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The people need to know

August 14, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

Governments provide leadership; leaders provide answers to questions by the populace; and politicians always try to keep people as well informed as possible about their every action, unless those actions may run counter to what the people actually walk.
Many have seen the effect of a government that refused to deal with issues close to the people who support it. Even in the United States, when people discover that one of the leaders is operating outside the best interest of the people they make so much ruckus that the head of the government has no option to act.
More often than not, because the courts are independent they act to the exclusion of the national leaders. More than a few senior leaders have found themselves in jail, to the extent that people are aware that no one is above the law.
Should one examine the Guyana situation, one would conclude that the government is less than accountable to the people who put it there. As far back as one could remember, one heard people criticizing the government for certain decisions. These criticisms ranged from ignoring basic requests for the people to blatant corruption and nepotism.
A reporter found that the wife of a government employee purchased a $60 million house on a salary of $40,000 a month. This was bound to raise eyebrows. Approaches to senior people in the administration for an investigation got nowhere.
One senior official promised an investigation while another sought to justify the purchase on the grounds that money was sent to Guyana to effect the house purchase. In any other country there would have been an examination of the income tax status.
Guyana shares a taxation policy with some countries. If one pays taxes in another country then Guyana will not tax that money. In the case of the house purchase, there should have been a declaration of the money. There was none. Instead there was total silence on the issue, to the point that it is all but forgotten.
Today there is the expose of Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese logging company that is shipping tons of logs out of the country although the company does not have an export licence to export logs in such quantities. There must be some collusion with Government entities because the exports continue.
The evidence is clear that the company has been able to either lease or acquire holdings that other logging companies owned. Having done that, Bai Shan Lin then operates as the owner of these new leases, contrary to the permit granted to it.
The Guyana Forestry Commission has attempted to address the issue while ignoring some key facts, one of which is the right to export logs in such large quantities. The forestry commission insists that it monitors the logs cut, but what it does not say is who is cutting the logs and under what conditions.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is still to approve requests from Bai Shan Lin, but the way things are the company does not need any approval from the EPA. The system has been circumvented, something that the forestry commission is denying.
One can understand that the law allows for any entity, local or foreign, to engage in joint ventures, but in this case there is no evidence that the other companies are part of the arrangement. They may be landlords, but the law still specifies the extent of exports that Bai Shan Lin can make.
It may be wise for the authorities to reveal the extent of royalty the country gets, the extent of taxes paid to the public treasury and the extent of deforestation. Reporters are unable to have a chance to interview the officials which suggests that they, the officials, are uncomfortable facing the press.
The Minister of Natural Resources is remarkably quiet, fuelling the view that he might not want to offend the Chinese. Indeed Guyana needs investment but the onus is on the government to let the people know what they are getting. Until the Bai Shan Lin expose, no one knew what was happening in the forestry sector.

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The Minister of Natural Resources is remarkably quiet, fuelling the view that he might not want to offend the Chinese. Indeed Guyana needs investment but the onus is on the government to let the people know what they are getting. Until the Bai Shan Lin expose, no one knew what was happening in the forestry sector.


Bai Nehro is that your contributions towards the plague (PPP/C Corruptions) that is devouring Guyana? I know that you can do better than that.

Guyana under the PPP/C has been ruling for over 20 + years have seen its citizens earning slave labor wages, Pensioners is being killed of because of starvation, and on the whole, Guyana remains that second poorest in this part of the world. Should not be so with all its resources.


Why cant you have some compassion and speak out agains't wrong doings, people will regain their respect for your views.


I guess that cussing up each other makes no sence. The Ball is in your court.


Okay then, since the ball is in my court, then let me make a suggestion that we should discontinue with the antagonism, with both of us entitled to our views,

and we may agree to disagree respectfully without any illwill.

Bai there is nothing to win here, and if there were then I would have concede you being the winner ever since.


Peace Bro.


The catch word here is "over the line" like you rightly says, and many a times it happens, do I have a right to respond as I see fit? I think that I do, and leave it to the Admin.

Yes, many a times I do feel offended, and I do respond when someone gets personal, maybe my response also gets the other party offended, so where do we draw the line?


Deleting my handle and say goodbye, is under consideration, but not before my points accumulation amounts to 100,000 joining a few that reached that milestone, and I am about to get there. All in due course. 


Originally Posted by asj:

The Minister of Natural Resources is remarkably quiet, fuelling the view that he might not want to offend the Chinese. Indeed Guyana needs investment but the onus is on the government to let the people know what they are getting. Until the Bai Shan Lin expose, no one knew what was happening in the forestry sector.


He is not quiet he is speaking through his surrogates, James Singh and all the staff at forestry creating videos and propagating out bullshit after bullshit followed by more pure unfiltered horse shit.


Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.

But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.

Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:

This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.

Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.

After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea.
BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.

Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)

Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc.
Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!

This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.

Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?

Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005
More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.

$300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).

These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

TI ranked the US, Israel, and South Korea as more corrupted than Barbados. These countries don't give much credence to this report by TI.

Are you not related to Kawal Totaram?

These shameless jackasses will invent all kinds of crap to excuse the wholesale corruption by the PPP. 

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I will be in Guelph this weekend. If you want clash no problem. I carry a mugdar at  all times.


Ow Bhaya


All you don't fight. Peace, Peace.

Om Shanti

LOL! The mugdar he carries all the time is his Billy Goat Seed bag.

Come on guys. Both of you are grown adults; no need to go this route.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I will be in Guelph this weekend. If you want clash no problem. I carry a mugdar at  all times.


Ow Bhaya


All you don't fight. Peace, Peace.

Om Shanti

LOL! The mugdar he carries all the time is his Billy Goat Seed bag.

Come on guys. Both of you are grown adults; no need to go this route.


Non-installed IFMAS modulesâ€ĶGovt.’s corrupt methods are indeed “very mature”



– AFC Ramjattan

The excuse given by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh that his ministry failed to implement two of the modules belonging to a foolproof accounting system because it is suited for a more “mature” environment, only proves one thing, and that is-—Government’s corrupt methods are indeed “very mature.”

 AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

This was the conclusion of the Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, who told Kaieteur News that he feels vindicated by the retort of the developers of the Integrated Financial Management Accounting System (IFMAS).


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