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no army officer in the burham government was inocent,concerning evidence they  donot have the backbone to act on any if they have man the ppp should have bring  charges againts is GREEN.this man was a monster under burham he beat indians and black alike.i personally ask jagan what he will do with green,he told me let bygone be bygone.the next thing i know the jagans invite green to freedom house and put mala on his neck. this is the indian ppp government no balls,a bunch of thiefing cowards 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mr.T and Warrior, Please tell us more of your manufactured Nancy Stories.  I love to hear them because they sound soooo true that I just have to believe them.


Tell us that the PPP was behind the "Kick-down Door Banditry" of the seventies and eighties.


My father and the PPP people in the village always said the Washington HOI people were behind the kick down the door. Where are some of the known HOI folks today? Hint: look at Freedom House. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mr.T and Warrior, Please tell us more of your manufactured Nancy Stories.  I love to hear them because they sound soooo true that I just have to believe them.


Tell us that the PPP was behind the "Kick-down Door Banditry" of the seventies and eighties.


Oh and while we're at it...Hoyte jailed Washington and Taps. PPP let them out because Washington was supposed to be a communist. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mr.T and Warrior, Please tell us more of your manufactured Nancy Stories.  I love to hear them because they sound soooo true that I just have to believe them.


Tell us that the PPP was behind the "Kick-down Door Banditry" of the seventies and eighties.


Oh and while we're at it...Hoyte jailed Washington and Taps. PPP let them out because Washington was supposed to be a communist. 

Washington advocated Black Judaism in Guyana. The Nancy stories are interesting but this one lack taste.

Hoyte made some cosmetic changes and dumb guys like you jumped to the skies.

Billy Ram Balgobin

what is the difference between the kick down the door bandits and what is happening today.ops the only difference is we living in the information age,but the guyana government cannot get the right information who is killing all them indians business people in guyana.crime is at its hightest in guyana  history

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mr.T and Warrior, Please tell us more of your manufactured Nancy Stories.  I love to hear them because they sound soooo true that I just have to believe them.


Tell us that the PPP was behind the "Kick-down Door Banditry" of the seventies and eighties.


Oh and while we're at it...Hoyte jailed Washington and Taps. PPP let them out because Washington was supposed to be a communist. 

Washington advocated Black Judaism in Guyana. The Nancy stories are interesting but this one lack taste.

Hoyte made some cosmetic changes and dumb guys like you jumped to the skies.

He hanged many of them and crime did fall significantly in his rule. Make sure give Bynoe and others a big hug. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mr.T and Warrior, Please tell us more of your manufactured Nancy Stories.  I love to hear them because they sound soooo true that I just have to believe them.


Tell us that the PPP was behind the "Kick-down Door Banditry" of the seventies and eighties.


Oh and while we're at it...Hoyte jailed Washington and Taps. PPP let them out because Washington was supposed to be a communist. 

Washington advocated Black Judaism in Guyana. The Nancy stories are interesting but this one lack taste.

Hoyte made some cosmetic changes and dumb guys like you jumped to the skies.

He hanged many of them and crime did fall significantly in his rule. Make sure give Bynoe and others a big hug. 

TK, you are speaking like one of those misguided Indos who are living in Denial. You forgot the days when you ROAR boys were accusing Jagdeo of denying that Indians are being butchered by Afros?  When the Buxton crisis broke out Jagdeo said that the Party is not affected. Your boss, Dev, replied,"the party and its supporters must be separated and apart if they are not affected"


Box you brains coolie bhai, box you brains. Your memory will come back.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mr.T and Warrior, Please tell us more of your manufactured Nancy Stories.  I love to hear them because they sound soooo true that I just have to believe them.


Tell us that the PPP was behind the "Kick-down Door Banditry" of the seventies and eighties.


Oh and while we're at it...Hoyte jailed Washington and Taps. PPP let them out because Washington was supposed to be a communist. 

Washington advocated Black Judaism in Guyana. The Nancy stories are interesting but this one lack taste.

Hoyte made some cosmetic changes and dumb guys like you jumped to the skies.

He hanged many of them and crime did fall significantly in his rule. Make sure give Bynoe and others a big hug. 

TK, you are speaking like one of those misguided Indos who are living in Denial. You forgot the days when you ROAR boys were accusing Jagdeo of denying that Indians are being butchered by Afros?  When the Buxton crisis broke out Jagdeo said that the Party is not affected. Your boss, Dev, replied,"the party and its supporters must be separated and apart if they are not affected"


Box you brains coolie bhai, box you brains. Your memory will come back.



The PPP did nothing. That is why today a scamp man is proposing police reform. 


So our Mudheads have yet to explain why they come on safe internet forums and the bottom houses of Berbice to hee nand haw and bray about "Black" PNC criminals but yet don't issue a single arrest warrant?


is it that you mudheads lack balls or is it that you like to have the Black bogeyman to frighten poor uneducated Indian peasants because its a proven vote winner?




We know you are an ambitious young academic who long for a better Guyana. I do believe that you would like to be in a position where you can utilitize your talent to make our economy a better one. I have no problem with that. I think your bitterness came from being with a party that was blasted heavily and at times unfairly by the PPP. However, I don't see justification for you to join witht the enemy just to get back at those in the PPP who treated you as an adversary while you were part and parcel of the Ravi Dev's ROAR.  You have to learn that when you enter the arena of politics you have to demonstrate a great deal of intolerance from enemies, so-called enemies, and even friends. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Some of you forgot that Jagdeo order the army to curfew Buxton under operation "plastic paris" stop the kidnapping, murder, and banditry that emanated from the "Gulf".  You have stubbornly refused to acknowledge that the  military refused to carry out their duties and stop the criminality in Buxton. You have forgotten that a family home was burned and one member killed by the Freedom Fighters in the presence of the army. You forgot that as a last resort the Jagdeo admin. had to do what they had to do stop the bood shed.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



We know you are an ambitious young academic who long for a better Guyana. I do believe that you would like to be in a position where you can utilitize your talent to make our economy a better one. I have no problem with that. I think your bitterness came from being with a party that was blasted heavily and at times unfairly by the PPP. However, I don't see justification for you to join witht the enemy just to get back at those in the PPP who treated you as an adversary while you were part and parcel of the Ravi Dev's ROAR.  You have to learn that when you enter the arena of politics you have to demonstrate a great deal of intolerance from enemies, so-called enemies, and even friends. 

Joker......this is wha yuh call wan Poom Poom Goat.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some of you forgot that Jagdeo order the army to curfew Buxton under operation "plastic paris" stop the kidnapping, murder, and banditry that emanated from the "Gulf".  You have stubbornly refused to acknowledge that the  military refused to carry out their duties and stop the criminality in Buxton. You have forgotten that a family home was burned and one member killed by the Freedom Fighters in the presence of the army. You forgot that as a last resort the Jagdeo admin. had to do what they had to do stop the bood shed.


No one forgot those things. Had it not been for Freddie Kissoon we would never have a documentation of it today. Remember how the PPP gave Freddie the go ahead to write the columns in Chronicle? How come someone from within PPP could not do that? 

Originally Posted by warrior:

asking the ARMY to shoot down people is not how you stop crime,what about the police force did he fire any one.putting a drug lord to stop crime,is only creating crime.the ppp government was weak then and is weak i say a bunch of cowards

They put to head the police force someone who "benefited materially from the drugs trade" according to the Americans. Today we have scamp Minister now telling us about police reform. Police reform can NEVER happen under Rohee. The name Rohee is anathema to police reform and effective force. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some of you forgot that Jagdeo order the army to curfew Buxton under operation "plastic paris" stop the kidnapping, murder, and banditry that emanated from the "Gulf".  You have stubbornly refused to acknowledge that the  military refused to carry out their duties and stop the criminality in Buxton. You have forgotten that a family home was burned and one member killed by the Freedom Fighters in the presence of the army. You forgot that as a last resort the Jagdeo admin. had to do what they had to do stop the bood shed.


No one forgot those things. Had it not been for Freddie Kissoon we would never have a documentation of it today. Remember how the PPP gave Freddie the go ahead to write the columns in Chronicle? How come someone from within PPP could not do that? 

Most of you Indos have a short fuse. You can never resolve simply issues. It has to blow-up. Your enemies just have to sit back and watch you disembowel each other. Granger and APNU don't need to fight anymore to strenghten their position in parliament and even re-capturing power. The AFC will do it all for them.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some of you forgot that Jagdeo order the army to curfew Buxton under operation "plastic paris" stop the kidnapping, murder, and banditry that emanated from the "Gulf".  You have stubbornly refused to acknowledge that the  military refused to carry out their duties and stop the criminality in Buxton. You have forgotten that a family home was burned and one member killed by the Freedom Fighters in the presence of the army. You forgot that as a last resort the Jagdeo admin. had to do what they had to do stop the bood shed.


No one forgot those things. Had it not been for Freddie Kissoon we would never have a documentation of it today. Remember how the PPP gave Freddie the go ahead to write the columns in Chronicle? How come someone from within PPP could not do that? 

Most of you Indos have a short fuse. You can never resolve simply issues. It has to blow-up. Your enemies just have to sit back and watch you disembowel each other. Granger and APNU don't need to fight anymore to strenghten their position in parliament and even re-capturing power. The AFC will do it all for them.


Nice try and repackaging of the old racist "don't split the votes". 


Again, Warrior is lying. The army was placed in Buxton to stop criminal gangs from using the village as their base of operation. The army turned a blind eye to the criminal operation and the situation worsened. Trotman and Nigel Hughes were closely linked to the Buxton Criminal gangs. Two of Trotman's body guards were killed on the same day. We can never get him to explain what happened. Huges removed tapes from a murder scene at a Gas station in Buxton to protect leading gang members who are also members of the main opposition.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Again, Warrior is lying. The army was placed in Buxton to stop criminal gangs from using the village as their base of operation. The army turned a blind eye to the criminal operation and the situation worsened. Trotman and Nigel Hughes were closely linked to the Buxton Criminal gangs. Two of Trotman's body guards were killed on the same day. We can never get him to explain what happened. Huges removed tapes from a murder scene at a Gas station in Buxton to protect leading gang members who are also members of the main opposition.


Hmmm...and you mean all this time ya'll know that and you cant put them in jail. De story not mekkin sense. Nice try. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Tell us why the Guyana Defence Force refused to stop the criminal gangs from operatin in Buxton.




Assuming arguendo that's true then why didn't the PPP Government court martial them for dereliction of duty?


So either you're lying or after 20 years in office, you mudheads still haven't figured out how to control an army of 300 Soldiers. Which is it?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Tell us why the Guyana Defence Force refused to stop the criminal gangs from operatin in Buxton.




Assuming arguendo that's true then why didn't the PPP Government court martial them for dereliction of duty?


So either you're lying or after 20 years in office, you mudheads still haven't figured out how to control an army of 300 Soldiers. Which is it?

I want him to answer this question honestly so we can dispel the myth that the PPP was behind the crime wave that ravaged the nation.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Tell us why the Guyana Defence Force refused to stop the criminal gangs from operatin in Buxton.

The army was not the right institution to deal with civilians. This is why you have a police - but PPP placed a man that "benefited materially from the drugs trade" to run things there. Furthermore the army will not go there to shoot people who might be their cousins and close family...and rightfully so. You guys have done nothing to balance the army and actually the army is weaker under the PPP. They are not producing the engineers and technicians as they did in the past. One thing is certain - the army never tried to overthrow the PPP in 20 years in spite of all the demonization it received from PPP supporters. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Tell us why the Guyana Defence Force refused to stop the criminal gangs from operatin in Buxton.




Assuming arguendo that's true then why didn't the PPP Government court martial them for dereliction of duty?


So either you're lying or after 20 years in office, you mudheads still haven't figured out how to control an army of 300 Soldiers. Which is it?

I want him to answer this question honestly so we can dispel the myth that the PPP was behind the crime wave that ravaged the nation.



The PPP was indeed part of the crime wave. They chose RK to fight the politically inspired FFs. He then was playing both sides and leveraging the state given powers to consolidate his drugs empire. Since he became an agent of the PPP we can say PPP was part of the crimes instead of part of the solution. And the PPP, via Khan, killed its own Minister and family. Thanks to the army they drove him out once he crossed that line to kill one their own. Guyana was heading down to becoming a should do some puju to those army guys that saved prevented Colombia. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Tell us why the Guyana Defence Force refused to stop the criminal gangs from operatin in Buxton.




Assuming arguendo that's true then why didn't the PPP Government court martial them for dereliction of duty?


So either you're lying or after 20 years in office, you mudheads still haven't figured out how to control an army of 300 Soldiers. Which is it?

I want him to answer this question honestly so we can dispel the myth that the PPP was behind the crime wave that ravaged the nation.




You know in civilized countries, the responsibility for the performance or lack therof of the Army rests with the Government in power in this case our effete PPP mudheads.


How is TK, a senior member of the Opposition, supposed to be able to answer that?


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