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Originally posted by jags:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Everybody cannot be the Leader. This is the Problem with the AFC as was with Burnham and Cheddi.
There are people outside of the PPP who wants to dictate what the PPP should do or shouldn't do. I say to them take a hike.

No one should dictate to the PPP what they should and should not do and I dont think that was possible for the past 19 years so why would that all of a sudden be an issue.

The PPP has become a run away train.

It is an issue because some people in the AFC wants to tell the PPP who should be their Leader.

The one personality that will not accept to retire is Nagamootoo.

What will he do? Going back into the PPP for the election is not an option.

It will make Nagamootoo the most discredited politician in the world.

Columnists, Freddie Kissoon
Band on the run
September 30, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Features /

Day dreaming and wayward conclusions.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by jags:
Moses and the rest of these so called Jaganites simply do not have what it takes to be leaders they are good followers.

And given a chance by President Jagdeo or Candidate Ramoutar they will not hesitate to come and have some of the soup.

Can you become a hindu? If not, then don't ask moses to do something you are not prepared to do...

Moses has declared that he is a PPPite forever, just like me. We stick with bad times as well as the good.

where will he go ? the political waste basket is full and running we have a few more joining those already there after this election..Roopnarine and his gang is getting pissed...he said it's gonna get crowded in here after the elcetions...he told Kwyanna to dress dung and make some place fu Ramjattan and his gang...knowing Kwyana...he protesting..he sey we bin here so long and it's not fair for these KFC crooks to come and squeeze we up.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by jags:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Everybody cannot be the Leader. This is the Problem with the AFC as was with Burnham and Cheddi.
There are people outside of the PPP who wants to dictate what the PPP should do or shouldn't do. I say to them take a hike.

No one should dictate to the PPP what they should and should not do and I dont think that was possible for the past 19 years so why would that all of a sudden be an issue.

The PPP has become a run away train.

It is an issue because some people in the AFC wants to tell the PPP who should be their Leader.

Really? where did you read this from an AFC press release?
Originally posted by jags:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by jags:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Everybody cannot be the Leader. This is the Problem with the AFC as was with Burnham and Cheddi.
There are people outside of the PPP who wants to dictate what the PPP should do or shouldn't do. I say to them take a hike.

No one should dictate to the PPP what they should and should not do and I dont think that was possible for the past 19 years so why would that all of a sudden be an issue.

The PPP has become a run away train.

It is an issue because some people in the AFC wants to tell the PPP who should be their Leader.

Really? where did you read this from an AFC press release?

It doesn't matter. What matters is the AFC cannot tell the PPP who they want to run against.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by jags:
hehehee it doesn't matter so what you are saying no is that you lied right?

You lied.

I have spoken. No one is going to tell the PPP who should be Ramoutar's running mate.

It is the guy who led him thru the duck pen, while he hold on to the shirt-tail.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by jags:
Moses and the rest of these so called Jaganites simply do not have what it takes to be leaders they are good followers.

And given a chance by President Jagdeo or Candidate Ramoutar they will not hesitate to come and have some of the soup.

Can you become a hindu? If not, then don't ask moses to do something you are not prepared to do...

Moses has declared that he is a PPPite forever, just like me. We stick with bad times as well as the good.

Same thing I have been saying all along and now we have heard it direct from Freedom House.
ALL the asses who were backing Moses are similarly of the same kith and kin old comunists fools!

They were never good for Guyana and will never be!!!

vOTE ppp OUT!!

Vote for betterment Vote AFC!!!
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
My hunch is Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Ramkarran will never have a chance again to have influence within the PPP.They are hoping against hope. The PPP will be converted to a Ramotar=Jagdeo fiefdom. The PPP is the mechanism through which Ramotar will reward his children and friends at the expense of many Guyanese. They do not seem to understand of Stalinist communists like Ramotar and Jagdeo operate.

What is it that you do not understand?????

Nagammotoo and Ramkaran are cut from the same cloth as Donald Ramoutar!!! If not, why are they not joinng with other opposition forces? I will tell you why.
1. They are still loyal to the communist PPP.
3. They do not have the Guyanese people interest in their heart just their own personal agenda.

Chief a few reasons why they are not joining with the AFC is because they know we would blackmail them. These guys also have skeletons in their closets like we all do.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nagamootoo's powder is still dry....his finger is now on the trigger....the trigger will be pulled very soon !

he suffers from political arthritis so dont expect him to pull the trigger. He might be better off not joining any political parties but starting a national citizens political watchgroup. Problem in Guyana is there are no non partisan watch groups to hold political leaders and parties accountable hence , you have scavenger leaders and parties.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
If Nagamootoo had political clout, he would have formed his own party a long time ago. But he has no supporters other than a few on this board who try to present him as the second coming of Christ. What has he ever done to deserve such accolades? Nothing.

He has a following but it is limited to certain areas, he is not well known among the youths of Guyana that is true. But these guys as i said before are followers not leaders.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nagamootoo's powder is still dry....his finger is now on the trigger....the trigger will be pulled very soon !

he suffers from political arthritis so dont expect him to pull the trigger. He might be better off not joining any political parties but starting a national citizens political watchgroup. Problem in Guyana is there are no non partisan watch groups to hold political leaders and parties accountable hence , you have scavenger leaders and parties.

I was thinking about that. And thought about doing it after the upcoming elections. Hopefully, my retirement in Guyana will give me something useful to do.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nagamootoo's powder is still dry....his finger is now on the trigger....the trigger will be pulled very soon !

Lets hope his bang is loud enough to make changes with the Jagdeo/Ramo team.

Moses and other like him, have a large clout with the PPP voters. I hope they use it for the benefit of all Guyanese.
Originally posted by Wally:
Moses must remain a part of the leadership of the PPP party until he dies. I urge Donald to keep him, Narvin and Ralph.

You want Moses to remain part of the PPP leadership, when he was sidelined at the ONE-MAN CC SELECTION of Ramotar and Jagdeo will continue to pull Ramotar's strings.
Moses have some pride left.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Wally:
Moses must remain a part of the leadership of the PPP party until he dies. I urge Donald to keep him, Narvin and Ralph.

You want Moses to remain part of the PPP leadership, when he was sidelined at the ONE-MAN CC SELECTION of Ramotar and Jagdeo will continue to pull Ramotar's strings.
Moses have some pride left.

so what yu gat fu sey bout the thousands waa show up to hear waa de next President had fu sey...ley we juss sey it waz 2000 fu arguement sake...cause like yuu naa believe it was 20000..2000 looks like a number you can live tell me naa ...waa yu tink buddy Tola cheers
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
My hunch is Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Ramkarran will never have a chance again to have influence within the PPP.They are hoping against hope. The PPP will be converted to a Ramotar=Jagdeo fiefdom. The PPP is the mechanism through which Ramotar will reward his children and friends at the expense of many Guyanese. They do not seem to understand of Stalinist communists like Ramotar and Jagdeo operate.

And you do?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
My hunch is Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Ramkarran will never have a chance again to have influence within the PPP.They are hoping against hope. The PPP will be converted to a Ramotar=Jagdeo fiefdom. The PPP is the mechanism through which Ramotar will reward his children and friends at the expense of many Guyanese. They do not seem to understand of Stalinist communists like Ramotar and Jagdeo operate.

And you do?
and alots of guyanese who love they country
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Wally:
Moses must remain a part of the leadership of the PPP party until he dies. I urge Donald to keep him, Narvin and Ralph.

You want Moses to remain part of the PPP leadership, when he was sidelined at the ONE-MAN CC SELECTION of Ramotar and Jagdeo will continue to pull Ramotar's strings.
Moses have some pride left.

Do you think moses will listen to likes of you and freddiee kissoon and kiss Trotman's ass..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Wally:
Moses must remain a part of the leadership of the PPP party until he dies. I urge Donald to keep him, Narvin and Ralph.

You want Moses to remain part of the PPP leadership, when he was sidelined at the ONE-MAN CC SELECTION of Ramotar and Jagdeo will continue to pull Ramotar's strings.
Moses have some pride left.

Do you think moses will listen to likes of you and freddiee kissoon and kiss Trotman's ass..
moses is more man than jagdeo and ramotar put together and that will still be one man and a something looking like a man
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Wally:
Moses must remain a part of the leadership of the PPP party until he dies. I urge Donald to keep him, Narvin and Ralph.

You want Moses to remain part of the PPP leadership, when he was sidelined at the ONE-MAN CC SELECTION of Ramotar and Jagdeo will continue to pull Ramotar's strings.
Moses have some pride left.

Do you think moses will listen to likes of you and freddiee kissoon and kiss Trotman's ass..
moses is more man than jagdeo and ramotar put together and that will still be one man and a something looking like a man

he is a PPPite forever. he refused to join the criminals who formed the AFC.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Wally:
Moses must remain a part of the leadership of the PPP party until he dies. I urge Donald to keep him, Narvin and Ralph.

You want Moses to remain part of the PPP leadership, when he was sidelined at the ONE-MAN CC SELECTION of Ramotar and Jagdeo will continue to pull Ramotar's strings.
Moses have some pride left.

Do you think moses will listen to likes of you and freddiee kissoon and kiss Trotman's ass..
moses is more man than jagdeo and ramotar put together and that will still be one man and a something looking like a man

he is a PPPite forever. he refused to join the criminals who formed the AFC.

Criminals in the AFC !! when Jagdeo received tons of free building materials from ED who will be joining Jagdeo's buddy Raj in NY Hilton.

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