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Former Member

This is an excellent analysis of the strategy of the opposition to bring the country to its knees and drive out private investments. 


The role of sensationalistic journalism

Kaieteur News publisher Mohan “Glenn” Lall

Kaieteur News publisher Mohan “Glenn” Lall

Damage by muckraking to Guyana…


The almost universal negative coverage of the developing world by the Western media has been well studied and documented. The single most pertinent finding has been the insidious and deleterious effects that such coverage has had on the efforts the people in those countries to lift themselves out of the state of underdevelopment into which they had been cast during colonialism.

While Guyana, as part of the developing world, have also suffered from that negative coverage – either directly or through its replication by the local media – the analogous damage caused by the local sensationalist, Muckraking press and the correspondents they encourage, has been much greater. The most egregious local transgressors in this regard have been the Kaieteur News with its owner Mohan “Glenn” Lall, editor Adam Harris and the Stabroek News, Capitol News, along with some inveterate letter writers such as Lallbachan “Chris” Ram, Lincoln Lewis, Anand Goolsarran and Ruel Johnson, who are given limitless column inches while being conferred by authoritative-sounding titles.

Lallbachan “Chris” Ram

Lallbachan “Chris” Ram

But this local subversion of Guyana’s image has received very little analysis or even comment. This article will attempt to rectify this oversight.


Why was the negative

image created?

The sensationalist yellow journalism might have begun as a device, in imitation of the model  launched in modern times by Rudolph Murdoch in England and America, to pander to the lowest common denominator, to generate greater profits.  But it soon morphed into a tool to further private, personal agendas. In Guyana, this took the form of supporting the opposition to oust the legally, democratically elected government of the day and to grind personal axes.

The initial attacks were made on the government where every initiative and every official was dubbed as “corrupt”. This was soon expanded to cover individuals who might have been friendly or associated in some way with the government,  for instance through  the winning of bids for governmental contracts.

Kaieteur News editor Adam Harris

Kaieteur News editor Adam Harris

The sustained viciousness and personalised nature of the attacks indicated that jealousy and spite might have dictated the negativity. In one particularly intense series of negative slanted articles, for instance, the owner of the Kaieteur News and his best friend who had won a bid for the largest department store in the country but ran it into the ground, attacked Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop, who had secured the privatised national Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, and turned it around into a very successful operation.

Another example were the attacks on BK International, and its owner Brian Tiwari, even though this company had performed a yeoman task in maintaining the sea wall and conservancies to keep Guyana literally from drowning.


Anand Goolsarran

Anand Goolsarran

How is the negative
image created?


Selective bias

There is firstly the selective publication of stories that fit in with the agenda of the opposition in general and the Kaieteur News/Stabroek News in particular, to determine what is “newsworthy”. The latter type of news can be called “disruptive” since they emphasise disruption, conflict, and exceptional events as opposed to stories that do not – “non-disruptive”. The selection were also  “event based” – reporting only on events that evoke the most extreme degree of sensationalism: murders, wife killings, robberies, incest, riots, etc, these would always get front page coverage with lurid headlines.

Lincoln Lewis

Lincoln Lewis

For instance, when reporting on a massacre in Agricola, the decapitated head of one victim was plastered on the front page.



Decontextualised bias

The facts of stories are also decontextualised – meaning that they are stripped of any historical, social, political, cultural or economic information that could explain them, help in making sense and relate them to other facts.

For instance, the criticisms of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, the Specialty Hospital, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport expansion and the Marriott Hotel were all demonised without placing them in the context of the World-Bank recommended development route for Latin America and the Caribbean to concentrate on infrastructural development – especially using the public private corporation financing model.

Ruel Johnson

Ruel Johnson

When the government went ahead with the construction of the Marriott Hotel, because it utilised funds from its autonomous privitasition  unit, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited   (NICIL), and could not be stymied by the opposition in Parliament, the spit-press savaged the head of the unit, Winston Brassington. (Refer to World-class Marriott Hotel on track!  on page 18)


Dramatised conflict bias

The events covered  by the opposition press are always described or dramatised  to imply dual conflicts between individuals and groups. The description is always highly personalised to present a Manichean, “good vs evil” picture. Reality, of course, is always more nuanced.

One particularly invidious conflict is the racial stereotyping and dehumanisation of individuals in the Kaieteur News’ crosshairs: the narrative invariably depicts Indian Guyanese  prevailing over African Guyanese and are intended to stir up racial hostilities.

The use of these simple binary oppositions always present the government in a bad light. For instance, to contrapose the government’s dealing with the public servants to the autonomous Guyana Sugar Corporation  (GuySuCo)’s treatment of sugar workers. In Guyana these are simple tropes for African and Indian.



The major effect is cognitive – how people, who are constantly bombarded with this sort of news, perceive and think of Guyana – and how their actions are influenced and guided by it. This process begins from childhood, so our children’s horizons are stunted before they even had a chance to discover and fulfil their own potential.

Identity, we know, is socially constructed, and the negative press coverage has a feedback effect in that Guyanese internalise the negative image and begin to project it in their actions. Littering is a perfect example: Guyanese do this on Guyana without any qualms but immediately upon reaching any other jurisdiction will cease immediately. In Guyana they are conditioned to devalue their native land.

Garbage has been an eye sore in the capital city of Georgetown and has been the major contributing factor to the flash flooding during rainy periods

Garbage has been an eye sore in the capital city of Georgetown and has been the major contributing factor to the flash flooding during rainy periods


After a while, the negative view is “naturalised” as it has by now in the overseas Guyanese population. More positive news, such as presented by this newspaper, for instance, or even on occasions by the spit press, are seen as “exceptions”. The negative image is internalised and become part of people’s “semantic memory” and repertoire and contributes to what is called the “social ignorance” of the people. They will literally dump in all manner of ways on Guyana.

This consistent negative portrayal of Guyana conjures up and fosters and image of a dangerous, unstable and chaotic country. Physically, we are seen as always in the throes of a flood, overtopped sea walls, broken conservancy dams. This is coupled with the societal  picture of Guyana as dominated with brutal and violent social conflicts.

Guyanese are afraid to return home for visits, much less invest here.

Culturally, Guyanese are presented as always “sporting” and partying – which becomes a self fulfilling prophesy after being internalised.

KNFPOn a political level, the current stereotype is one of anarchic ethnic tribalism whereby the political competition  of the population is presented as being driven by primordial and irrational forces instead of competing value systems or  ideological differences.

As indicated above the other dominant charge is rampant corruption which is beaten into the heads of the populace with such Goebells – like frequency that it takes on the from of  folklore. The conclusion, frequently heard in the populace is that “nothing works” in Guyana. Self confidence is eaten away.

The end result is a dominant image of a country that is perpetually in crisis, without any hope of advancing without the intervention of outsiders. As in the acceptance by the opposition, the TUC  and the spit press that the U.S. can impose whatever they define as “democracy” on Guyana – even if the government disagrees.

Ultimately the reporting fosters the perception that Guyana is undemocratic, and incapable of self governance. Investors become convinced that investment here is a dangerous move. This has  diminished the power of representatives to bargain in international fora – business and political. International investors can easily find other locations where the conditions are not presented in such bleak terms.

Even if the negative reporting were to be reversed today, this negative perception would not disappear. The negative effects of negative informations cording to cognitive psychologists, any persist in the form of affects end after its original cognitive base has been invalidated.

The problems,  such as ethnic ones, are perceived as part and parcel of the national psyche, rather than creations of opportunistic politicians, which can be undone by appropriate programmes.

There is most insidiously, a delegitimisation of the Guyanese political, economic and social actors. If all the leaders really were corrupt, if there were no middle class entrepreneurs, if civil society were a mere collection of apathetic morons, then there would be really no hope for Guyana.

Economically, there are two dominant responses to this negative image. Most  investors refuse to invest in the country because of all the risks that have been portrayed as very prevalent. Guyana is increasingly becoming marginalised from global financial and trade flows and MNC’s move elsewhere. Local businessmen have also become so intimidated by the personalised attacks that they refuse to speak out against the muckraking press.

Secondly and ironically, investors and businessmen act  on the premise that the country as dysfunctional an insist on corrupting officials etc. When  President Ramotar pointed this out, the spit press ignored it.


What is to be done

Development news takes into account historical backgrounds and long term implications of located events. It does not fit the sensationalist model. And this is the model, as practiced by this newspaper, that must be accepted as normative for Guyana.

Guyanese needs to be able to conceive of a better future.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know you have been a good student of the PPP master class in stupidity but don't the above nonsense should be sufficient to jar even an ass as you to your senses.


I suspect it was penned by Herr Goebbels Misir since it reeks of his usual bilge. It hardly attempt to make a case that the PPP are good custodians and explain why. Instead it suffers from the usual god complex that they alone knows the way to the truth and the light and all us us better get in line and on our knees as suppliants in their congregation or bad is going to become of us. Well that bullshit has lost its scare potential a long time ago. Instead of their proselytizing being a  lure to new converts it is making gleeful heretics to their faith.


Only waste people like you and Pandit YugYug and Rev Simplicio cling to their dead religion. 




There are strong observations in the article, such as the ongoing attempt to paint Guyana as an unsafe country in order to drive away investors and visitors. The constant highlighting of negativity and ignoring all the good. When the public, both local and overseas, endure a constant barrage of negative images, it will invariably affect their perception. And this I believe is the goal of the afc/pnc. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

There are strong observations in the article, such as the ongoing attempt to paint Guyana as an unsafe country in order to drive away investors and visitors. The constant highlighting of negativity and ignoring all the good. When the public, both local and overseas, endure a constant barrage of negative images, it will invariably affect their perception. And this I believe is the goal of the afc/pnc. 

Guyana is an unsafe place for everyone. Women are constant victims of most brutal crimes; children remain prey to  predators in a jaded society because of  a lax or disinterested government. Gun crimes  are epidemic with death rates exceeding that of US soldiers in the war zone of perilous Afghanistan. Druglords are the backbone of the economy and the drug culture is pervasive and largely ignored. Junkies have no place to go for treatment as the government pretend they do not exist and has not sought to initiate an anti drug program of education and active law enforcement. Bribery and is pervasive and tolerated because it is seen as a way for the pariah poor to quickly access services. If you do not know someone who knows someone things never get done.


Do you think the burying of our collective head in the sand and pretend the indignities heaped on the lives of our people does not exist? Every member of this board who now demand accountability of this government including myself were ardent supporters of the government. How long can one pretend this corrupt regime with its practice of enrichment of friends and family to the detriment of the society at large can be tolerated? This is a sick, diseased administration in need of a cure.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some of what they do are important but their FILTH has diluted the entire product to raw sewage.

This is indeed the first complete English sentence I have seen you write. It stands as a monument to the drum beat of confused thoughts in your head.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some of what they do are important but their FILTH has diluted the entire product to raw sewage.

This is indeed the first complete English sentence I have seen you write. It stands as a monument to the drum beat of confused thoughts in your head.

TK ah meh Prof for Hinglish as a second Language.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana is an unsafe place for everyone. Women are constant victims of most brutal crimes; children remain prey to  predators in a jaded society because of  a lax or disinterested government. Gun crimes  are epidemic with death rates exceeding that of US soldiers in the war zone of perilous Afghanistan. Druglords are the backbone of the economy and the drug culture is pervasive and largely ignored. Junkies have no place to go for treatment as the government pretend they do not exist and has not sought to initiate an anti drug program of education and active law enforcement. Bribery and is pervasive and tolerated because it is seen as a way for the pariah poor to quickly access services. If you do not know someone who knows someone things never get done.


Do you think the burying of our collective head in the sand and pretend the indignities heaped on the lives of our people does not exist? Every member of this board who now demand accountability of this government including myself were ardent supporters of the government. How long can one pretend this corrupt regime with its practice of enrichment of friends and family to the detriment of the society at large can be tolerated? This is a sick, diseased administration in need of a cure.

You can replace the word Guyana with US or Canada and the statement would have the identical credence. Guyana is no more unsafe than any other place in the world.  None of your claims can be backed up by statistics. You just mouth the talking points of the afc/pnc and assume it is fact. If you took time to read the article you find that this is exactly what is being said about how you folks strive to create such perceptions without the burden of truth. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana is an unsafe place for everyone. Women are constant victims of most brutal crimes; children remain prey to  predators in a jaded society because of  a lax or disinterested government. Gun crimes  are epidemic with death rates exceeding that of US soldiers in the war zone of perilous Afghanistan. Druglords are the backbone of the economy and the drug culture is pervasive and largely ignored. Junkies have no place to go for treatment as the government pretend they do not exist and has not sought to initiate an anti drug program of education and active law enforcement. Bribery and is pervasive and tolerated because it is seen as a way for the pariah poor to quickly access services. If you do not know someone who knows someone things never get done.


Do you think the burying of our collective head in the sand and pretend the indignities heaped on the lives of our people does not exist? Every member of this board who now demand accountability of this government including myself were ardent supporters of the government. How long can one pretend this corrupt regime with its practice of enrichment of friends and family to the detriment of the society at large can be tolerated? This is a sick, diseased administration in need of a cure.

You can replace the word Guyana with US or Canada and the statement would have the identical credence. Guyana is no more unsafe than any other place in the world.  None of your claims can be backed up by statistics. You just mouth the talking points of the afc/pnc and assume it is fact. If you took time to read the article you find that this is exactly what is being said about how you folks strive to create such perceptions without the burden of truth. 

Jackass read and get educated.


Life has become a living hell in Guyana

October 1, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor, Not a day passes without Guyanese being reminded of the scourge of crime, especially the armed robberies and the murder of innocent law-abiding citizens in their homes or places of business. In deep rural Guyana, the plague of farm theft, gold theft and equipment theft from miners by armed bandits continues unabated, thus making life more difficult for all, except the rich and the powerful.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana is an unsafe place for everyone. Women are constant victims of most brutal crimes; children remain prey to  predators in a jaded society because of  a lax or disinterested government. Gun crimes  are epidemic with death rates exceeding that of US soldiers in the war zone of perilous Afghanistan. Druglords are the backbone of the economy and the drug culture is pervasive and largely ignored. Junkies have no place to go for treatment as the government pretend they do not exist and has not sought to initiate an anti drug program of education and active law enforcement. Bribery and is pervasive and tolerated because it is seen as a way for the pariah poor to quickly access services. If you do not know someone who knows someone things never get done.


Do you think the burying of our collective head in the sand and pretend the indignities heaped on the lives of our people does not exist? Every member of this board who now demand accountability of this government including myself were ardent supporters of the government. How long can one pretend this corrupt regime with its practice of enrichment of friends and family to the detriment of the society at large can be tolerated? This is a sick, diseased administration in need of a cure.

You can replace the word Guyana with US or Canada and the statement would have the identical credence. Guyana is no more unsafe than any other place in the world.  None of your claims can be backed up by statistics. You just mouth the talking points of the afc/pnc and assume it is fact. If you took time to read the article you find that this is exactly what is being said about how you folks strive to create such perceptions without the burden of truth. 

You are most assuredly living in a bizarro universe if you are wont to make those comparisons so casually. The statistics of our daily abuse of our womenfolk is there for all to see in the naked light of day. I do not have to spoon feed you that or any other information because I grasped a long while back I cannot change what is your willful ignorance with any presentation of facts.


I took the time to read the article and it contains  nothing we are not already  accustomed to hearing from these entrenched autocrats. They care only in preserving their own status as parasites and are oblivious of any suggestions of change. They do not accept even a hint of questioning of their decisions.


You can believe whatever fiction you care to swallow whole. Anyone with half a mind could look without analysis at these impossibly perfect beings and grasp from our human reality that something is amiss.


Imagine; they are the only cabinet that  can qualify as having 100 percent success rates. Not one of their ministers or lieutenants have every been dismissed or sanctioned for incompetence or making a mistake. Even more surprising they are all polymaths! They can drift in and out of portfolio with uncommon ease...these are the only people who can do anything at anytime with no mistakes and who on that account is unquestionable! This is not even a case  about selling bridges but about selling  beach front property on the moon!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana is an unsafe place for everyone. Women are constant victims of most brutal crimes; children remain prey to  predators in a jaded society because of  a lax or disinterested government. Gun crimes  are epidemic with death rates exceeding that of US soldiers in the war zone of perilous Afghanistan. Druglords are the backbone of the economy and the drug culture is pervasive and largely ignored. Junkies have no place to go for treatment as the government pretend they do not exist and has not sought to initiate an anti drug program of education and active law enforcement. Bribery and is pervasive and tolerated because it is seen as a way for the pariah poor to quickly access services. If you do not know someone who knows someone things never get done.


Do you think the burying of our collective head in the sand and pretend the indignities heaped on the lives of our people does not exist? Every member of this board who now demand accountability of this government including myself were ardent supporters of the government. How long can one pretend this corrupt regime with its practice of enrichment of friends and family to the detriment of the society at large can be tolerated? This is a sick, diseased administration in need of a cure.

You can replace the word Guyana with US or Canada and the statement would have the identical credence. Guyana is no more unsafe than any other place in the world.  None of your claims can be backed up by statistics. You just mouth the talking points of the afc/pnc and assume it is fact. If you took time to read the article you find that this is exactly what is being said about how you folks strive to create such perceptions without the burden of truth. 

You are most assuredly living in a bizarro universe if you are wont to make those comparisons so casually. The statistics of our daily abuse of our womenfolk is there for all to see in the naked light of day. I do not have to spoon feed you that or any other information because I grasped a long while back I cannot change what is your willful ignorance with any presentation of facts.


I took the time to read the article and it contains  nothing we are not already  accustomed to hearing from these entrenched autocrats. They care only in preserving their own status as parasites and are oblivious of any suggestions of change. They do not accept even a hint of questioning of their decisions.


You can believe whatever fiction you care to swallow whole. Anyone with half a mind could look without analysis at these impossibly perfect beings and grasp from our human reality that something is amiss.


Imagine; they are the only cabinet that  can qualify as having 100 percent success rates. Not one of their ministers or lieutenants have every been dismissed or sanctioned for incompetence or making a mistake. Even more surprising they are all polymaths! They can drift in and out of portfolio with uncommon ease...these are the only people who can do anything at anytime with no mistakes and who on that account is unquestionable! This is not even a case  about selling bridges but about selling  beach front property on the moon!

there is no hope for goadee man his goadee will go down with the boat


Berbice crime wave…Four murders, two armed robberies in Berbice over the past 2 weeks

September 28, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


By Leon Suseran         

There has been a spike in serious crimes in Berbice. Over the past two weeks, there have been four murder/robberies. There have also been two daring daylight armed robberies, both of which resulted in the occupants being badly beaten and terrorized. Interestingly, all of the criminal activities over the past two weeks have been centered on the Corentyne coast. Those dead are rice miller Lallapersaud ‘Lall’ Jaggerdeo, who was shot dead on the night of September 10 at his home in Number 51 Village; shopkeeper Abdul Majid, 79, of Lot 12 ‘A’, Number 70 Village; Ravindranauth ‘Parbattie Bucket’ Chan, 54, of Lancaster; and Yadram ‘Muff’ Jaggai, 36, of Rambharose Street, Number 48 Village.

Murdered Berbicians over the past two weeks; Robbery victim, Totanarine Nandalall is with bandaged head.

Murdered Berbicians over the past two weeks; Robbery victim, Totanarine Nandalall is with bandaged head.

Except for the murder of Chan, police have thus far come up empty- handed in solving the others. Chan’s battered body was found two Thursdays ago in an abandoned house in Lancaster. He shared the house with the suspect, Totaram ‘Ramesh’ Edwards, 49, popularly called ‘Rasta man’ of Lancaster who was charged on Monday with murder and appeared at the Whim Magistrate’s Court. He has been remanded to prison until October 14, 2013. Meanwhile, even though police have conducted raids in Rose Hall Town and held two identification parades at Springlands Police Station in connection with Majid’s death, no one is currently in custody nor has anyone been charged for that murder. Majid and his wife were attacked by at least four persons who had visited the shop under the pretext of making a purchase. Majid was found in his store with his feet bound with electrical cord around 10:30 hrs two Sundays ago. A sum of cash and a quantity of jewellery were reported to have been stolen. Regarding the Corentyne rice-miller murder, the son of Juggerdeo, Basant Jaggerdeo, said that he was visited by President Donald Ramotar two Saturdays ago who expressed condolences and promised to have the police work assiduously to find the killers. Bandits stormed his Number Nought Village home on September 10 shortly after 19:45 hrs. The elderly man was responding to a commotion in the bottom flat of his residence when one of the gunmen discharged a round which hit him. Five bandits entered the bottom flat where some of Jaggerdeo’s relatives were relaxing around 19:45 hours. He died before he could receive medical attention. Also, police have released the three suspects that were held in the case involving the death of Jaggai whose bloody corpse was in a state of decomposition. It was discovered in his home just after 16:30 hrs last Saturday. The man’s reputed wife, his landlord, and police turned up and found a pool of blood in the kitchen and the body lying in the bottom house. He had crawled some distance before he died. Additionally, police recovered an ice- pick from the crime scene. The three friends of Jaggai, who were arrested, were released a few days ago. Then there were the armed robberies. A Fyrish lumberyard proprietrix, Chanmonie Soodoo, 47, was beaten and robbed on September 17 by two men who visited the business place under the guise of customers and later escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash. The incident occurred at 168 Courtland Road, Fyrish, around 11:00 hrs. And last Saturday, a lone gunman stormed into a home around 10:15 hrs at Alness, Corentyne and brutally attacked one of the occupants, Totanarine Nandalall, 36, of Lot  51 Alness Public Road during a terrifying ordeal. His mother, Hansranie Nandalall, was also beaten. The man was badly beaten in his face and about his body by the masked gunman, who also fired a shot into the roof of the house. All he was able to put his hands on were $6,000 which the Nandalalls had in a wallet. The bandit also escaped with a cell phone. No arrests have been made in that case. Police figures reveal that there have been 31 murders since the beginning of July last – eleven within the last three weeks in Guyana, four of them in Berbice alone.


Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are most assuredly living in a bizarro universe if you are wont to make those comparisons so casually. The statistics of our daily abuse of our womenfolk is there for all to see in the naked light of day. I do not have to spoon feed you that or any other information because I grasped a long while back I cannot change what is your willful ignorance with any presentation of facts.


I took the time to read the article and it contains  nothing we are not already  accustomed to hearing from these entrenched autocrats. They care only in preserving their own status as parasites and are oblivious of any suggestions of change. They do not accept even a hint of questioning of their decisions.


You can believe whatever fiction you care to swallow whole. Anyone with half a mind could look without analysis at these impossibly perfect beings and grasp from our human reality that something is amiss.


Imagine; they are the only cabinet that  can qualify as having 100 percent success rates. Not one of their ministers or lieutenants have every been dismissed or sanctioned for incompetence or making a mistake. Even more surprising they are all polymaths! They can drift in and out of portfolio with uncommon ease...these are the only people who can do anything at anytime with no mistakes and who on that account is unquestionable! This is not even a case  about selling bridges but about selling  beach front property on the moon!

The fact is you have no statistical evidence of any of what you claim, it is based solely on perception and a survey of the negativity produced by Kaieteur daily.  Why don't you produce data from independent agencies showing that Guyana is at the top of the list in crime, abuse and what ever else you claim. 


You also have no evidence that the cabinet is corrupt and raping the nation, but yet you continue your daily diatribes against the govt. You are perceived as a lunatic along with the pedophile crew led by mitjuanita and co chaired by worrier. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are most assuredly living in a bizarro universe if you are wont to make those comparisons so casually. The statistics of our daily abuse of our womenfolk is there for all to see in the naked light of day. I do not have to spoon feed you that or any other information because I grasped a long while back I cannot change what is your willful ignorance with any presentation of facts.


I took the time to read the article and it contains  nothing we are not already  accustomed to hearing from these entrenched autocrats. They care only in preserving their own status as parasites and are oblivious of any suggestions of change. They do not accept even a hint of questioning of their decisions.


You can believe whatever fiction you care to swallow whole. Anyone with half a mind could look without analysis at these impossibly perfect beings and grasp from our human reality that something is amiss.


Imagine; they are the only cabinet that  can qualify as having 100 percent success rates. Not one of their ministers or lieutenants have every been dismissed or sanctioned for incompetence or making a mistake. Even more surprising they are all polymaths! They can drift in and out of portfolio with uncommon ease...these are the only people who can do anything at anytime with no mistakes and who on that account is unquestionable! This is not even a case  about selling bridges but about selling  beach front property on the moon!

The fact is you have no statistical evidence of any of what you claim, it is based solely on perception and a survey of the negativity produced by Kaieteur daily.  Why don't you produce data from independent agencies showing that Guyana is at the top of the list in crime, abuse and what ever else you claim. 


You also have no evidence that the cabinet is corrupt and raping the nation, but yet you continue your daily diatribes against the govt. You are perceived as a lunatic along with the pedophile crew led by mitjuanita and co chaired by worrier. 

i need you to go to guyana let them boys cut out your goadee then we will see if this is a crime or not 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana is an unsafe place for everyone. Women are constant victims of most brutal crimes; children remain prey to  predators in a jaded society because of  a lax or disinterested government. Gun crimes  are epidemic with death rates exceeding that of US soldiers in the war zone of perilous Afghanistan. Druglords are the backbone of the economy and the drug culture is pervasive and largely ignored. Junkies have no place to go for treatment as the government pretend they do not exist and has not sought to initiate an anti drug program of education and active law enforcement. Bribery and is pervasive and tolerated because it is seen as a way for the pariah poor to quickly access services. If you do not know someone who knows someone things never get done.


Do you think the burying of our collective head in the sand and pretend the indignities heaped on the lives of our people does not exist? Every member of this board who now demand accountability of this government including myself were ardent supporters of the government. How long can one pretend this corrupt regime with its practice of enrichment of friends and family to the detriment of the society at large can be tolerated? This is a sick, diseased administration in need of a cure.

You can replace the word Guyana with US or Canada and the statement would have the identical credence. Guyana is no more unsafe than any other place in the world.  None of your claims can be backed up by statistics. You just mouth the talking points of the afc/pnc and assume it is fact. If you took time to read the article you find that this is exactly what is being said about how you folks strive to create such perceptions without the burden of truth. 

Hey Dumbo, do you know what the homicide rates are in the U.S. and Canada in comparison to Guyana? And yes, there are statistics published which show that Guyana is significantly more dangerous than the U.S. and Canada. The homicide rate in Canada is 1.5 and the U.S. 4.7 in comparison to Guyana's 17.2 per 100,000 population. Read here Nincompoop -

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are most assuredly living in a bizarro universe if you are wont to make those comparisons so casually. The statistics of our daily abuse of our womenfolk is there for all to see in the naked light of day. I do not have to spoon feed you that or any other information because I grasped a long while back I cannot change what is your willful ignorance with any presentation of facts.


I took the time to read the article and it contains  nothing we are not already  accustomed to hearing from these entrenched autocrats. They care only in preserving their own status as parasites and are oblivious of any suggestions of change. They do not accept even a hint of questioning of their decisions.


You can believe whatever fiction you care to swallow whole. Anyone with half a mind could look without analysis at these impossibly perfect beings and grasp from our human reality that something is amiss.


Imagine; they are the only cabinet that  can qualify as having 100 percent success rates. Not one of their ministers or lieutenants have every been dismissed or sanctioned for incompetence or making a mistake. Even more surprising they are all polymaths! They can drift in and out of portfolio with uncommon ease...these are the only people who can do anything at anytime with no mistakes and who on that account is unquestionable! This is not even a case  about selling bridges but about selling  beach front property on the moon!

The fact is you have no statistical evidence of any of what you claim, it is based solely on perception and a survey of the negativity produced by Kaieteur daily.  Why don't you produce data from independent agencies showing that Guyana is at the top of the list in crime, abuse and what ever else you claim. 


You also have no evidence that the cabinet is corrupt and raping the nation, but yet you continue your daily diatribes against the govt. You are perceived as a lunatic along with the pedophile crew led by mitjuanita and co chaired by worrier. 

you calling anyone a lunatic is a laugh. As I said earlier...jagdao's family lived a lifetime in a coop but in 12 years he climbed the ladder to mega multimillionaire is all the evidence I need. Were his thievery the only glaring example of such rapid rise from church mice to fat cats I would say it was just a case of one thief. It happens to be cultural given the industrial scope of the PPP's thievery. Every one of them on a base salary not half of what a regular Mikcky dees manager earns are not risen to millionaire status! As I mentioned earlier they out did Christ with his instance of feeding a multitude with five loaves and two fishes and he was god!


I am now inclined to believe one of your family member abused you as a kid. There can be no excuse for your easy misuse of pedophilia in a public forum with casual conversation of the problems facing ones society. Unless of course you are a moron and in that area the evidence is mounting for a competing theory.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

you calling anyone a lunatic is a laugh. As I said earlier...jagdao's family lived a lifetime in a coop but in 12 years he climbed the ladder to mega multimillionaire is all the evidence I need. Were his thievery the only glaring example of such rapid rise from church mice to fat cats I would say it was just a case of one thief. It happens to be cultural given the industrial scope of the PPP's thievery. Every one of them on a base salary not half of what a regular Mikcky dees manager earns are not risen to millionaire status! As I mentioned earlier they out did Christ with his instance of feeding a multitude with five loaves and two fishes and he was god!


I am now inclined to believe one of your family member abused you as a kid. There can be no excuse for your easy misuse of pedophilia in a public forum with casual conversation of the problems facing ones society. Unless of course you are a moron and in that area the evidence is mounting for a competing theory.


What evidence do you have that Jagdeo is stealing from the public? He is not even part of the government, and has not been in office 2 years to date. Do you have access to his finances or are you relying on your golden source Kaiteur where perception equates to reality.  But of course you need a bogey man so you hang on to Jagdeo and try to equate him with govt. How come you don't use Ramotar as an example of stealing? After all he is the president. 


I am inclined to believe that you are a pedophile given the ease by which you excuse the behavior of the pedophile gang led by mitjuanita and executive member CoCainE.

Originally Posted by cain:

Danyael, why do you bother having discourse with this imbecile called BGurd DaGoads?

I am inclined to believe he was sodomized by his own in his youth. Hence his obsession of the word Pedo. I can find him the help he needs.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by cain:

Danyael, why do you bother having discourse with this imbecile called BGurd DaGoads?

I am inclined to believe he was sodomized by his own in his youth. Hence his obsession of the word Pedo. I can find him the help he needs.

You got a bag needle?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you calling anyone a lunatic is a laugh. As I said earlier...jagdao's family lived a lifetime in a coop but in 12 years he climbed the ladder to mega multimillionaire is all the evidence I need. Were his thievery the only glaring example of such rapid rise from church mice to fat cats I would say it was just a case of one thief. It happens to be cultural given the industrial scope of the PPP's thievery. Every one of them on a base salary not half of what a regular Mikcky dees manager earns are not risen to millionaire status! As I mentioned earlier they out did Christ with his instance of feeding a multitude with five loaves and two fishes and he was god!


I am now inclined to believe one of your family member abused you as a kid. There can be no excuse for your easy misuse of pedophilia in a public forum with casual conversation of the problems facing ones society. Unless of course you are a moron and in that area the evidence is mounting for a competing theory.


What evidence do you have that Jagdeo is stealing from the public? He is not even part of the government, and has not been in office 2 years to date. Do you have access to his finances or are you relying on your golden source Kaiteur where perception equates to reality.  But of course you need a bogey man so you hang on to Jagdeo and try to equate him with govt. How come you don't use Ramotar as an example of stealing? After all he is the president. 


I am inclined to believe that you are a pedophile given the ease by which you excuse the behavior of the pedophile gang led by mitjuanita and executive member CoCainE.

As noted,  Jagdeo had no special skills or any discernible resources prior to entering office.  After 12 years in office we know where he is...fat aquat on a plump lump of loot...all from the nations coffers. Let him explain it.


The admin need to sanction your miserable behind for insisting fellow posters are pedophiles. As noted, there are bots scouring the web looking for keywords to focus in on in these areas and your behind is here accusing individuals as pedophiles. Amral and the rest of the management of the this place knows that ( unless they are stupid as you) you are making it all up whole cloth in that corrupt mind of yours. Yet they do nothing to sanction your behind.


I will say I have complained to them personally on numerous occasions and got no response. Here you are in their faces doing the same thing with no sanction day after daY. Let me say it as plainly as I can, you are a corrupt miserable, lying, skunk. This habit of saying slanderous things of others would be excused if it was only one instance. You are lucky these are aliases, punk, ass, scumbag, bonehead Rugabeer

Last edited by Former Member

This is the reason from time to time I've been mentioning his "mother", I wanted to see how the admin would have treated this but it seems even I was missed.


Yes I agree, the admin should put a stop to this miserable lowlife prick's postings.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

This is the reason from time to time I've been mentioning his "mother", I wanted to see how the admin would have treated this but it seems even I was missed.


Yes I agree, the admin should put a stop to this miserable lowlife prick's postings.

I am inclined to believe he fathered his brother.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by cain:

This is the reason from time to time I've been mentioning his "mother", I wanted to see how the admin would have treated this but it seems even I was missed.


Yes I agree, the admin should put a stop to this miserable lowlife prick's postings.

I am inclined to believe he fathered his brother.

Big seed I would say

before u tell as about your

Father, Mother or Brother & Sister...


tell us if you are`a plant, Animal or Ghost...

You carry a Big Seed...


One Picture show you

carrying a Heavy a baby...


another picture show

like yuh liv in de cemetery...


Just explain..... so we know

where Jagdeo & Ramotar support coming from??

Originally Posted by Danyael:

As noted,  Jagdeo had no special skills or any discernible resources prior to entering office.  After 12 years in office we know where he is...fat aquat on a plump lump of loot...all from the nations coffers. Let him explain it.


The admin need to sanction your miserable behind for insisting fellow posters are pedophiles. As noted, there are bots scouring the web looking for keywords to focus in on in these areas and your behind is here accusing individuals as pedophiles. Amral and the rest of the management of the this place knows that ( unless they are stupid as you) you are making it all up whole cloth in that corrupt mind of yours. Yet they do nothing to sanction your behind.


I will say I have complained to them personally on numerous occasions and got no response. Here you are in their faces doing the same thing with no sanction day after daY. Let me say it as plainly as I can, you are a corrupt miserable, lying, skunk. This habit of saying slanderous things of others would be excused if it was only one instance. You are lucky these are aliases, punk, ass, scumbag, bonehead Rugabeer

You are merely echoing the talking points of senior pedophile gang member jaliki.  You have no evidence of financial situation of Jagdeo prior to his rise to the presidency nor after. You rely on "yellow journalism" from Kaiteur news.  What is evident is, just like many other Guyanese entrepreneurs, Jagdeo sold land that he held for years and made a profit. You equate this as stealing.  Name us the other instances that he stole or shut up.


Why don't you also call on the admin to sanction these pedos for harassing me over the years you hypocrite. Now that I found out their dark secret they send you out as the designated gofer to get me to stop. 


It is quite revealing that you admit to running like a little girl to admin to complain on behalf of the pedophile gang, what does that say about you and your support for this lifestyle? But this is to be expected from an atheist, a person with no moral compass.  


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