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Former Member

Successful re-elections since 1997 point to satisfaction of the electorate

By Staff Writer On May 8, 2015 @ 5:05 am In Letters

Dear Editor,

Now that it is clear that the APNU-AFC is nothing but the old PNC,

Now that it is revealed that the race is again PPP versus PNC,

The track records of both in Government become of great importance.

Guyana’s experience of the 28 years of the PNC in Government is a matter of public record, a recent past that is rejected by even them.

The Guyana experience of the 23 years of the PPP in Government is also a matter of public record, still being written and being implemented to Guyana’s eternal pride and satisfaction.

Successful re-elections in 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011 can only be explained by satisfaction of the electorate with their Government.

So for the PNC to succeed on May 11, they will have to convince the majority of Guyanese on May 11 that they have a new approach; one that is better than the incumbent PPP/C’s approach.

Leaving out their manifesto of promises an experienced electorate would ask for evidence of the new PNC approach and how it works.

Having renounced their past, they now can only promote the new approach, applied in the 10th Parliament and outlined in their 2015 Manifesto.

Sadly, the new PNC, APNU, is still promoting the old PNC’s ways.

Our old people said it best.

“You can’t teach old dogs new tricks”.

Like the old PNC, APNU is riddled with old PNC leaders and consequently old PNC ways.

The APNU-AFC is a collection of age old historic figures who are unapologetically renouncing their past and promising new things.

The disconnect between their new promises and their implementation is unbelievably bad and distressing to all Guyanese including their supporters.

Elected in the 10th Parliament (2011-2015) to represent APNU interests, APNU has confirmed it is PNC, proudly embracing old PNC ways, unashamedly power grabbing and oblivious to public opinion.

Their new ways include the old ways of intimidation, bullyism, brinkmanship, lies, misinformation, double standards and downright deception.

Their behaviour in the 10th Parliament was nothing short of an unpatriotic force dedicated to prevent PPP/C plans to develop Guyana.  Consumed/obsessed with grabbing Executive power to humble the PPP/C Administration was their obvious and persistent motive.

Their failure in the 10th Parliament joins their 28 years of failure during the first five (5) Parliaments of Guyana.

It is as the old people say:

“You can’t teach old dogs new tricks”.


Yours faithfully, 
Roger F. Luncheon

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