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Agree fully with opposition stance on Rohee

Posted By Staff Writer On March 23, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

Reading the Stabroek News Editorial of March 18th, 2013 captioned the `The firearms bill’ was a clear reflection of a petit-bourgeoisie strategy at approaching this whole question of influencing change in Guyana.  Stabroek News’ recommendations are just not practical or workable in Guyana’s political context.  Thus I totally disagree with Stabroek News’ opinion that the opposition strategy is a tactical error; it is not!


The PPP leaders are mainly “political trench” fighters and will not react to the Stabroek News’ recommended tactical options of “heckling, and arguing vociferously”.  The PPP is the pathological school yard bully and trying to engage the school yard bully in dialogue is an effort in futility. The PPP will only listen to the majority opposition when they take firm “political trench” fighting techniques like voting down all Home Affairs legislation in the name of Clement James Rohee.


I want to go on record to commend Mr. Granger and Mr. Ramjattan for their consistency in standing firm on this Rohee crime-infested scandal and look forward for this same consistency in their political deliberations on the 2013 National Budget.


All these questionable projects like the Airport Expansion Project, the ICT Cable Project and the entire Home Affairs capital budget (Rohee must go!) must be rejected in their entirety by the majority opposition until the PPP account to the electorate on all these Jagdeo schemes and until the views of the majority opposition on Rohee are taken on board by President Ramotar.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Samuels

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Originally Posted by Mahen:


It is the Foreign Based Guyanese who must be attentive to the outpouring of indiscretions of the PPP cabal upon their fellow citizens. These Freedom House Gang MUST GO.


The Peoples Progressive Party needs new leadership and I doan mean the President of Guyana. He be gone soon after his tenure. We need a NEW GENERAL SECRETARY.

Originally Posted by Mahen:



Agree fully with opposition stance on Rohee

Posted By Staff Writer On March 23, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

Reading the Stabroek News Editorial of March 18th, 2013 captioned the `The firearms bill’ was a clear reflection of a petit-bourgeoisie strategy at approaching this whole question of influencing change in Guyana.  Stabroek News’ recommendations are just not practical or workable in Guyana’s political context.  Thus I totally disagree with Stabroek News’ opinion that the opposition strategy is a tactical error; it is not!


The PPP leaders are mainly “political trench” fighters and will not react to the Stabroek News’ recommended tactical options of “heckling, and arguing vociferously”.  The PPP is the pathological school yard bully and trying to engage the school yard bully in dialogue is an effort in futility. The PPP will only listen to the majority opposition when they take firm “political trench” fighting techniques like voting down all Home Affairs legislation in the name of Clement James Rohee.


I want to go on record to commend Mr. Granger and Mr. Ramjattan for their consistency in standing firm on this Rohee crime-infested scandal and look forward for this same consistency in their political deliberations on the 2013 National Budget.


All these questionable projects like the Airport Expansion Project, the ICT Cable Project and the entire Home Affairs capital budget (Rohee must go!) must be rejected in their entirety by the majority opposition until the PPP account to the electorate on all these Jagdeo schemes and until the views of the majority opposition on Rohee are taken on board by President Ramotar.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Samuels

thank you Mr Samuels.  short, to the point, on the money, very factual.  thanks for highlighting that bhrat is a tief.

Originally Posted by Mahen:



Agree fully with opposition stance on Rohee

Posted By Staff Writer On March 23, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

Reading the Stabroek News Editorial of March 18th, 2013 captioned the `The firearms bill’ was a clear reflection of a petit-bourgeoisie strategy at approaching this whole question of influencing change in Guyana.  Stabroek News’ recommendations are just not practical or workable in Guyana’s political context.  Thus I totally disagree with Stabroek News’ opinion that the opposition strategy is a tactical error; it is not!


The PPP leaders are mainly “political trench” fighters and will not react to the Stabroek News’ recommended tactical options of “heckling, and arguing vociferously”.  The PPP is the pathological school yard bully and trying to engage the school yard bully in dialogue is an effort in futility. The PPP will only listen to the majority opposition when they take firm “political trench” fighting techniques like voting down all Home Affairs legislation in the name of Clement James Rohee.


I want to go on record to commend Mr. Granger and Mr. Ramjattan for their consistency in standing firm on this Rohee crime-infested scandal and look forward for this same consistency in their political deliberations on the 2013 National Budget.


All these questionable projects like the Airport Expansion Project, the ICT Cable Project and the entire Home Affairs capital budget (Rohee must go!) must be rejected in their entirety by the majority opposition until the PPP account to the electorate on all these Jagdeo schemes and until the views of the majority opposition on Rohee are taken on board by President Ramotar.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Samuels

these crooks must be exposed.  I know you ready angel ak bhrat.  you are finished.


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