness to them, many gave their entire life fighting the dictatorship for the country’s freedom. They neglected their education and families. They had no or little time to pursue formal tertiary education like others as they worked to better the lives of others. So, they must be recognised and credited for their decades of commitment and dedication in serving the nation.
People have pointed out that a large majority of the party supporters were not around when the PNC outlawed the consumption of roti, alou, dhal, channa, etc. So they cannot relate to arguments made by these old timers on banned foods and the various “isms”. But the old timers should not be altogether dumped. They can play an advisory role to the younger generation of would-be leaders.

The party supporters are fulsome in their praise for Bharrat Jagdeo as President. They note he did a lot of improvement for Guyana during his tenure. But he may not be able to contest as President again because of term limits he consented to when he was President. So the party will have to find an effective leader who is likeable. There are not many choices – Irfaan Ali, Anil Nandlall, Frank Anthony, etc. And in the polls, the ratings were in that order for a successor. But it is a tall order to fill the shoes of Jagdeo as none is universally acceptable like him to win a majority in the next election.

The delegates at the Congress should select the Central Committee wisely and listen to the voice of the supporters – give the younger potential leaders a chance.

Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram


Sorry to re-post Prince,this is an important piece of information,needs to be in the forefront.

Looks in my lifetime i will see,what i have desired,a nation where politicians are held accountable.

Bring it on,people of the homeland show the crooked politicians the power you can wield..

Replies sorted oldest to newest

VishMahabir posted:


I thought this banna was a fake pollster. Why should we trust his information?

I don't trust him either,hopefully he is on to something which is truthful.I am not demeaning the PPP,they need to clean up their acts or they will loose their supporters,the homeland need some responsible politicians that also goes for the PNC,the nation have suffered for the past 50 yrs with race based politics.

Time for some real change.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:


I thought this banna was a fake pollster. Why should we trust his information?

I don't trust him either,hopefully he is on to something which is truthful.I am not demeaning the PPP,they need to clean up their acts or they will loose their supporters,the homeland need some responsible politicians that also goes for the PNC,the nation have suffered for the past 50 yrs with race based politics.

Time for some real change.

Change will come when you stop being a PNC/Granger choir boy.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:


I thought this banna was a fake pollster. Why should we trust his information?

I don't trust him either,hopefully he is on to something which is truthful.I am not demeaning the PPP,they need to clean up their acts or they will loose their supporters,the homeland need some responsible politicians that also goes for the PNC,the nation have suffered for the past 50 yrs with race based politics.

Time for some real change.

Change will come when you stop being a PNC/Granger choir boy.

Bhai,wait a minute have you not observed i am Independent.


Iffart and Anil are hated and they will only serve to mobilize anti PPP forces. Anthony raided his ministry and absconded with lots of merchandise so why should anyone trust that scoundrel either?

Django posted:


I don't trust him either,hopefully he is on to something which is truthful.I am not demeaning the PPP,they need to clean up their acts or they will loose their supporters,the homeland need some responsible politicians that also goes for the PNC,the nation have suffered for the past 50 yrs with race based politics.

Time for some real change.

Django bai, you should be happy that Bisram might be wrong. YOUR PNC will forever hold power then.
When people are hungry and struggling, they tend to vote out of their experience and with their heads. Blacks will always vote PNC. Some coolies do support your PNC. Let's see how the Amerinds roll with this PNC.


Very few will vote in 2020 as Guyanese are totally frustrated with the idiots that they have.  The winner will be the group which has the better get out to vote apparatus.

Many PPP supporters are slaves who do as they are told.  This is a residual Dalit thing that remains.  Poor and starving they still think that Indians are better off than blacks, because the 2% oligarchy are mainly Indians.  So they peddle the "black man lazy" mantra.  They are very much like the stupid rednecks who voted in Trump. 

PNC supporters don't trust their leaders and when these leaders disappoint they don't vote and there is nothing that their leaders can do about this. Corbin discovered this in 2006.  The only hope for them is a completely new set of leaders emerging within the next 2 years.


Good luck to whoever could bring fruitful change to Guyana.  For this to happen the people themselves must want it and must be intelligent enough to understand that their future does not lie with the PPP, PNC or  AFC.

The system is rigged for the "political class." It must be noted that the PPP and PNC got together around year 2000 and created one of the most sickening constitution that put all the power in the hand of the politicians.  This has to change.  The people must realize that politicians in Guyana do not represent them but are there just to enrich themselves.  They have the unique chance right now to view the incompetence and thievery of back to back administrations.  Will they ever learn?

The problem about politicians in Guyana is like it is impossible to find an honest person.  It would take someone like an FDR to change Guyana, but maybe we need a great depression for that to happen. 

Last edited by Former Member

PPP supporters complained about the ineptitude, incompetence, slothfulness, lack of capacity, lackadaisical attitude or “coorheeness” among some, as well as arrogance, desire for personal wealth, and allegations of corruption among some in the leadership that cost the party the Government in May 2015.


Prince posted:

PPP supporters complained about the ineptitude, incompetence, slothfulness, lack of capacity, lackadaisical attitude or “coorheeness” among some, as well as arrogance, desire for personal wealth, and allegations of corruption among some in the leadership that cost the party the Government in May 2015.


And the same leaders will be back with Jagdeo selecting who will be on the Exec Committee. He knows that he will get 100% of PPP supporters to vote for the PPP in 2020 so why should he worry.

Granger, Harmon, Nagamootoo and the other geriatrics will not be around after 2020 as by then they will be too old. Especially as the health of some is rumored to be suspect.  Even the healthy ones like Granger will want to enjoy their last years in peace, so I suspect don't care about after 2020.

As a result they don't care what happens after 2020. Either to APNU/AFC or to Guyana at large.

Guyanese will get what they deserve. If they want better than they will have to insist on better. If they complain and make plans to flee to little islands which definitely want them less than they did 10 years ago, given higher unemployment levels, then it will be the same cast, or others selected by this cast.

Last edited by Former Member

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