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Sean posted:

Bai Nehru, you sound angry.

Anyway, CNN left wing crew were expressing fears that the democrats cannot beat Trump after the speech.

Are you sure that you listened to the same speech ?

Bathing in the polluted Ganges only damages your brain holy man. He is no match for Nancy. He never had a seasoned woman politician in his face confronting him and able to respond. When he sees Nancy, he starts dribbling n his depends.

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

Bai Nehru, you sound angry.

Anyway, CNN left wing crew were expressing fears that the democrats cannot beat Trump after the speech.

Are you sure that you listened to the same speech ?

Bathing in the polluted Ganges only damages your brain holy man. He is no match for Nancy. He never had a seasoned woman politician in his face confronting him and able to respond. When he sees Nancy, he starts dribbling n his depends.

That Nancy gave birth to 6 kids and she is still skinny.

Nehru posted:

Who next will receive the Medal Of Freedom? The Klu Klux Klan??????????????????? What a LIAR of a President, almost every statistic he gave were LIES. He Paraded Afros and Latinos like they are his house Slaves. He has no class, manners and refuse to shake hands with the Speaker. What a bufoon for President!!

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative talk show host of many years. Had become a household name and he gave money to many charitable organizations. He is diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Democrats didn't respect the man's right to his views and opinions in America's democracy. They didn't see the man's illness. They only see politics and power in everything. This is so unamerican. This attitude belong to Guyana and third world countries.  

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Who next will receive the Medal Of Freedom? The Klu Klux Klan??????????????????? What a LIAR of a President, almost every statistic he gave were LIES. He Paraded Afros and Latinos like they are his house Slaves. He has no class, manners and refuse to shake hands with the Speaker. What a bufoon for President!!

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative talk show host of many years. Had become a household name and he gave money to many charitable organizations. He is diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Democrats didn't respect the man's right to his views and opinions in America's democracy. They didn't see the man's illness. They only see politics and power in everything. This is so unamerican. This attitude belong to Guyana and third world countries.  

You think if idiot Limbaugh passes away Trump will say he's probably, looking up from below? Limbaugh has always been a bloody racist, the world won't miss his fat ass.

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad was at Trump tower. It is lots of blacks and Latinos working there.

Wanna bet mostly are undocumented and working for peanuts?

So Trump Employs Undocumented Immigrants at His Properties and Nobody Really Cares?

That seems to be the state of affairs, this time after a report on his Virginia winery after some were fired.

Nearly a year after the Trump Organization pledged to root out undocumented workers at its properties, supervisors at the Trump Winery on Monday summoned at least seven employees and fired them because of their lack of legal immigration status, according to two of the dismissed workers...
Two of the fired workers ... said they thought the company had held off on firing them until after the year’s work was complete, taking advantage of their labor for as long as possible. Both had worked at the winery for more than a decade.

That seems like the whole arrangement in a nutshell. Extract cheap labor from people—in this case, allow them to finish the grape harvest—then discard them as soon as it's convenient to do so. In general, the property relies on immigrant labor from Mexico in the form of seasonal workers who arrive on legal visas, according to the Post, but there are also year-round undocumented workers. They are among some 49 undocumented people the Post alone has spoken with, who worked at 11 different Trump properties across four states. For years now, the president has traveled the country railing against immigrants as violent criminals and imploring people to "Buy American, Hire American," while he profited from undocumented labor in systematic fashion. In July 2018, his Mar-a-Lago property announced it was seeking 61 foreign workers on a legal basis. Hire American for thee, but not for me.

Omar Miranda worked for Trump’s Virginia winery without papers. He was just fired now that the harvest’s finished.

This goes all the way back to the '80s, of course, when Trump had hundreds of undocumented Polish immigrants building Trump Tower. He paid them as little as $4 an hour—and always well below union wage—because that's why people like Donald Trump employ people without papers. He ultimately settled a lawsuit around the workers' treatment. It's fitting that the people who made his flagship project possible would fit the theoretical description of the people he has built a political career smearing as criminals. (In practice, he is referring to brown immigrants.) But it also fits because Trump is merely a particularly garish emblem of the post-Reagan plutocrat class, where greed is good and other people—whether they're undocumented workers or they own a small contracting business—are just marks waiting to get fleeced.

That hustle now extends to the angry and isolated people who show up to his rallies in search of community and solidarity against The Other. They will not mind that he's profited so handsomely off undocumented labor, because it's about the performance of demonstrating who's a Real American with a say in how this country is run. Also, anything he does is excusable on the basis that Democrats do it, too, or anybody who's smart would do it, or everybody does it. Now there's some truth to that: the president is indeed one of a huge number of employers who uses undocumented labor with zero consequences.

Source and rest of article --


According to the Financial Times, Mitt Romney, the Republican senator from Utah will vote to convict Trump, he said: “The president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust,”It was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights, our national security, and our fundamental values.”

The senator said his decision was “an act of conviction.... with my vote I will tell my children and their children that I did my duty.”


Now, this is a decent person with high morals. He does not care that he will be ostracized by other Republicans nor his constituents

Django posted:

Romney voted guilty in Article 1 Abuse of Power .

He also voted not guilty on article II which is even more blatantly obvious than article I. On the other hand, vulga vulva kept telling Charrandas to change his yes vote and instead he said yes three times after saying yes several time earlier. Charrandas demonstrated much more conviction than Romney did with his split vote today.

Ray posted:
Sean posted:

Nehru Bhai. Rush has an audience of 30,000,000 listeners. He speaks for the right as much as others speak for the left. Your accusation against him is unjust. 
I listen religiously to Rush. 

Hitler also had plenty followers..

Rush is a daag

Rush looked really pitiful last night. That is not the same fool who duz be talking shit all day.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Who next will receive the Medal Of Freedom? The Klu Klux Klan??????????????????? What a LIAR of a President, almost every statistic he gave were LIES. He Paraded Afros and Latinos like they are his house Slaves. He has no class, manners and refuse to shake hands with the Speaker. What a bufoon for President!!

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative talk show host of many years. Had become a household name and he gave money to many charitable organizations. He is diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Democrats didn't respect the man's right to his views and opinions in America's democracy. They didn't see the man's illness. They only see politics and power in everything. This is so unamerican. This attitude belong to Guyana and third world countries.  

Why don't you read, analyze and then digest the contents before you make an ass of yourself? Limbaugh has always preached against the non-white race. Do you think he will give to non-white charities with a clean mind? He is a frigging household name in the redneck homes. His diagnosis at an early age is called KARMA. I do feel sorry for him as my father in law died from Mesothelioma. He is vile and disrespectful. It is because of his love for the KKK, the genius moron gave him the medal. He doesn't deserve it and never will. For him, it's not worth the ribbon it is hanging on.

Sean posted:

Nehru Bhai. Rush has an audience of 30,000,000 listeners. He speaks for the right as much as others speak for the left. Your accusation against him is unjust. 
I listen religiously to Rush. 

I bet a lot of white evangelicals and Rev Franklin Graham's friends and associates follow him regularly. How about Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Baker? How about the Marsha Blackburn, Trey Gowdy, and Moscow Mitch?


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