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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Granger is failing to engage East Indians and this fall out with Sharma has cost him the elections.

what you talking about granger did not fall out with sharma,the man resign because he do not want to drag his family name in the gutter,you think lots of indians is not disapponted by this women remarks

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Granger is failing to engage East Indians and this fall out with Sharma has cost him the elections.

what you talking about granger did not fall out with sharma,the man resign because he do not want to drag his family name in the gutter,you think lots of indians is not disapponted by this women remarks

Like you are not aware of the latest?


The Sharma party has formally withdrawn from APNU claiming it failed to represent their MP.


The PPP is doing everything right except they continue to not serve the people and thus the people continue to walk away from them.


Only if the PPP was not so tiefing and just serve the people little bit, they will buss the APNU ass hands down.


Nehru talk to Ramutar nuh, let him clean up the place little bit.


Fiya Rawbert - just one big one got to be fired like what Kamla did in TnT and Ramu win all 51 percent.

Originally Posted by JB:

I agree with Mr Teekah. 

I concur. Teeks and I have been saying that the current iteration of the PPP is predisposed to thievery and thus if allowed you cannot blame them. Their mastery of this exercise has a lot to do with the quiescence of the opposition. In other words don't blame the thief, blame the Police who look the other way. Our beef should be "when are we going to get a credible opposition?" The PPP's dependence of their carte blanche to engage in thievery on the Indians' fear of the PNC is a worn crutch. Stop voting because of fear; and make me vote for someone other than the PPP. It's that simple.


The PNC or AFC should spell out how Guyanese are being robbed (they've done that) and back it up legislatively and in the judicial system (much room to improve). Then articulate how you will put controls in place and transparency. Show that your house is in order - internal democratic process for electing leaders and encouraging growth, rather tyhan Politbureau-style backroom dictatorship. Tell us how you will move Guyana from a primary-product economy to a value-added one with technology and an educated workforce. Make us vote for you and think that you have a built-in disadvantage of fear-voting. Show that you are likable. Granger's p[arty has to be more Indo-friendly. Shatter the myth that the APNU is a Burnham-PNC-in-waiting. AFC must show that they are not just the anti-PPP/PNC but that thay have their own identity. Dick Morris can't create that brand for you.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by JB:

I agree with Mr Teekah. 

I concur. Teeks and I have been saying that the current iteration of the PPP is predisposed to thievery and thus if allowed you cannot blame them. Their mastery of this exercise has a lot to do with the quiescence of the opposition. In other words don't blame the thief, blame the Police who look the other way. Our beef should be "when are we going to get a credible opposition?" The PPP's dependence of their carte blanche to engage in thievery on the Indians' fear of the PNC is a worn crutch. Stop voting because of fear; and make me vote for someone other than the PPP. It's that simple.


The PNC or AFC should spell out how Guyanese are being robbed (they've done that) and back it up legislatively and in the judicial system (much room to improve). Then articulate how you will put controls in place and transparency. Show that your house is in order - internal democratic process for electing leaders and encouraging growth, rather tyhan Politbureau-style backroom dictatorship. Tell us how you will move Guyana from a primary-product economy to a value-added one with technology and an educated workforce. Make us vote for you and think that you have a built-in disadvantage of fear-voting. Show that you are likable. Granger's p[arty has to be more Indo-friendly. Shatter the myth that the APNU is a Burnham-PNC-in-waiting. AFC must show that they are not just the anti-PPP/PNC but that thay have their own identity. Dick Morris can't create that brand for you.

Some in PNC are pay to derail the efforts of people like Mr Granger. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Granger is failing to engage East Indians and this fall out with Sharma has cost him the elections.

I do not see that Granger has many tools available to move east Indians. Lets be for real, anyone polling PPP or PNC supporters begin with the race race based universes. For both the PPP and the PNC, their vote count ceiling is their base and that is per the race breakdown. Guyanese electoral majorities depend on who can cajole mixed races and Amerinds toi vote for them. The PPP has the latter locked away since as the incumbent party they have the ability to offer them a straw.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The PPP is doing everything right except they continue to not serve the people and thus the people continue to walk away from them.


Only if the PPP was not so tiefing and just serve the people little bit, they will buss the APNU ass hands down.


Nehru talk to Ramutar nuh, let him clean up the place little bit.


Fiya Rawbert - just one big one got to be fired like what Kamla did in TnT and Ramu win all 51 percent.

You have a logical dilemma here. The best party should win and that is the one with the vision and promise of the best leadership. If the PPP can win going against this grain how can you say the do anything right?


I guess you mean they are good at goading, race baiting and other political dark arts tricks that paints the other side well and proper as the black boogieman!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by JB:

I agree with Mr Teekah. 

I concur. Teeks and I have been saying that the current iteration of the PPP is predisposed to thievery and thus if allowed you cannot blame them. Their mastery of this exercise has a lot to do with the quiescence of the opposition. In other words don't blame the thief, blame the Police who look the other way. Our beef should be "when are we going to get a credible opposition?" The PPP's dependence of their carte blanche to engage in thievery on the Indians' fear of the PNC is a worn crutch. Stop voting because of fear; and make me vote for someone other than the PPP. It's that simple.


The PNC or AFC should spell out how Guyanese are being robbed (they've done that) and back it up legislatively and in the judicial system (much room to improve). Then articulate how you will put controls in place and transparency. Show that your house is in order - internal democratic process for electing leaders and encouraging growth, rather tyhan Politbureau-style backroom dictatorship. Tell us how you will move Guyana from a primary-product economy to a value-added one with technology and an educated workforce. Make us vote for you and think that you have a built-in disadvantage of fear-voting. Show that you are likable. Granger's p[arty has to be more Indo-friendly. Shatter the myth that the APNU is a Burnham-PNC-in-waiting. AFC must show that they are not just the anti-PPP/PNC but that thay have their own identity. Dick Morris can't create that brand for you.

Do not place the moral dilemma here solely for lack of creative input from the opposition. Indeed they have been rather passe. However, we have a political dynamic that goes beyond rational operands that must be addressed. This goes beyond the responsibility for politicos. The burden lies squarely  on intellectuals. Politicos can be blamed for devious marketing strategies ( or not) but academics are supposed to be the truth tellers and philosophers. The lack of any sound authoritative figure here speaks volumes into how the crude racist politics of Guyana has penetrated the fabric of Guyanese.


StormB, don't make it complicated. In history "bad" actors became good at doing bad things because good people allowed them to. Exhibit A - Hitler. You can say, like Teeks say about the PPP, Hitler did everything right.


So place the burden of change, not on the bad actor - he IS expected to be bad - but on the enablers. That's the point Teeks is making and which I concur with.

Originally Posted by Kari:

StormB, don't make it complicated. In history "bad" actors became good at doing bad things because good people allowed them to. Exhibit A - Hitler. You can say, like Teeks say about the PPP, Hitler did everything right.


So place the burden of change, not on the bad actor - he IS expected to be bad - but on the enablers. That's the point Teeks is making and which I concur with.

It is a matter of Ariadne's golden chord. Theseus would never have found his way out of the labyrinth had she not given it to him. To make this real, a bee on finding honey, goes back to th e hive and teach the other workers a dance. On learning that dance the hive knows the way to the honey.


Note even Theseus, on abandoning good Ariadne on Naxos, developed a dance so others can remember the path out of the labyrinth. The myth is about the holders of knowledge, the teachers and philosophers, informing the rest of us who do not know the path out of the labyrinth.


It is about you and me and others who have ideas creating the dance or extending a golden chord in the form of our knowledge and truth about ways out of crisis. We are creators of the dance. Otherwise, endless generations get eaten by the Minotaur. Minotaurs eat people that is what they do. People get eaten because they do not know the dance. Teach them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
 Granger's p[arty has to be more Indo-friendly. Shatter the myth that the APNU is a Burnham-PNC-in-waiting. AFC must show that they are not just the anti-PPP/PNC but that thay have their own identity. Dick Morris can't create that brand for you.

How does APNU become more "Indo friendly" when most black people already feel that Guyana has become a de facto part of India?  Please remember that Hoyte was whipped in the 1994 local gov't elections because much of the PNC base considered him to be Desi Persaud, so they supported Green who had left the PNC.


Aside from that I do agree that APNU needs to be more pro active, rather than re-active and ought to be problem solvers, rather than merely gatekeepers.  Indeed I don't even hear from APNU about ideas to help its own core bases in Regions 4 and 10. 


I want to know where were all the bright ideas from an earlier era when people like Ming, Phillips and others at least attempted to think out of the box.  The PPP should have been whipped in their faces for attempting to use low cost energy in Linden as race card, rather than attempting to turn that town into an Economic Zone taking advantage of cheaper energy.  Linden has several advantages, which neither APNU nor the PPP are attempting to address.  Indeed its only the racism of the PPP towards blacks is what keeps APNU alive, because I see no evidence that they deserve the support that they get from their core base.

Last edited by Former Member

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