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The next 4 years starts with US- China relationship.

  • The Chinese leadership is changing from one whose leaning has been technocratic and economic to one where political and cultural matters will reappear.
  • The Chinese economy is slowing down and its impact is on unemployment; credit defaults and a whole lot of unoccupied office towers. The high-speed rail project is an unmitigated economic disaster. So much for central economic planning and oligopoly.
  • The US has strengthened its political, economic and military relationship with the Pacific rim countries. China is feeling isolated in its own backyard.
  • Obama has had a brilliant Asia policy.


The Middle East dynamics is changing, and Obama helped ignite it with his 2009 Cairo speech.

Democratic reforms are taking hold in Egypt, Iraq, Libya and slowly the Saudis are moving many small ways to a liberal society. They have a long ways to go.

Turkey and Israel are counters to Iran and the US will be the back stop.


The US is poised for an economic take-off. Its banking system has been ster4enghtened; its consumers have rebalanced their debt/savings ratio to the point where the iconic “American consumer” can again lead global recovery; the housing market – a bell-weather for consumer spending – is strengthening. The fiscal situation is manageable. The US debt obligation as a ratio of GDP is not alarming – though its trajectory is worrisome. I believe that, notwithstanding their bluster and rhetoric, a chastened legislative Republican party will keep the tax breaks for under-$250,000 income levels and raise taxes on incomes above that. Entitlement spending will be managed and the full features of the health care reform Act will start to ease the medical horror we’ve been heading to. The oil from shale sands and gas discoveries will see dependence on foreign oil imports drop significantly.  America has increased its exports under Obama, and while the global economy contracts America’s share in trade has improved because of the high-tech nature of it and its abundance of food exports.


America is a more liberal society – look at the number of openly gay Congress and Senate candidates elected, and the State ballots on marijuana and same-sex marriages. Its population is also changing, and you will see major immigration reform, including getting the next wave of Indian and Chinese scientists, especially the latter, seek to utilize their skills in a more meaningful way.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Bible seys those who r shepherds will be judged more harshly than the sheep.


Ur last paragraph clearly states what curses will come upon America. The man has a sick mind to have a platform on such issues.


The White men of America should control their wimen-dey like Eve being enticed by the Devil.


U c the amateurship behaviour of ur President. He whips out his pen and then utter the words of his first four years. "I am willing to work with good ideas."


Shite, the guy is SUPPOSED to b innovative, instead he waiting on great ideas from the Republicans. I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.


Kari clearly you think Obama is God.  Even Michelle, when asked, has had some negative things to say about him as does his sister.  And his campaign advisers who gave him a good tongue lashing after the first debate. 


Even his "big sister"Oprah, whose endorsement of Obama is credited for his victory in Iowa in the 2008 primaries (by making a "scary" black man, in the eyes of her mainly Red State white female appear safe), has some negative things to say about him.



Indeed Obama himself is not shy is telling us all his weaknesses.



Where does this reverence for Obama come from?  He is a mere mortal and so cannot be 100% perfect.



Apparently you are the new Rev Al.



Looks like you have an antagonism towards Obama that is stronger than my thoughts of him as God (your designation BTW).


Where in any of the above is there a falsehood? What have Oprah and Michelle and others have to do with the statements in my posts?


Do you have an argument about Obama's Asia actions and his policy position?

Do you disagree with the lessening of terrorism?

Do you have an argument about the debt/savings ration of consumers?

Do have a n argument about the strengthening of the housing market?


Those are the things to quarrel with me about; not reactions to Obama's first debate. That's history and the electorate spoke - in loud terms.

Originally Posted by seignet:

U c the amateurship behaviour of ur President. He whips out his pen and then utter the words of his first four years. "I am willing to work with good ideas."


Shite, the guy is SUPPOSED to b innovative, instead he waiting on great ideas from the Republicans. I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.

seignet. Your guy Romney lost.  If your party tries to suppress votes, bases its campaign on blatant lies, selects shifty candidates whose positions change with each rustle of the leaves, screams that women who get raped suffer this because it is God's will, laugh at the notion that we ought to be concerned about the "oceans rising".  Then Sandy comes and shows that this issue is no more a joke that the fact that NYC now gets tornadoes, something unthinkable 20 years ago.


Why did Romney lose?


1.  He angered women of all races by refusing to repudiate Murdouk and Aiken, and his own running mate Ryan with their primitive notions of women's choices.


2.  He angered blacks by not stopping the blatant suppress the vote schemes in black areas in swing states like OH,PA,VA, and FL.  So many voted to express their rage at this attempt to carry the USA back to JIm Crow.


3.  He spat at the Hispanics by refusing to support the Dream Act and boasting about how much he loved the NEW Jim Crow state of AZ, where any cop to harrass any one who they think is illegal (any swathy looking person).  Even though they were disappointed by the fact that Obama had done very little about immigration reform, and until a few months ago.  And to prove how BAD he is, deported way more undocumented migrants than any other president in recent history.


4,  He mounted blatantly anti union attacks, and lied about the auto bailout and then about what Jeep was trying to do...the was humiliated when teh governor of OH, denied that Jeep was moving jobs to China. Obama did better with white males in OH than in any other non liberal state.


Guess what. Sufficient numbers of people from these groups came out to defeat Romney even though many were not highly enthused by Obama and the weak economy.



Given the narrow margins in the key swing states (OH,VA, and FL) this was enough to ensure that Romney lost.



So quit whining about the fact that the GOP lost and accept the fact that its the fault of the GOP for its defeat.


When the GOP understands that it can no longer win, based on the white male vote and that of married white women.  It is becoming uglier to virtually every other group.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Looks like you have an antagonism towards Obama that is stronger than my thoughts of him as God (your designation BTW).


No I just do not think he is perfect as you do.


Oprah doesnt think that he is perfect.  Axelrod doesnt think that he is perfect.  Michelle doesnt think that he is perfect.


Only you do.  Others kick him in the butt when he screws up and so he is able to see his mistakes and then improve.  You clap every time he coughs or stammers.


Kari just accept the fact that many people who enthusiastically supported Obama in 2008, and I was one giving him almost four figures, were disappointed with aspects of his performance. And as people who voted for him, and who donated to his campaign,  we have a right to express our views when we felt that he deserves it. 


So when pitbulls like you attempt to intimidate us into silence you shoot yourself in the foot. I can only note how you go after me and stormborn, who both voted for Obama, more than you did baseman, who not only didnt, but who peddled the same lies that Romney was.


People like you almost destroyed Obama by aggressively attacking those of us who expressed our disappointment.  Had MSNBC not demolished him after his first debate his subsequent debates would have been just a slousy.


You need to know that the very narrow victories in key states, despite the highly inept campaign that Romney ran, showed that Obama was highly vulnerable, and could have lost.


Politico reveals Obama won 50% in FL and OH and 51% in CO and VA.  He lost almost 9 million voters vs 2008, while Romney only lost 1 million of McCains voters!


So you need to stop going on as if he is the Messiah.

Last edited by Former Member

This post shows an erratic mind at work, you are all over the place. You are not only content to give your opinion but all of a sudden YOU know who Kari and Stormborm voted for and also Baseman. Obama won majorities in Fla and Oh and Cali and Va so what is your point? The man won under a democratic system. So wise up and move on.   


It's simple. CaribJ is an eternal pessimist for whom there is no success in anything in life if it is not perfect. For him a half-a-loaf is not better than none. In fact it is worse. Obama with unemployment for Blacks double that of others is worse than Romney crucifying Blacks once-and-for all. It's like Obama is a traitor who did not take from whites and give to Blacks. The 95% or so of Blacks who voted for Obama are idiots in his mind. He and he alone knows how Hispanics and Blacks think. Only he knows the American experience, like he was in Montgomery, Alabama in the sixties and marched with Dr. King. He had dinner with Oprah and Michelle and Axelrod and the MSNBC crew and they whispered in his ears that Obama is a dog. This guy never responds to the tenor of the argument advanced about the Presidency of Obama, its context, and historical economic changes. He fasils to see the brilliant vision of Obama which he loses at the altar of the Black condition. Only he has license to cry and everyone else who does not join him in his crusade and jihad against Obama has drunk the Obama KoolAid. In other words CaribJ is vacuous, short-sighted and not deserving of a response going forward. He is indeed the Rev Al. So no more "obsession" with you Caribj as you so delicately put it. You are just not worth the attention.


I take it that the reason for the YouTube post is to show that the US debt is a certainty for its downfall as a great nation.


The US Federal Debt as a percentage of GDP since 2009 is an average of 9½%. Prior to that it was averaging about 3%. That's deficits on annual accounts.


Now for the long-term debt - that is, what has accrued over the history of the Union (Obama inherited about $7 trillion and now it stand at about $14 Trillion). It is still less than 100% of the US GDP which is around $17 Trillion.


The current period of deficit is a conscious decision to deficit spend to do the following:

  • Stop the crash of the banking sector - success
  • Inject liquidity to a credit sector that basically had none  - success
  • Give to the States to ensure we have the single-payer cops, firemen, emergency workers, teachers and nurses, etc. - success
  • Extend unemployment insurance so that there will no soup kitchens like the 1930s - success


So we have to ask ourselves, if the restructuring of the economy - its human capital (education, R & D), infrastructure like roads, the Internet broadband, etc, trade relations, and more, do not result in a growing economy with a growing tax revenue base, then how are we going to tackle the long-term debt. Note that this debt is 72% owed to US nationals and corporation and the rest to foreign entities.


It has been the Republican strategy to run up the long-term debt (the wars, tax cuts, etc), then claim that is more important than tangible efforts to grow the economy, and so argue for cuts. The ultimate aim is to starve the Beast. They've been unequivocal with the makers and takers argument. They want to end Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, social security, and put women back in the kitchen to make babies. So I won't even give that YouTube video much of a look, as I won't pay much attention to the  poster who suggested it.


"So I won't even give that YouTube video much of a look, as I won't pay much attention to the  poster who suggested it."

You did well up to this point. Totally unnecessary and uncalled for. But thanks nevertheless for you imput.


Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 



Originally Posted by Sheik101:

"So I won't even give that YouTube video much of a look, as I won't pay much attention to the  poster who suggested it."

You did well up to this point. Totally unnecessary and uncalled for. But thanks nevertheless for you imput.

The trouble with theorist, they are on different plain of reality.


The Chinese believe in work, work, work. Then manage. Then review, Then improve. Then continually improve.


They are pragmatic, that is how they r wealthy today.


My Chinese associates tell me that Chairman Mao had the his ppl go around everywhere in China to find scrap steel products. He melts it down and made new steel. Inferior, I might add, but the idea was to demonstrate frugality. 


Obama's economy is really taking the self respect out of his citizens. In alot of ways he reminds of CBJ. Much rhetoric.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 

Such nonsense . . . you live in Canada; what the hell do YOU know about the American working man's experience in this economy, eh?


After laying the economic travails of a generation at the feet of a president effectively in charge a little over 3 years, you stumble into wish fulfillment - ginning up garbage about "white-man truths" and pseudo-Biblical "Afrikaner" perspectives on Ham . . . which are really your own!


please . . . go crawl back into ur cave. You smell

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

 I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.

Rip Van Winkle, were you asleep from 1992 - 2008? You obviously know nothing of the American economy under Presidents Clinton and George W Bush.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 



The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar ????

What de raas is that? Explain mud-head

Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.

Some bady pls explain what this ignoramus is trying to say here....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 

Such nonsense . . . you live in Canada; what the hell do YOU know about the American working man's experience in this economy, eh?


After laying the economic travails of a generation at the feet of a president effectively in charge a little over 3 years, you stumble into wish fulfillment - ginning up garbage about "white-man truths" and pseudo-Biblical "Afrikaner" perspectives on Ham . . . which are really your own!


please . . . go crawl back into ur cave. You smell

Unless u own manufacturing plants in the USA, u shooting hot air. U doan know. 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.

Rip Van Winkle, were you asleep from 1992 - 2008? You obviously know nothing of the American economy under Presidents Clinton and George W Bush.

Perhaps, u were earning only a payheck those years, so it looked good. Ppl were loosing their jobs during those years and Clinton claimed those will be replaced by hi-tech jobs which never materialized. America became a huge wharehouse under Bill Clinton and China prospered. Reagan was the President of progress.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 



The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar ????

What de raas is that? Explain mud-head

Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.

Some bady pls explain what this ignoramus is trying to say here....


Find a middle management job in a manufacturing company and u will know the real world.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 

Such nonsense . . . you live in Canada; what the hell do YOU know about the American working man's experience in this economy, eh?


After laying the economic travails of a generation at the feet of a president effectively in charge a little over 3 years, you stumble into wish fulfillment - ginning up garbage about "white-man truths" and pseudo-Biblical "Afrikaner" perspectives on Ham . . . which are really your own!


please . . . go crawl back into ur cave. You smell

Unless u own manufacturing plants in the USA, u shooting hot air. U doan know. 

running away like a beaten coward from the issues i raised is not a response

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 

Such nonsense . . . you live in Canada; what the hell do YOU know about the American working man's experience in this economy, eh?


After laying the economic travails of a generation at the feet of a president effectively in charge a little over 3 years, you stumble into wish fulfillment - ginning up garbage about "white-man truths" and pseudo-Biblical "Afrikaner" perspectives on Ham . . . which are really your own!


please . . . go crawl back into ur cave. You smell

Unless u own manufacturing plants in the USA, u shooting hot air. U doan know. 

running away like a beaten coward from the issues i raised is not a response

What issues? U dished out some insults and thats it.


The collapse of the America economy did not occur in the last months of Bush Presidency. It started years ago under Clinton.


Twenty years ago, how old were u. And what were u doing. How many jobs ur parents worked to support the family. If u were 10 years old and u get ur information from the internet where the numbers game is played out as statistics then it is not correct. Before Clinton era, taxation was on employment. Clintion shifted manufacturing to China and moved taxation onto consumers. He collected more revenue that way. Borrowing increased to purchase goods which eventually lead to the credit card crunch and other lending institutions folding up.    

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.


Products that sustains the American economy continues to rise(banking charges, raw material etc,etc) while earning power of citizens continues on a downward trend.


The uncertain monetary exchanges of the American Dollar adds further depression on the American economy. 


Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 

Such nonsense . . . you live in Canada; what the hell do YOU know about the American working man's experience in this economy, eh?


After laying the economic travails of a generation at the feet of a president effectively in charge a little over 3 years, you stumble into wish fulfillment - ginning up garbage about "white-man truths" and pseudo-Biblical "Afrikaner" perspectives on Ham . . . which are really your own!


please . . . go crawl back into ur cave. You smell

Unless u own manufacturing plants in the USA, u shooting hot air. U doan know. 

running away like a beaten coward from the issues i raised is not a response

What issues? U dished out some insults and thats it.


The collapse of the America economy did not occur in the last months of Bush Presidency. It started years ago under Clinton.


Twenty years ago, how old were u. And what were u doing. How many jobs ur parents worked to support the family. If u were 10 years old and u get ur information from the internet where the numbers game is played out as statistics then it is not correct. Before Clinton era, taxation was on employment. Clintion shifted manufacturing to China and moved taxation onto consumers. He collected more revenue that way. Borrowing increased to purchase goods which eventually lead to the credit card crunch and other lending institutions folding up.    

the contradictions, simplemindedness and, sadly, incoherence of your thinking on economic issues are beyond my abilities to cure.


speculate all you want about me, my labors and my family . . . it will make nice, light, entertaining reading on a loong flight to the East i have to make very soon.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.

Rip Van Winkle, were you asleep from 1992 - 2008? You obviously know nothing of the American economy under Presidents Clinton and George W Bush.

Perhaps, u were earning only a payheck those years, so it looked good. Ppl were loosing their jobs during those years and Clinton claimed those will be replaced by hi-tech jobs which never materialized. America became a huge wharehouse under Bill Clinton and China prospered. Reagan was the President of progress.

Like you had too much wine in church today.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.

Rip Van Winkle, were you asleep from 1992 - 2008? You obviously know nothing of the American economy under Presidents Clinton and George W Bush.

Perhaps, u were earning only a payheck those years, so it looked good. Ppl were loosing their jobs during those years and Clinton claimed those will be replaced by hi-tech jobs which never materialized. America became a huge wharehouse under Bill Clinton and China prospered. Reagan was the President of progress.

Like you had too much wine in church today.

"Economic brains caused them to lose the elections". What is wrong with welfare people? Welfare is there as an entitlement program for those who need it. You should not be knocking people who are on welfare. Most of them would prefer not to be on it. When you have pride like most people do, you are embarrassed to swipe your EBT for food. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 I have always said, Democrats are welfare ppl. The Republicans are economic brains.

Rip Van Winkle, were you asleep from 1992 - 2008? You obviously know nothing of the American economy under Presidents Clinton and George W Bush.

Perhaps, u were earning only a payheck those years, so it looked good. Ppl were loosing their jobs during those years and Clinton claimed those will be replaced by hi-tech jobs which never materialized. America became a huge wharehouse under Bill Clinton and China prospered. Reagan was the President of progress.

Like you had too much wine in church today.

"Economic brains caused them to lose the elections". What is wrong with welfare people? Welfare is there as an entitlement program for those who need it. You should not be knocking people who are on welfare. Most of them would prefer not to be on it. When you have pride like most people do, you are embarrassed to swipe your EBT for food. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

Like you also had too much wine.


Address your post to seignet, not to me.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This post shows an erratic mind at work, you are all over the place. You are not only content to give your opinion but all of a sudden YOU know who Kari and Stormborm voted for and also Baseman. Obama won majorities in Fla and Oh and Cali and Va so what is your point? The man won under a democratic system. So wise up and move on.   





Take FL as an example.  Obama got 50%.  Romney got 49.1%.  ONly TX and CA matter more in the electoral college with NY having the same number of votes.


If you think that a .9% victory gives any one a reason to celebrate you are smoking crack. 


Those who are honest know that this is a deeply divided nation, and that a small swing on the part of a few voters in a bfew states can have major repercussions, given the huge difference in governing philosophy that the Dems and the GOP represent.

Originally Posted by seignet:


The collapse of the America economy did not occur in the last months of Bush Presidency. It started years ago under Clinton.


Really.  We had 23 million jobs created under Clinton.  record low unemployment.  An increase in REal household earnings. Clinton years were the last good days that we have had in the USA, before your C- President called George Bush destroyed the country.


Bush is a war criminal who ought to be held responsible for the destruction of the Christian religion in Iraq, the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Americans.  He has created a major socio-economic problem with the return of tens of thousands of Iraq vets who suffer from all kids of mental and physical ailments.


Bush found a Budget SURPLUS.  He left a DEFICIT and a country spinning out of control.  So deep did he leave the country that you GOP supporters are ashamed to talk about what happened between 1992 and 2008, pretending as if Obama followed Clinton.  And you being an Indonazi racist, want to blame Collin Powell, instead.




Listen seignet.  Your guys LOST.


Your party is a mad house of lunatics who scream that rape is Gods will.  You angered women and you angered blacks when you tried to deprive them of their right to vote and you angered Hispanics and Asians by going against the Dream Act.



Obama did NOt win the election.  You guys threw it away.


So go and do some deep pyschological analysis of the GOP and stop spreading lies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:


The Chinese believe in work, work, work. Then manage. Then review, Then improve. Then continually improve.



Oh well 73% of the Asians who voted supported Obama.

Originally Posted by Kari:

ItObama with unemployment for Blacks double that of others

You know whats funny Kari yesterday I saw pics of Obama hugging his campaign staff and the room was almost as white as I would expect Romney's to have been.


So blacks arent even good enough to be campaign staff now, though we are good enough to be the most loyal group, and to provide 25% of the votes.


Kari I know the experience of a black man in the USA because I am a black man in the USA and because I know loads of black people in the USA.





Unlike You I do not need to have dinner with Axelrod to know that state of Black America.  All I need to do is walk around my upper middle class Caribbean neighborhoods and see how many houses have been in foreclosure for THREE years.  Rosedale, Canarsie, Wakefield, all the same sad stories to report.  Then wonder and worry about the long term implications of this.


Start with this fact.  Unemployment for college educated blacks is now HIGHER than it is for white males with no college education.  DOUBLE that of white college grads.   And we havent even gotten to the fcat that many of those who do have jobs are working at Macys or as security guards.


No wonder there is increasing discussion about the possible death of the Black Middle Class.


Now one would think that a discussion of this fact would be appropriate but you dont.


You see Hispanics and females and gays have a right, nt to accept a half a loaf, but to demand that Obama works with them to ensure an oipportunity to access the whole loaf.


You think, that blacks, the most loyal group, ought to shut up and accept the fact that the last 4 years have been hardest on them, but they have no right to demand any discussion of this fact.

kari go hide in your racist cave with Rev Al.  People like you think that blacks must be used an discarded.


Oh yes bring out the blacks to vote.  Then after the election discuss with white females, Hispanics and gays as to what you will do for them.  When blacks wonder "what about us".......


Kari politics 101.  You vote for a person who you feel will best represent your interests and you have a right to demand taht he does, and criticize him when he doesnt....Hispanics, gays and white females have a right to demand this AND SO DO BLACKS!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:



Unless Obama charts a new agenda, he goes down in history as a testament of the white-man truths. "No Black person can manage or create a progressive economy." He will confirm the beliefs of Afrikanners that Ham was really cursed. 



Yes typical for an Indonazi.  No comments about the state that Bush left the country in.


Do not blame the Afrikaners for these attitudes towards blacks.  Ju7st admit that this reflects YOUR thinking.


Now go and put on your brwon Indonazi hoods.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Those of us who really work for a living, and I mean physically work,

 experiences the detoriation of the American economy.





if you really did work you would know that. as sluggish as the economy might now be, it is a good deal better off than it was in January 2009.


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