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The Opposition must liberate the people from the “Rags to Riches” Cabal


Dear Editor,
We predict that from today, both the APNU and the AFC will begin their Long March forward to victory in both the Local Government Elections and the General and Regional Elections while the PPP continues to march the country backwards.  Opinion polls, which in a few instances have got results spectacularly wrong, have predicted that APNU and the AFC will demolish the PPP whenever Local Government or General Elections are held. This is the primary reason why the Freedom House cabal has refused to set a date for Local Government Elections. They have sensed that the end is near for them.
Given the state of the country, all this means is that whoever comprises the executive of both parties must individually be prepared for the Long March—a term coined by China’s Chairman Mao Zedong as he demonstrated that such a journey must be strategically planned so that one’s “opponents will be unable to analyze, judge or intercept their actions.”
As we have written previously, there appears to be a sense of generalized fear and hopelessness, especially among the youths and the elderly about the future direction of the country. Many have experienced the high crime rate, double digit inflation, low wages and salaries and a 20% unemployment rate. A degree at UG seems to be a waste of time because there are not too many jobs available and the few jobs that exist are given to the children of the relatives and friends of the PPP cabal. The challenge as such is enormous, yet not unique. Throughout history, leaders have confronted various social configurations and challenges.
The difference here has been the rapidity and confluence of events within recent times. The leaders of APNU and the AFC must begin their journey to liberate the country from the yoke of the Stalinist dictators at Freedom House or what we termed the “rags to riches” cabal. One suggestion is that they should pay very careful attention to the anger and frustration that are growing among the youths in the streets of Georgetown and the villages and districts throughout the country. There is an urgent feeling among the youths to take matters into their own hands to help themselves and to save Guyana from the “kleptocrats.”
Also, many citizens believe that the country is marching eerily towards a state of total breakdown. This is definitely not a stretch but a fact. It is now happening at City Hall.
The immediate challenge for the leaders of the AFC and APNU, therefore, is to have a strategy for the transformation of the feelings of disenchantment, discontent, despair, marginalization and fear into feelings of safety, aliveness, wholeness and hope. Although we would like to distance ourselves from such bleak visions of our beloved Guyana, the dismal and depressing situation which the PPP regime has placed the country in makes it very difficult for us to do so. As citizens, we believe that it is our responsibility to expose all the wicked and depraved acts committed by this corrupt and uncaring regime on the people.
But Guyana, placed under the microscope, does reveal some unsavory truths in that it has a poor educational system, death zones as public hospitals and an antiquated colonial judicial system which is unable to cope with the flood of armed robberies, murders, drug and gang-related crime, complex fraud and money-laundering. And for 22 years the PPP regime has been unable to improve the lives of the poor and the working class. For over a decade, the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has imposed a 5% yearly wage increase for the workers while the cost for food and electricity have skyrocketed thus making it impossible for the workers to survive on slave-like wages. We remind the people that it was Jagdeo who decided that he must receive a pension of $3 million per month but at the same time has agreed to pay a meager $15,000 pension per month to senior citizens.
The truth is a nation in distress and a people in despair will hitch their hopes to any other party than PPP. APNU and the AFC, if they are to be taken seriously by the people as presiding over a Government-in-waiting, must state clearly what they see as their mandate and objectives. Above all, the leaders of APNU and the AFC must be sensitive and reassuring and they must convince the people about their intended performance and standards of governance.
And to obtain credibility, both parties individually must demonstrate to all Guyanese that they have a disciplined approach, so that they would be aware of those objectives that they are aimed at achieving. Above all, the leaders must be dedicated to their plans to reduce crime, corruption and drug trafficking and that legislative oversight over the Cabinet will be a firm commitment, because today the latter has been replaced by a “rags to riches Cabal” which awards billion-dollar contracts almost daily to their friends and relatives. Ultimately, the opposition plans will go a long way towards deliverance day at the end of the “Long March.”
Aubrey Reteymer, 
Dr. Vincent Nauth,
Derrick Arjune,
Asha Balbachan,
Harish Singh,
Guilianna Jacobs,
Dr. Devita Khan,
Chandra Deollal, Esq.,
Dr. Reginald Watkins,
Asquith Rose,
Rohit Misir,
Dr. Terrence Simon,
Donna Mathoo,
Noel Moses,
Vicki Rampersaud

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Political propaganda. Mao's Long March was a retreat from the attacks of the Nationalists. Eighty-thousand of Mao's fighters began running from the forces of Chiang-Kai-Chek. Only five thousand survived. They almost lost the war. The opposition is dreaming about the impossible. They will resort to riots like they always done.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:

These People are FREE to form a Party and contest the next Election.

Check it out, lot's of idle brain "power" pontificating.  If only they could find a real cause, imagine what a wonderful world.


The PPP of 1953 comprised of Moderates and Extremist. It failed. Ended up polarizing the country. The Split.


PNC and TUF together failed.


APNU is a coalition-that is dangerous from our past history.


AFC, wid Moses at the helm is another Jagan scenerio. He will shadow all possible leadership contenders. Just like CBJ, he will cast a long shadow,


The country is ready for a leader that sparks the attention of the citizens.


I claim all the time, these politicians re-cycle themselves. Look at the recent revealation, the House Israel priest admitted his past. And where does he reside, in the PPP. 


Concerned citizens must field a plausible President Candidate. We attempted that before, but GUARD was hijacked by the PPP. The CIVIC was only a disguise. That was also a coalition. AND IT FAILED AS WELL. 


Originally Posted by seignet:

The PPP of 1953 comprised of Moderates and Extremist. It failed. Ended up polarizing the country. The Split.


PNC and TUF together failed.


APNU is a coalition-that is dangerous from our past history.


AFC, wid Moses at the helm is another Jagan scenerio. He will shadow all possible leadership contenders. Just like CBJ, he will cast a long shadow,


The country is ready for a leader that sparks the attention of the citizens.


I claim all the time, these politicians re-cycle themselves. Look at the recent revealation, the House Israel priest admitted his past. And where does he reside, in the PPP. 


Concerned citizens must field a plausible President Candidate. We attempted that before, but GUARD was hijacked by the PPP. The CIVIC was only a disguise. That was also a coalition. AND IT FAILED AS WELL. 


Do you think the Attorney General will make a good president?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

These People are FREE to form a Party and contest the next Election.

Are all these real people or some fictitious names?

Skelly, I can vouch for one of them. Aubrey Retemyer and I grew up at Uitvlugt and attended the same primary school. He's a GDF veteran.


QUOTE: "One suggestion is that they [AFC and APNU] should pay very careful attention to the anger and frustration that are growing among the youths in the streets of Georgetown and the villages and districts throughout the country. There is an urgent feeling among the youths to take matters into their own hands to help themselves and to save Guyana from the “kleptocrats.”


I have been informed by persons living in Guyana there is indeed anger and frustration among the youths. Unemployment among youths is alarmingly high. University graduates cannot find suitable placement. Same applies to high school leavers with CXC qualifications.

Political patronage and discrimination are the main causes.

What the signatories of the letter are saying is that the opposition must step up the struggle to win upcoming elections to give the youths hope. If not, the youths themselves will take matters into their own hands.

I view the call as good advice to avert an undesirable situation. History and current affairs provide countless examples to show what angry youths can do when they rebel.



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