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Originally Posted by TK:

This is why Guyana is so dangerous. This is no longer Forbes, Cheddi and Hoytie ole time Guyana. The death squad prefers the incumbent, because the incumbent is fine with illegality. So the incumbent might not even have to place the order. These people have pretty much infiltrated every aspect of society.

indeed! we may even have a Thomas Becket situation on our hands


scary shit

Last edited by Former Member

When will the Opposition contribute to Crum-Ewing fund? April 8, 2015 By GuyanaTimes Dear Editor, On March 19, a fund-raiser was launched for the children of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing. As of April 6 (18 days later), this “education fund” totaled a measly $1.4 million. There were very few donations made, which begs the question: Were the Opposition leaders who incited supporters to protest the tragic murder of Crum-Ewing in front of the AG’s chambers doing so over real consideration for his wife and children? Or did they do so to energize a fractured political base? When will the Opposition make a meaningful contribution to the education fund setup to benefit the children of Crum-Ewing? Judging from the small list of contributors to the fund, I am convinced that this man’s tragic death was used by David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan for political gains. At the time, Granger was in real trouble with PNC-APNU supporters in Linden, and it appeared that he may be facing an election with his main political base divided over his leadership and the rigging of the election during the PNC-APNU convention. The AFC was also in serious trouble (and still is) for joining forces with the PNC-APNU after lying to and betraying their supporters in Regions Five (Demerara-Mahaica) and Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). Moses Nagamootoo will find it almost impossible to deliver on his commitment to give Granger’s party 11 per cent of the Indian votes. And I firmly believe that when the evidence is finally known, the PPP/C will be vindicated of Crum-Ewing’s assassination, and I predict Nigel Hughes will rush to defend the criminals who killed him to prevent the Guyanese people from knowing the truth. If all of the phony protestors that gathered outside the AG’s office in the days that followed the murder had made a smaller contribution, I’m confident the total amount collected would have been significantly more. Why haven’t we seen contributions to this noble cause from the opposition ringleaders who were quick to label the murder a “political assassination”? Come on Granger, must I embarrass you and the other PNC-APNU-AFC members of Parliament to demonstrate real compassion for the children of the man who carried out your dirty work alone at considerable personal sacrifice? I expect to see the names of the Opposition members listed among the contributors. If this is done, I too will consider making a personal contribution. After all, one cannot hold innocent children responsible for the deeds of the father. Crum-Ewing was no altar boy as the Opposition wants you to believe. The truth is, from his own entries on his Facebook page, the man was an angry racist, and I challenge Dr Asquith Rose to prove me wrong. In a recent letter on March 27, the shameless Opposition moneyman and letter writer Rose wrote that our President should be “ashamed” for almost labelling “Crum-Ewing a criminal, and even suggested that the Opposition might have a hand in his death.” He called for a “national outrage and a stampede amoung Guyanese” to condemn the President’s statement. But provocateurs, the likes of Rose, have the freedom to distort what was said by our President and try to incite violence in Guyana while living in comfort and safety in the United States without facing a libel suit in the local courts. What in fact President Ramotar said was that Crum-Ewing “was no threat” to the PPP/Câ€Ķ he was no threat to the Governmentâ€Ķ he was a nuisance value more than anything else. He was spreading a lot of racist talk on his Facebook, and all kind of things of that nature he was doing. They put the Guyana flag on Linden “Blackie” London coffin and now they put the flag on this man Crum-Ewing who they claimed, I don’t know the motive, but they claimed that he was assassinatedâ€Ķ political assassination.” Our President has nothing to be ashamed of, it is the Opposition that Rose supports that celebrates and defends criminals, drug dealers and money launderers. “Blackie” was in fact a criminal and a notorious fugitive who was killed by members of the Joint Services on February 8, 2000 after a fierce gun battle ensued for almost 11 hours at Eccles. At his funeral, the PNC-APNU desecrated the Guyana Flag by draping it across this criminal’s coffin. The PNC-APNU-AFC is also guilty of desecrating our national flag by draping it across Crum-Ewing’s coffin, but no one ever insinuated that this man was a criminal. He may have been a bit unstable, but there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. What I’m sure President Ramotar was referring to, was the improper usage of our national flag as defined by protocolâ€Ķ I hope lawmakers take note of this, and strengthen laws to protect the desecration of the Guyana Flag. Crum-Ewing did not die as a solider fighting for his country, and so it was absolutely outrageous for the Opposition Leader, a former head of our Army, to disrespect our national pride. Shame on you Granger! Harry Gill


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