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The Nigel Hughes saga: The plot thickens!–in dramatic turn of events


IN HIS latest attempt to survive the swirling controversy engulfing himself and party, Attorney-at-law/politician, Nigel Hughes has made a number of damaging statements which further expose him personally and professionally.Old Kai is hoping that the Judiciary is taking keen note of his latest admission which contradicts an earlier explanation given, that he (Hughes) could not remember being previously acquainted with the Jury Foreman prior to the commencement of the Lusignan massacre trial.
We are told that “before the jury was selected and empanelled (for the commencement of the Lusignan massacre trial), the learned judge specifically called out the names of all the attorneys involved in the case, and told the entire panel that if they know or were associated with any of the attorneys, they ought to indicate and would be excused.” We are also informed that at this point, both the jury foreman and Nigel Hughes remained silent.
It was only after the relationship between the two was highlighted, and when questioned by the judge, that the jury foreman admitted he knew Hughes, and his reason for not disclosing this before the case commenced was that he did not see it as a problem.
Mr. Hughes, on the other hand, as reported in the media in October 2013, claimed that “it was impossible for him to remember all of his clients…”
However, in a most dramatic turn of events, Hughes, based on the contents of a recent statement, has apparently regained his memory with regard to the particular jury foreman.
Even more damaging is that he has now admitted being familiar with the jury foreman prior to the start of the Lusignan trial, as he is quoted as saying: “At the time of the Lusignan trial, any relationship which existed between the foreman and myself could best be described as hostile. There was nothing to disclose.”
This clearly contradicts his earlier statement to the media that “it was impossible for him to remember all of his clients (with reference to the Jury Foreman), as he has now admitted to having a ‘hostile relationship with the said Jury Foreman prior to the commencement of the trial.”
Further, why would Hughes choose to stay silent if he really believed his client was innocent and his life hanged in the balance, pending an unbiased decision from the jury when, by his own admission, we are told that he shared a ‘hostile relationship’ with the Jury Foreman? Which lawyer, or anyone else for that matter, in their right mind would not want to disclose such a relationship over fear that this individual (the lead juror) who is ‘hostile’ to you, will seek to use his position to negatively influence his peers?
Keep in mind that this is the very Nigel Hughes who was quick to attack the integrity of the Commissioners of the Linden Inquiry during those sessions, even to the point of walking out in protest and recusing himself from the case, even though all the individuals were legal luminaries, with some coming from other countries.
But here it is, Nigel Hughes claimed he shared a ‘hostile relationship’ with an individual who was chosen to be a Jury Foreman in a case where his client’s life depended on their decision, and yet he chose to stay silent, when the Judge asked for them to disclose any relationship between the Jurors and lawyers.
The mere fact that Hughes now publicly admits knowledge of the jury foreman prior to the start of the case, and further, that they shared a relationship, albeit acrimonious, is enough to warrant an investigation.
The drama does not end there, as Hughes contends that he was also aware that the Jury Foreman was a member of the PPP, and as “part of his party duties in 2012, participated in a public picketing exercise against him (Hughes) at the Supreme Court during the hearing of the Linden Commission of Inquiry.” We are told that Hughes even presented a photograph of the foreman on the picket line with members of the PPP.
What this allegation does is that it further sinks Nigel Hughes, as, with all that collection of information about this individual, yet he chose to remain silent. His familiarity with the foreman goes even further, as he also claims the man was represented by the current attorney-general two years prior to the Lusignan Massacre trial, when he (Hughes) appeared against the said individual in the case.
What all of this information does is that it brings us right back to the silence of Mr. Hughes when it was time to disclose any relationship between the jurors and lawyers of the Lusignan Massacre case, and, more importantly, his statement to the media immediately after his relationship with the Jury Foreman was exposed, that “it was impossible for him (Hughes) to remember all of his clients…”
Our nation is now eagerly watching and waiting to see how our Judiciary, the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Bar Association, all independent in their own right, will treat this public admission by Nigel Hughes.
Old Kai will continue with another damaging exposure in tomorrow’s edition of the Chronicle.

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February 17, 2014

Dear friend,

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has issued several public statements
relating the issue of my relationship with the Foreman of the jury in the
Luisignan murder trial.

In these releases they have made particular appeal to the victims of the
Lusignan massacre contending that I have been responsible for the release and discharge of those persons who were responsible for the mass murders.

I had previously restrained myself from making any public statement on the
issue as the Director of Public Prosecutions has appealed the acquittals and
has made the issue of my prior representation of the foreman a central issue in the matter. 

In normal circumstances and in countries which pay some regard to the issue of no public comment on matters which are sub judice, comment by those who hold offices of significant legal responsibility and the publication of their comments on matters which are sub judice, are avoided and frowned on. 

However in Guyana that appears not to be the case.

I will merely make reference to matters  which are already in the public
domain which seem to have been overlooked although I have raised them before.

The people of Luisignan and Guyana appear not to have been made aware that the person who admitted and confessed to being with Fineman and participating in the Luisignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, Mr Dwane Wiliams, was not and will not be prosecuted by the State for any of these 33 murders he participated in. He has been granted a free pass by the State for killing not only the people of Lusiganan but those in Bartica and Lindo Creek.

These are his chilling words made under oath during his testimony in the
Lusignan trial.


These words were recorded by the Trial Judge Mr. Justice Navindra Singh and are contained in the appeal record, a public document at pages 256 to 257. Copies of this extract from his testimony are attached.

He was the State’s sole eye witness who was jointly charged for the Lusiganan murders. 

A mere week before the commencement of the Luisignan Trial Mr. Williams had the charges of murder against him mysteriously dropped by the State and he was released.

Perhaps the people of Lusignan may wish to inquire of the Attorney General and the DPP, why the State, which is responsible for protecting and serving them, would let a self confessed murderer of 33 citizens go free without a single charge. No other person in the history of this country has enjoyed such a pardon.

The foreman of the jury who I represented in a civil action which was concluded in 2008, was a member of the People’s Progressive Party and was represented by the current Attorney General in 2011 in an action in which I appeared against him (the Foreman).

The same foreman, as part of his party duties in 2012 participated in a public picketing exercise against me at the Supreme Court during the hearings of the Linden Commission of Inquiry. He was there along with senior members of the PPP. A copy of the photograph of the foreman on the PPP picket line is attached for your benefit.

At the time of the Luisignan Trial any relationship which existed between the
foreman and myself could best be described as hostile. There was nothing to

Is the PPP saying that I should have disclosed that the Foreman was a PPP
member, that he had been represented by the Attorney General two years
immediately prior to the trial when I appeared against him in the same case?

Is this the non disclosure they are speaking about?

The hearing of the appeal by the DPP in the Lusignan Trial was fixed for
hearing last week in the Court of Appeal but was postponed as a result of
unrelated issues facing the Court.

The editorial in Chronicle, Saturday 15 February 2014 page  makes several
libelous allegations against me. These will be dealt with by my legal advisors in due course. 

Among the allegations made, is the contention that I received a huge payment from the families of the victims of the Linden shooting in 2012 as legal or other fees.

From the outset I made it clear to the people of Linden that my
services were given to them pro bono without any conditions.

Not a single cent was asked for or received from any victim by me or my firm.

I personally expended in excess of USD25,000.00 financing the professional
services, travel and accommodation of the pathologist Professor Hubert Daisley from Trinidad and the ballistic expert Dr. Mark Robinson from the UK. 

The cost of travel for the family members of the deceased to travel to
Georgetown along with their overnight accommodation in Georgetown when they attended the post mortem examination were also donated by me.

This information is released purely for record keeping purposes in response to the claims in the editorial.


Yours faithfully,




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