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December 8, 2014, By Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News


Next year’s election will not be about the record of the PPPC government. The next general election is going to be about the effectiveness of the opposition parties.

The government will have to answer a number of charges including rogue behavior and undemocratic conduct, but the government will be able to turn these elections into a judgment of the manner in which the opposition parties used their one seat majority.

There were high expectations that the combined opposition would use the one seat majority to bring about improved governance. Instead they used it to make the life of the government miserable.

The PPP was hardly able to govern the country following the 2011 elections. They were constantly under siege from the actions of the combined opposition in the National Assembly.  First, there were the threats to government workers which caused hundreds of public sector workers to take to the picket lines outside of the National Assembly to protest planned cuts that would have cost some of them their jobs. When the Budget cuts did come, a number of agencies were affected, including the Ethnic Relations Commission. Major developmental projects were also slashed.

In following years, sugar workers were forced to picket parliament over a threat to not approve a subvention to the sugar corporation. The combined opposition tenure as a parliamentary opposition therefore brought them in direct conflict with major sections of the working class. On the election trail, the combined opposition will have to justify why they threatened the jobs of public sector workers and sugar workers.

In the case of the Guyana Sugar Corporation, the argument that there was a need to ensure that GUYSUCO put the subvention to good use will not find much traction.

The National Assembly is NOT doing the sugar workers and GUYSUCO a favour by offering a subvention to the sugar corporation.  The monies that are being given at present to the sugar corporation cannot compensate for the funds that were taken away from the sugar industry through the sugar levy.

In terms of net present value, the combined value of the levy far exceeds the combined subventions that are now being offered. It is the people of Guyana who owe the sugar workers.

The combined opposition will also have to defend their record on press freedom. They will have to explain why they denied the government the right to propagate its own views by slashing the subvention to GINA.

It is one thing to cut the subvention to NCN but it is clear violation of press freedom and the right of the government to publicize its positions and for the people to be accorded the right to receive such information. The cuts of GINA were unacceptable and were a flagrant violation of freedom of expression. The combined opposition will on the campaign trail have to explain why it is they opted to go this route.

Finally, the combined opposition while making a big fuss about defending the independence of the judiciary will have to explain why they took the position that he judiciary cannot make an order against the National Assembly.

They will have to explain their stance in relation to ruling by the Court in relation to certain actions, the constitutionality of which were challenged in the Courts. Democracy is on trial and it is not the government alone that is facing charges of being in violation of democracy. The actions of the combined opposition in relation to the separation of powers require an explanation on the campaign trail.

The government is going to use the forthcoming elections to highlight the role of the opposition parties in frustrating development. And the combined opposition will have to explain their threats against the working class, their positions on rulings of the Court on issues dealt with by parliament, and the violation of freedom of expression by denying a subvention to GINA because it was not carrying the opposition’s views.


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....of-explaining-to-do/

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The government is going to use the forthcoming elections to highlight the role of the opposition parties in frustrating development. And the combined opposition will have to explain their threats against the working class, their positions on rulings of the Court on issues dealt with by parliament, and the violation of freedom of expression by denying a subvention to GINA because it was not carrying the opposition’s views.



THE OPPOSITION HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO, December 8, 2014, By Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition has blocked Development from Day ONE and that is going to be a real problem for them. On the other hand, the Govt will have to address the "RUMORS" of corruption and favoritism.

The PPP has had 20 years with a majority in parliament to do whatever it is they should have and needed to do.


The opposition did not force Jagdeo and the cabal to steal.


The Opposition did not force Brassington to sell shares in Hand in hand to himself.


The opposition did not force Jagdeo and the PPP to steal over 50 billion from the people of Guyana.


The opposition did not force the Skeldon goadie on to the backs of poor sugar workers the PPP did.


Start facing reality the sooner the better.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are ample information on the Government's positive interactions on private development ventures.

Where is it? provide evidence of such making vacuous bullshit statements serves no purpose other than your own which is to peddle hot air and propaganda daily.


As usual you have nothing of substance to say.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are ample information on the Government's positive interactions on private development ventures.

Where is it? provide evidence of such making vacuous bullshit statements serves no purpose other than your own which is to peddle hot air and propaganda daily.


As usual you have nothing of substance to say.

Again, do your personal research to obtain the needed information.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

DG is high on the coke some of his family is transporting through Linden.

Yuh think DG can tell us

if the PPP got Answer fuh any Question from the Guyanese.

Dr Arif Bulkhan....


In the six weeks since the mask slipped,

providing an insight into Attorney General

Anil Nandlall in his unguarded moments,


our battered nation has been subjected

to the arrogant response of both the AG himself

and the ruling party in respect of the disclosures,


followed closely by the prorogation of Parliament,


and then yet another debilitating flood in Georgetown

and along the coast after only a few hours of rain.


Most recently,

we have had to come to terms

with the fact that a pilot –

who has been allowed to operate his own hangar

in this notoriously bureaucratic country and


who clearly has the blessing of the government,

having flown even the President on several overseas trips –


was arrested on his way to Guyana

with over half a million in undeclared US dollars

hidden in his plane.


As random as these events may seem,

they are integrally connected and occur –

or are allowed to occur – precisely because of

the nature and quality of the PPP’s leadership.


Not a single one

of these incidents is anomalous or surprising –

unless, of course, like battered spouses

we think that deep down

somewhere our abusers love us

and will change.


MR T, .......

according to Dr Arif Bulkham..

DG is an Abused Spouce...


First he was abused

by Odo & PNC


and Now he is Abused

by Kwame & PPP

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are ample information on the Government's positive interactions on private development ventures.

Where is it? provide evidence of such making vacuous bullshit statements serves no purpose other than your own which is to peddle hot air and propaganda daily.


As usual you have nothing of substance to say.

Again, do your personal research to obtain the needed information.

What personal research, the onus is on you to provide your sources when you make your bullshit claims, are you getting senile or u just dunce?


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition has blocked Development from Day ONE and that is going to be a real problem for them. On the other hand, the Govt will have to address the "RUMORS" of corruption and favoritism.

rumors what for the pass 16 yrs your head was up your ass


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are ample information on the Government's positive interactions on private development ventures.

Where is it? provide evidence of such making vacuous bullshit statements serves no purpose other than your own which is to peddle hot air and propaganda daily.


As usual you have nothing of substance to say.

Again, do your personal research to obtain the needed information.

cannot get no information,it all a sercet

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are ample information on the Government's positive interactions on private development ventures.

Where is it? provide evidence of such making vacuous bullshit statements serves no purpose other than your own which is to peddle hot air and propaganda daily.


As usual you have nothing of substance to say.

Again, do your personal research to obtain the needed information.

What personal research, the onus is on you to provide your sources when you make your bullshit claims, are you getting senile or u just dunce?


Yet again, do your research on issues.


You seem to be quite comfortable sitting on the chair.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are ample information on the Government's positive interactions on private development ventures.

Where is it? provide evidence of such making vacuous bullshit statements serves no purpose other than your own which is to peddle hot air and propaganda daily.


As usual you have nothing of substance to say.

Again, do your personal research to obtain the needed information.

What personal research, the onus is on you to provide your sources when you make your bullshit claims, are you getting senile or u just dunce?


Yet again, do your research on issues.


You seem to be quite comfortable sitting on the chair.

Give it a rest, we know you are just talking through your bt. Gwan dat side.


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