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(CNN) A man in a rented pickup truck mows down people on a busy bicycle path near the World Trade Center. Eight people are killed, and the attack is almost immediately called an act of terror.

A man armed with a rifle storms into a Texas church during Sunday morning service and starts firing. More than two dozen people are killed, but investigators don't call it terrorism.
Why are some violent acts labeled terrorism and others not? And does it even matter?
Someone picks up from GNI debates about what criminal acts are classified as terrorism vs sick and mentally disturbed individuals that commit the same crime. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

Why they use political correctness to shade white criminals when people died in both cases? This is what I can't understand? Call a spade a spade and stop the BS about the classification of criminals? 

This blasted neemakaram Nehru is making excuses for white trash.    

Why would a man kill another man. For what reason? Even God was puzzled when Cain killed Abel. 

I think Middle-Eastern ppl been killing a very long time and eventually they inflicted the White races. For America, since they horded themselves upon the people, it seems the whites become like them. Easy in killing another person.

What is troubling, is which Friday in America the scenes of Iraq or Pakistan will be played out. Mohammedans have too many deranged ppl in their flock-religious fanatics or ill advising immams.

Those who seem excited about the man killing ppl in a church should reflect on the thousands who are killed in mosques on Fridays. 

Fools rarely examine their folly, instead, they appear joyful at the misery of others, comparing the episodes to justify their twisted logics of race and religion. 


Terrorism, is when someone kills on behalf, instructed to kill, inspired to kill by a terrorist classified group/ organisation. In New York, the killer is a terrorist, he had the ISIS flag and left a note stating he was inspired by ISIS. Let's say if the killer in Texas had left a note stating he was inspired by the KKK, I would call him a terrorist. In my book the KKK is a terrorist organisation.

Prince posted:

Why they use political correctness to shade white criminals when people died in both cases? This is what I can't understand? Call a spade a spade and stop the BS about the classification of criminals? 

This blasted neemakaram Nehru is making excuses for white trash.    

Prnice ,

Nehru is correct with what he said and his definition.

My son who is an attorney gave me  the same legal definition last night over dinner.


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