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GECOM Secretariat sees March as earliest time for polls

Bibi Shadick
Bibi Shadick

The Secretariat of the Guyana Elections Com-mission (GECOM) yesterday presented to the commissioners a draft schedule of timelines which sets the earliest date for General and Regional Elections as March 2020.

According to opposition-nominated commissioner Bibi Shadick, the proposals presented by Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield will see elections held β€œone year and two days after the time provided for in the Constitution.”

Based on the passage of the December 21st, 2018 no-confidence motion against the APNU+AFC government, elections were due on March 21st, 2019 but several legal challenges have so far delayed the holding of these elections.

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The No Confidence Vote was instrumental in teaching the young generation who were going down the misguided path of thinking the PNC has become trustworthy and decent that it was all a mirage. The PNC is no better now than they were during their first 28 years mostly illegal rule. These animals behave like civilization has completely evaded them.


Who believes that the ABC countries were instrumental in putting the coalition government in power? If you do, it shows that democracy is a waste of time in third world countries. They decide who is fit or unfit to rule. Let me add that the CIA role to put Burnham in power is declassified. Do we have to wait another 20 years to know the truth about Granger?

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

The No Confidence Vote was instrumental in teaching the young generation who were going down the misguided path of thinking the PNC has become trustworthy and decent that it was all a mirage. The PNC is no better now than they were during their first 28 years mostly illegal rule. These animals behave like civilization has completely evaded them.

Thank you Sir for preaching REALITY!!!!!


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