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Amaila project will go ahead only if PPP, APNU, AFC agree to it : â€ĶAFHI reiteratesPDFPrintE-mail
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Tuesday, 06 August 2013 20:52

AMAILA Falls Hydro Inc. (AFHI) has said again that it will only go ahead with the project only if both the Government and the Opposition agree to it.

AFHI issued the following release last evening:

Amaila Falls Hydro Inc. (AFHI) would like to reiterate the message that we can only proceed with the project if there is consensus amongst the PPP, APNU and AFC, communicated via Parliament, that they unanimously support of the Project.   


This appears to be a deliberate and desperate attempt to shift the debate away from the project merits which is held up under intense scrutiny.  


Today, a newspaper article highlighted the fact that two local consultants are advising AFHI. 

These facts are well known and have been in the public domain for years. 

Nigel Hughes was appointed Company Secretary when AFHI was incorporated in 2009. 

Cathy Hughes has provided public relations services for AFHI since 2010, long before AFC joined APNU to form the Opposition.   

The company’s work with these consultants has been in accordance with all local and international laws and no one has ever exercised any influence for the benefit of AFHI within AFC.   

Stories like this are an unfortunate distraction from a true debate about the Amaila Hydro Project. 

Powerful Statement by AFHI :

Who is the Secretary of AFHI....lets hear it now

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

hahahahaha. jaliki the pedophile has gone stark mad. How does the AFC go from 7 seats to 50 seats? hhahahahahahah The PNC stands a more legitimate chance. ahahahah

Big_Seed PPP is a minority Govt .......

When yuh Crabs stop itching yuh.....

yuh gon understand "De Burnham Constitution"

which we wuking under....allows all kinds of Magic....

suh u figure out why or how easily

and overnite we can have a govt change.


Dem Bhai say....

u had a Crab Louse Congress on yuh Godie...

we know it was well attended.....

How Kwame and U mek out....

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The question is, why didn't Nigel tell Cathy to vote for the Amelia falls bill so he can fill his pocket. hhahaha

because she is not a lowlife collie

Bhai Warroior....If yuh had a Goodey....then you could'a understand this chap.

yuh see..... a donkey got more brain than this fella.


Historic local gov’t bill passed

The historic Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, one of a suite of four, meant to pave the way for local government elections was this evening passed by the National Assembly and the others are scheduled for debate today.

Long-awaited debate on these bills, which have been talked about for a decade, began after the PPP/C agreed to change the intended order of debate. The PPP/C had wanted debate first on two Amaila hydropower project matters but the joint opposition held firm and argued that the elections bills should be debated first.

The Fiscal Transfers bill is aimed at making local authorities financially autonomous.  Clause Four of the bill sets out the conditions under which fiscal transfers will be made from central government to the authorities.

Local government elections have not been held since 1994.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nigel look like another Burnham in the making. His policy is to dry shit and plant onion.  

I have never heard that banna being critical of the PNC, not past, not present.

Mr Baseman....what about your Buddies the Black House of Isreal Former PNC Bandits, Killer, Thugs and Rapist....

 Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, La Mumba, Kwame McCoy, Hamilton, Philip Bynoe.....

Please explain your love and admiration for these New Ramotar & Jagdeo associates.


Tell us if Kit Nascimento and associates meet your yardstick of measuring  good being critical of the PNC,  past, or  present.



National Assembly passes local gov't bills unanimously

  • Wednesday, 07 August 2013 21:42

National Assembly passes local gov't bills unanimously


The National Assembly Wednesday evening unanimously passed the four local government bills ending a 12-year reformation process.  The four bills were seen as essential to the holding of local government elections last held in 1994 but officials from GECOM have said that they would need at least six months from the assent of the legislation to prepare for the polls. The bills were sent to a Special Select Committee in January ago after talks at a bipartisan taskforce broke down. However, Committee Chairman Basil Williams said that they had alerted GECOM already to the likely passage of the legislation and it should have been preparing for the elections. A GECOM official had told DemWaves that a significant amount of public education on the new system would have to be done. The Fiscal Transfers Bill addresses the equitable provision of resources to the various local government organs and provides for them to generate their own revenue. The Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill updates the fines, fees and other charges within the municipalities. However, Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud called for the scrapping of five amendments in the Local Government (Amendment) Bill which removed certain powers from the minister and will vest them in an autonomous Local Government Commission. But his plea was rejected by the opposition MPs who dubbed it a return to colonial thinking. Junior local government minister Norman Whittaker said the bill had been “hijacked” in the Committee by the opposition. According to him, the parties had gone beyond opposing and were now “obstructing” progress.
The debates on the Local Government (Amendment) and the Local Government Commission Bills both saw the government proposing amendments with two being unanimously adopted for the first while the AFC supported the government’s amendment on the latter.
The AFC’s move represented a backtracking from their Select Committee support for changing the composition of the Local Government Commission.

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